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Yeah, so, anime.

Ol' Spanktooth

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HMV tend to have loads in an "Animated" section next to Foreign Cinema and Martial Arts.

Mostly they're like £20 or so per DVD but every now and again there'll be a couple on offer for a fiver, a tenner or 2 for £15 or something....

The main HMV in town?

Yeah that one. Not the silly little pointless one near the station though, but the one next to Virgin...

Yeah, thought as much. Awesome, I'll check it out.

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HMV tend to have loads in an "Animated" section next to Foreign Cinema and Martial Arts.

Mostly they're like £20 or so per DVD but every now and again there'll be a couple on offer for a fiver, a tenner or 2 for £15 or something....

The main HMV in town?

Yeah that one. Not the silly little pointless one near the station though, but the one next to Virgin...

Yeah, thought as much. Awesome, I'll check it out.

If you wind up buying anything get Princess Mononoke (Y)

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Speaking of Bleach, I love the third (current) opening theme. The series sometimes ventures of Dragonball-levels of slowness, but the song is awesome.

Yeah, I don't have much else to say that hasn't already been. There are a few other series I could mention...like Saikano, Fruits Basket, Full Metal Panic? FUMOFFU! (the original FMP was already mentioned)...and so on. But then, people like GoGo, damshow, Ekiyashi and such already have good lists.

Anyone else watching Pani Poni Dash? It blasts shows like Excel Saga away in terms of sheer randomness. I am most impressed.

My-Hime Volume 1, coming to Region 1 DVD March 2006. Mark it in your calanders, bitches.

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Puni Puni Poemi would be good if it wasn't so frikkin' perverted from start to finish. Although whenever I watch it I tend to forgive all as soon as NABESHIN makes his comeback at the end...booyah.

I bought my friend Volume 1 of Paranoia Agent for Christmas, but I've yet to get the opportunity to thieve it back off her and watch it myself. Damn. ¬_¬

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Haha, I've also not been bothered to keep up to date with Blood+. I'm much more interested in Mai Otome/Black Cat/Paradise Kiss/etc.

Speaking of Black Cat - new episode this week, the show having been pre-empted since before Christmas due to crappy Japanese New Year's programming. Wooooo.

Yeah, Creed is supremely badass.

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I guess the standard 26. Since we're up to 12, and you rarely ever get series that run between 13 and 24 episodes. There's still a fair lot to do, but nowhere near enough to run to some silly number like 52: We've got a whole load of Creed's goons to get through in that time, plus the inevitable Saya swerve yet to come.

She is so, so blatently not dead, and that I am willing to bet money on.

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OK, short and simple: I need some recommendations for good mecha anime, as I have an itching for some giant robot mayhem. I am a relative newbie in the genre, as I've only watched Neon Genesis Evangelion and the first Patlabor movie, as well as read some of the Gundam Wing manga. I've heard some good things about The Big O, but more hints would be greatly appreciated.

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Yeah, Nadesico or Full Metal Panic. With its two subsequent series ('Fumoffu' and 'The Second Raid') FMP has solidified itself as my Favourite Anime Franchise Ever...if that should sway you in any way.

Although Nadesico is great fun, and is in some ways a humourous ripoff of Evangelion, which is all good. You could then watch Vandread, which is a much-more-blatent humourous ripoff of Nadesico. Continue the chain, if you will. :shifty:

Damn, almost forgot the Mecha Series Within A Mecha Series...for in getting Nadesico you will also get to experience the awesome Gekigangar 3 in with the bargain. LET'S GO PASSION! >_>

Edited by stokeriño
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I loved Paranoia Agent. I loved it so much I still have Li'l Slugger as my avatar.

I've got 2 DVDs of Full Metal Panic. It's not fantastic(at least not the first two volumes, but what anime is in the first two volumes? I mean, besides Cowboy Bebop.) But it's pretty good, and I've been meaning to pick up a boxed set.

Has anyone else seen Mezzo? The series, specifically. It's a shame it's only 3 volumes.

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OK, short and simple: I need some recommendations for good mecha anime, as I have an itching for some giant robot mayhem. I am a relative newbie in the genre, as I've only watched Neon Genesis Evangelion and the first Patlabor movie, as well as read some of the Gundam Wing manga. I've heard some good things about The Big O, but more hints would be greatly appreciated.

I'm a rather big Full Metal Panic! fan, as well as FMP: The Second Raid. I unfortunately never caught FMP: FUMOFFU, but I will eventually I hope. That's my recommendation, it's a total departure from NGE since it is lacking in symbolism, and takes a much lighter approach to its characters (Though there are some moments, especially in TSR, which are incredibly deep and emotional).

I also watched Paranoia Agent at long last, it was a good show. Shame I was all messed up on medicine (Had my wisdom teeth taken out), but I guess knowing the ending beforehand actually helped me out since I didn't have to think about it... that would've been impossible.

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