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Year End Blowout 2 (Kalamazoo)

December 27, 2008

Announcer: Brian Guppie

Color Commentator: Mike Patterson

Guppie: “Welcome to the SMWA Year End Blowout Two. We have a huge show lined up for you tonight. Seven great matches with a huge steel cage main event.”

Patterson: “That’s right, in our main event Elix Skipper defends the SMWA Championship against Petey Williams in the steel cage. It’s going to be an epic battle.”

Guppie: “But we have a lot of action before we get to that match. We start off the show with title action as Jack Evans defends the Premier Championship against Josh Abercrombie.”

Patterson: “Abercrombie doesn’t have a lot of experience here in the SMWA but he is a proven wrestler elsewhere and he wants to prove himself here as well. He’s got a golden chance tonight as he takes on Jack Evans who is the Premier Champion and a former SMWA Champion but it’s not going to be an easy task to take the belt from Jack.”

Segment 1: Jack Evans ©vs. Josh Abercrombie (SMWA Premier Championship)

The two men start circling each other and Abercrombie moves in and catches Evans with a forearm stunning him. Abercrombie sends Evans into the ropes with an Irish whip and swings with a clothesline but Evans ducks under it. Evans bounces off the opposite ropes and drops Abercrombie with a spinning front kick. Evans pulls Abercrombie up to his feet and shoots him into the corner with an Irish whip. Evans charges and runs into a big forearm shot from Abercrombie that lays him out. Evans gets up to his hands and knees before Abercrombie pulls him up then lifts him up and plants him with a powerslam. Abercrombie climbs up to the top rope and lets Evans get up to his feet then comes off with a missile dropkick that sends Evans rolling out of the ring under the bottom rope. Abercrombie goes to the ropes and launches himself over the top rope with a crossbody block. Evans moves out of the way and Abercrombie manages to land on his feet. Evans hits Abercrombie with a hard forearm shot then takes him down with a spinning heel kick. Evans jumps up onto the apron and lets Abercrombie get up to his feet then springboards off the top rope with a double moonsault right onto Abercrombie and drawing massive cheers from the crowd. Evans gets up to his feet and talks some shit to the fans and the camera. Evans pulls Abercrombie up to his feet and rolls him into the ring. Evans slides in under the bottom rope and gets up to his feet then hits a corkscrew shooting star press and hooks a leg for a long two count. Evans pulls Abercrombie up to his feet and shoots him into the corner with an Irish whip. Evans charges in but Abercrombie catches him with a backbody drop. Evans manages to grab the top rope and swing around to land on the apron. Abercrombie turns around and blocks a punch from Evans then connects with a forearm shot of his own. Abercrombie grabs Evans and lifts him up for a suplex bringing him into the ring then sets him on the top rope. Abercrombie climbs up to the second rope and Evans hits him with some right hands then kicks him in the chest sending Abercrombie down to the mat. Evans gets up to his feet on the top rope and turns around. Abercrombie gets up to his feet and leaps up hitting Evans with a dropkick racking him up on the top rope backwards. Abercrombie grabs Evans by the back of the head and pulls him back draping his feet on the top rope then pulls him down into a lung blower. Abercrombie makes a cover and gets a two count before Evans gets a foot on the bottom rope to break up the cover. Abercrombie pulls Evans up to his feet and takes him over with a hard snap suplex then climbs up to the top rope. Abercrombie comes off with a phoenix splash but Evans rolls out of the way and Abercrombie slams into the mat hard. Evans jumps up to the top rope and lets Abercrombie get up to his feet then comes off with a moonsault and catches Abercrombie and pulls him down into a sick DDT. Evans gets up and climbs up to the top rope again and lands the 630 splash. Evans hooks a leg on Abercrombie and gets the three count.

Winner: Jack Evans (9:36)


OA: 67

Guppie: “What a fast paced and impressive title defense by Jack Evans there. Those two guys went all out in that short match.”

Patterson: “Evans managed to pull off some impressive high flying moves that gave him the advantage while Abercrombie wasn’t able to hit his.”

Guppie: “Our next match has Spanky taking on Nate Mattson and this match will be under Mattson’s rules which means there are no rules.”

Patterson: “Mattson has come back with a vengeance and has shown no restraint in any of his matches and set a new level of violence here in the SMWA.”

Segment 2: Spanky vs. Nate Mattson (No-DQ)

Spanky starts the match off quickly. As Mattson walks down the ramp Spanky flies through the ropes with a suicide dive laying him out on the outside to cheers from the crowd. Spanky pulls Mattson up and sends him into the guardrail with a hard Irish whip. Spanky charges and hits Mattson with a clothesline that sends him over and into the crowd. Spanky climbs over the guardrail and nails Mattson with a series of right hands then takes him over with a hiptoss sending him through a bunch of chairs. Spanky basks in the adulation of the crowd and when he turns around Mattson jabs a chair into his midsection. Mattson gets up to his feet and slams the chair down across the back of Spanky sending him down to the floor. Mattson pulls Spanky up to his feet and drives a forearm across the side of his head then scoops him up and powerslams him onto the gym floor. Mattson pulls Spanky up to his feet and runs him to the guardrail and flips him over to the ringside area. Spanky slowly gets up to his feet and Mattson stands up on the guardrail and jumps off with a double axe handle sending Spanky back down to the floor. Mattson pulls Spanky up and throws him into the ring. Mattson reaches under the ring and pulls table out from under there and sets it on the ring apron and the top of the guardrail. Mattson slides into the ring and gets up to his hands and knees and Spanky nails him with a dropkick to the side of the head. Spanky pulls Mattson up to his feet and takes him over with a vertical suplex. Spanky pulls Mattson up to his feet and nails the left turn Albuquerque. Spanky holds onto Mattson and goes for the sliced bread #2. Mattson holds Spanky up and throws him over the top rope and through the table on the outside. Spanky slams through the table and crashes to the floor drawing a holy shit chant from the crowd. Mattson slides out of the ring after Spanky and pulls another table out from underneath the ring and sets that one up by the apron. Mattson pulls a dazed Spanky up to his feet and rolls him into the ring. Mattson slides in after him and makes a cover for a two count before Spanky flings a shoulder up off the mat.

Mattson pulls Spanky up to his feet and sends him into the corner with a hard Irish whip. Mattson charges in and runs into a boot to the face from Spanky. Spanky pushes himself up to the second rope and grabs the head of Mattson taking him down with a tornado DDT leaving both men down on the mat. Spanky pulls himself up to his feet first and lets Mattson get up then charges and takes him down with a swinging neckbreaker. Spanky makes a cover and gets a two count of his own. Spanky pulls Mattson up to his feet and sends him into the ropes with an Irish whip. Mattson grabs the top rope stopping his momentum. Spanky charges and Mattson sends him over with a backbody drop but Spanky lands on the apron. Mattson turns around and Spanky hits him with a forearm shot then goes for a suplex to the outside but Mattson manages to land on the apron as well. The two men start trading forearm shots and Mattson gets the upperhand by poking Spanky in the eye. Mattson points to his head about how smart he is but Spanky comes back with a kick to the junk of Mattson turning the tables. Spanky grabs Mattson by the head and runs to the corner and up the side of the ringpost and hits the sliced bread #2 off the apron through the table next to the ring and the crowd goes crazy. Spanky is slow to get up to his feet and he plays to the crowd then goes under the ring and pulls another table out and slides it into the ring. Spanky pulls Mattson up and throws him into the ring then slides in after him. Spanky sets the table up in the corner then pulls Mattson up to his feet. Spanky hits Mattson with some forearm shots then shoots him into the ropes with an Irish whip and takes him down with a leg lariat. Spanky hooks the leg of Mattson and covers him for a long two count. Spanky pulls Mattson up to his feet and goes for a suplex but Mattson counters by landing behind Spanky then taking him over with a release german suplex dropping Spanky on the back of his head. Mattson gets up to his feet fired up. Spanky rises to his feet and Mattson connects with two stiff right hands. Mattson scoops Spanky up and plants him with a powerslam. Mattson then pulls Spanky up and throws him on top of the table then climbs up to the top rope and looks for a moonsault but Spanky gets off the table and trips Mattson racking him up. Spanky goes to the apron and climbs up to the top rope and grabs Mattson for a sliced bread #2 off the top but Mattson blocks it then hits Spanky with some forearm shots. Mattson spins Spanky around and lifts him up for a fireman’s carry. Mattson then comes off the top rope with a DVD through the table. Mattson crawls over and drapes an arm over Spanky and gets the three count.

Winner: Nate Mattson (15:22)


OA: 78

Guppie: “Those men pushed their bodies to the limit in that match and both men took a lot of punishment but Mattson managed to come out on top.”

Patterson: “The top rope DVD is brutal enough and going through a table just makes it worth. Spanky came close with the sliced bread number two to the floor through the table but the effort of getting Mattson back into the ring gave him enough time to recover.”

Guppie: “Our next match is a rematch as Brandon Thomaselli takes on Alex Shelley. Brandon managed to beat CM Punk in a rematch and he looks to repeat that feat against Alex Shelley here tonight.”

Patterson: “Shelley is just coming back from an arm injury but he’s not going to take it easy in this match. He wants to prove himself and come back stronger than before.”

Shelley on the mic

Alex Shelley walks out from the back and talks shit to some of the crowd members who hurl some insults on him. Shelley slides into the ring then takes the mic from the announcer.

Shelley: “Last week Austin Aries and I fell a little short in a tag team match against AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn. Those two had an experience edge on us that I thought would be a disadvantage but apparently I was wrong and it worked in their favor. Tonight, the shoe is on the other foot. I have the experience advantage as I take on Brandon Thomaselli. People are really high on him now since he won the Midwest Invitational Tournament. You didn’t have to face me in that tournament and last time we fought, remember I came out on top. I’m just better than you are and that’s a fact that neither you, nor anybody else can deny. Tonight I’m going to put you down for the count. Brandon, you can come down here right now and I’m going to show you what wrestling is all about.”

Segment 3: Alex Shelley vs. Brandon Thomaselli

Shelley and Brandon start the mach with a lockup and Shelley goes behind Brandon with a hammerlock. Brandon ducks behind reversing it into a hammerlock of his own. Shelley drops down tripping Brandon with a drop toehold then locks in the border city stretch. Brandon manages to crawl forward and grab the bottom rope quickly forcing the ref to break the hold. Brandon gets up to his feet and locks up with Shelley again. Brandon backs Shelley into the corner and gives a clean break when the ref calls for it. Shelley takes the opportunity to poke Brandon in the eye then spins him around and slams him into the corner. Shelley unloads with some forearm shots then shoots Brandon across to the opposite corner. Shelley charges in and leaps into him with double knees to the chest. Shelley snapmares Brandon out of the corner then nails him with a dropkick to the back of the head and makes a cover for a quick two count. Shelley pulls Brandon up to his feet and goes for a cross leg brainbuster but Brandon blocks it then breaks free from Shelley’s grip. Brandon fires off with a quick series of forearm shots then shoots Shelley into the ropes. Shelley rebounds and Brandon takes him over with a big backbody drop. Shelley gets up to his feet and Brandon jumps up and takes him over with a hurrincanranna. Brandon gets up to his feet pumped and gets cheers from the crowd. Shelley starts to get up to his feet and Brandon grabs him and gives him two short forearm shots then takes him over with a vertical suplex. Brandon follows up with an elbow drop then hooks a leg for a two count. Brandon pulls Shelley up to his feet again and sends him into the ropes again. Brandon goes for a tilt-a-whirl but Shelley flips over and lands on his feet. Shelley goes for a spinning kick to take out the legs of Brandon but he jumps over the kick. Shelley stands up and both men go for the dropkick and miss it. Both men get up to their feet and they go into a knuckle lock. Brandon slowly bends Shelley backwards into a bridge. Brandon jumps up and comes down across the legs of Shelley but doesn’t manage to break the bridge. Brandon gets off Shelley then jumps up to try again but Shelley drops his bridge and catches Brandon with a body scissors. Brandon fights the pain and throws a punch but Shelley blocks it then puts Brandon into a double underhook. Shelley cranks down on the body scissors and wrenching the shoulders of Brandon. Brandon pushes himself up to his feet with Shelley keeping his hold on him. Brandon manages to slowly walk forward and grabs the ropes and the ref forces Shelley to break the hold.

Shelley lets go of Brandon and nails him with a knee to the midsection. Shelley picks Brandon up then drops him across his knee with a gut buster. Shelley gets up to his feet and bounces off the ropes then jumps up and drives a knee into the midsection of Brandon. Shelley pulls Brandon up to his feet and moves him into the middle of the ring and puts him into an abdominal stretch. Brandon nails the leg of Shelley with some elbows loosening his grip then takes Shelley over with a hiptoss. Shelley gets up to his feet and Brandon hits him with a spinning heel kick. Brandon pulls Shelley up to his feet and backs him into the ropes and lights him up with some knife edge chops. Brandon goes for an Irish whip but Shelley reverses it sending Brandon into the ropes. Brandon comes off the ropes with a clothesline but Shelley ducks under it. Brandon rebounds and Shelley flips him over with a knee to the midsection. Shelley grabs Brandon and puts him into a seated abdominal stretch. Brandon slowly fights his way up to his feet and the ref checks on Brandon to see if he wants to give up. Shelley takes advantage of the ref’s lack of attention and grabs the top rope for some added leverage on the hold. The ref stands up and checks on Shelley who lets go of the rope just in time. The ref checks Brandon again and Shelley goes to the ropes again. The ref catches Shelley this time and starts a five count and then tells Shelley to let go. When he does Brandon takes him over with a hiptoss into a backbreaker that surprises the crowd. Brandon goes to the ropes pulling himself to his feet and keeps his right arm over his injured midsection. Shelley gets up to his hands and knees and Brandon drops an elbow across his back sending him back down to the mat. Brandon pulls Shelley up to his feet and lifts him up then spikes him with a brainbuster. Brandon makes a cover and gets a two count before Shelley manages to roll a shoulder. Brandon gets to his feet and delivers a stomp to the chest of Shelley then follows up with a perfect, standing shooting star press. Brandon stays on Shelley for the cover and gets another two count. Brandon rolls off Shelley into a seated position and holds his midsection. Brandon gets to his feet and grabs Shelley by his hair pulling him up. Brandon hits him with a forearm shot then bounces off the ropes and goes for a forearm but Shelley stops him with a kick to the midsection. Shelley grabs Brandon and plants him with a shellshock out of nowhere. Shelley makes a quick cover hooking both legs but Brandon somehow manages to kick out at the two count.

Shelley hooks his legs under the arms of Brandon then repeatedly slams his head into the mat with the skullfucker. Shelley untangles himself from Brandon then rolls him over and makes a cover for a long two count. Shelley pulls Brandon up to his feet and goes for a cross legged brainbuster. Brandon blocks the move and escapes backing into the ropes. Shelley charges but Brandon jumps up and takes him down with a leg lariat. Brandon pulls Shelley up to his feet and plants him with a quick air raid crash. Brandon hooks the leg of Shelley and gets a long two count before he manages to raise a shoulder. Brandon pulls Shelley up to his feet and sends him into the corner with an Irish whip. Brandon charges in and Shelly stops him with a big boot to the face. Shelley grabs Brandon and spikes him with the cross leg brainbuster. Shelley makes a cover and gets a two count before Brandon gets a foot on the bottom rope to force the break. Shelley pulls Brandon into the middle of the ring and rolls him over then locks in the border city stretch. Brandon pushes himself up to his feet making the hold useless then hits Shelley with back elbows to the midsection and Shelley lets go. Brandon bounces off the ropes and Shelley stops him with a kick to the midsection then takes Brandon over with the golden gate swing. Shelley makes a cocky cover and Brandon rolls a shoulder at the count of two and Shelley is pissed. Shelley pulls Brandon up and sends him into the corner with a hard Irish whip and charges in after him and hits a double knees to the chest. Shelley lifts Brandon up to the top rope then climbs up with him. Brandon hits Shelley with some hard punches to the midsection of Shelley then shoves him off the ropes to the mat. Brandon stands up on the second rope and Shelley jumps up and dropkicks him sitting him down again. Shelley climbs up the ropes and Brandon hits him with elbows to the midsection but Shelley stays on the ropes. Brandon then hits him with some stiff forearms to the side of the head then he lifts Shelley up over his shoulder. Brandon jumps off the second rope with Shelley and plants him with an air raid crash to huge cheers from the crowd. Brandon drops back on Shelley for a cover and gets the two count before Shelley grabs the bottom rope breaking up the cover. Brandon pulls Shelley up to his feet and lifts him up and plants him with another air raid crash. Brandon gets up to his feet and hits a standing shooting star press. Brandon hooks a leg and gets the three count.

Winner: Brandon Thomaselli (17:12)


OA: 77

Guppie: “Brandon took the best that Alex had in that match and he soaked it up and then came back to get the win.”

Patterson: “Shelley was relentless but he got kind of careless at the end and it cost him the match but what a match it was.”

Guppie: “Up next we have Paul London taking on Puma. This should be an intense match. These two guys are both awesome.”

Patterson: “London is a great technical wrestler with some nice high flying moves but Puma is a stiff striker and he can work any style.”

Segment 4: Paul London vs. Puma

London and Puma slowly circle each other to start the match and London goes for a lockup but Puma hits him with a kick to the side of the leg then follows up with a kick to the side of his midsection. Puma snapmares London over then dropkicks him in the back of the head. Puma grabs London from behind locking him into a rear chinlock. London fights up to his feet and hits Puma with some back elbows to the midsection. London backs up into the ropes then shoots Puma across the ring into the ropes. Puma rebounds and London hits him with a dropsault and gets up to his feet to cheers from the crowd. Puma gets up to his feet and London grabs him and takes him down to the mat with a headlock takedown. Puma kips up to his feet escaping from London. London gets up to his feet and Puma takes him over with an armdrag. London gets up to his feet and Puma takes him over with a Japanese armdrag. Puma pulls London up to his feet and whips him into the corner. London runs up the ropes and backflips off landing behind Puma as he charges in. Puma turns around and London jumps up and takes him over with a hurrincanranna and Puma slides out of the ring to the outside as the crowd cheers London. Puma starts arguing with a fan at ringside and London goes over to the ropes then leaps onto the top rope then goes flying to the outside with a shooting star press onto Puma to cheers from the crowd. London picks Puma up and throws him into the ring then slides in after him. Puma gets up to his hands and knees and London flips over him with a rollup and gets a two count before Puma manages to slip out. Puma rolls backwards up to his feet and faces off with London. London hits Puma with a forearm shot then sends him into the ropes with an Irish whip. Puma grabs the top rope and middle rope and holds himself between the ropes. London charges and Puma drops down to the mat then jumps up and hits London with an enziguri to the back of the head that sends London tumbling through the ropes and to the floor.

London gets up to his feet on the outside and Puma charges and launches himself over the top rope with a tope con hilo and takes London out and lands on his feet. Puma pulls London up to his feet and sends him down to the gym floor with a powerslam. Puma pulls London up to his feet and throws him into the ring. Puma jumps onto the apron then slingshots him with a senton across the chest of London. Puma makes a cover and gets a two count before London kicks out. Puma pulls London up to his feet and hooks him for a dragon suplex but London blocks. Puma lifts London up again and London manages to hold himself from going over then comes down and takes Puma over with a rollup for a quick two count. Puma gets up to his feet and takes London down with a brutal clothesline as he gets up to his feet. Puma grabs London by the hair and pulls him up. Puma drives a couple of knees into the side of London’s head then picks him up and plants him with a stiff powerbomb. Puma folds London up and covers him for a long two count before London manages to roll a shoulder. Puma pulls London up to his feet and sends him into the corner with an Irish whip. Puma charges in and hits London with a dropkick in the corner. Puma follows up with some stiff kicks pummeling London all over before dropping him with a roundhouse kick to the side of the head. London is seated in the corner and Puma backs up then charges and nails London with a knee to the side of his face sending him halfway out of the ring. Puma pulls London into the ring and away from the ropes and makes a cover for a long two count. London gets up to his feet in the ring and Puma grabs him and hits him with a hard forearm shot. Puma sends London into the corner with an Irish whip and charges in after him and goes right into the boots of London. London jumps up to the second rope and leaps off onto Puma and spikes him with a swinging DDT. London is up to his feet first and he grabs Puma as he starts to get up and takes him over with a northern lights suplex. London flips over backwards and pulls Puma up to his feet and hits another northern lights suplex. London flips backwards again and pulls Puma up then lifts him up and takes him over with a fall away slam and bridges the move for a long two count.

London climbs up to the top rope and lets Puma start to get up then jumps off the top rope with a double stomp to the back of Puma’s head sending him down to the mat. London makes a cover on Puma and gets a long two count before Puma manages to kick out. London pulls Puma up and plants him with a spinebuster. London goes out to the apron and climbs up to the top rope and comes off with a shooting star press but Puma gets his knees up and drives them into the chest of London. London gets up holding his chest and Puma grabs him from behind and plants him on the back of his head with a tiger suplex. Puma bridges and gets a long two count before London manages to roll backwards out of the cover. Puma pulls London up and takes him over for a german suplex but London flips over and lands on his feet. Puma gets up to his feet and kicks London in the midsection then goes for the tiger driver but London manages to reverse it with a hurrincanranna. Puma gets up to his feet a little woozy and London grabs him and takes him down with a hammerlock, trip DDT. London hooks a leg on Puma and gets a long two count before Puma barely lifts a shoulder off the mat. London pulls Puma up to his feet and hooks both his arms behind him for a tiger suplex. Puma blocks it then goes behind and takes London over with a tiger suplex. Puma holds onto London and pulls him up to his feet and takes him over with a dragon suplex and bridges it for the three count.

Winner: Puma (16:39)


OA: 71

Guppie: “Puma picks up a quick pinfall over Paul London with a tiger suplex followed up by a vicious dragon suplex.”

Patterson: “Those two were pulling out some big moves at the end. London kept going for a cover after every move but Puma kept on hitting moves until he had London knocked for a loop.”

Guppie: “We go from a friendly, competitive match to a match in the heated feud between the Backseat Boys and Prime Time as the tag team champions take on Ricky Reyes and B-Boy in a street fight.”

Patterson: “The last match between these two teams was thrown out because they went into the crowd but tonight anything goes and falls count anywhere. There will be a winner. The Backseat Boys are going to be coming for blood as Reyes and B-Boy have continued to follow them and attack them after their matches.”

Guppie: “This feud has gotten violent and it is only going to get taken to a new level of violence tonight.”

Segment 5: Backseat Boys ©vs. Ricky Reyes & B-Boy (SMWA Tag Team Championship, Street Fight)

Reyes and B-Boy start to come down the ramp as they are introduced but the Backseat Boys quickly jump them from behind to cheers from the crowd. Acid and Kashmere nail Reyes and B-Boy with belt shots to the back of the head sending them down to the floor and drop the belts down on the floor. The ref comes over and picks up the belts and gives them to the time keeper. Acid pulls B-Boy up to his feet and throws him over the guardrail and into the crowd and jumps over the guardrail after him. Kashmere pulls Reyes up to his feet and shoves him back first into the guardrail. Kashmere pulls Reyes up and sends him across the small entranceway and into the guardrail shoulder first with an Irish whip. Kashmere grabs Reyes and sends him down the entranceway and back first into the apron. In the crowd Acid pulls B-Boy up to his feet and takes him over with a vertical suplex onto the gym floor. Acid gets up to his feet getting slaps on the back from the fans as he stomps away at B-Boy. Acid starts to pull B-Boy up to his feet and gets a chair shot to his midsection. B-Boy gets up to his feet and sends Acid down to his knees with a chairshot to the back. B-Boy pulls Acid up to his feet and gets him running and throws him into the guardrail and Acid flips over the rail and into the ringside area. B-Boy pulls Acid up to his feet and hits him with some stiff forearm shots then grabs him and runs him into the ringpost. Kashmere takes Reyes into the ring and sends him into the corner with a hard Irish whip. Kashmere charges and runs into a big boot from Reyes. Kashmere staggers backwards and Reyes charges out of the corner and takes him down with a hard clothesline. B-Boy pulls Acid up to his feet and starts wailing away with forearm shots and Acid falls down leaning again the guardrail. B-Boy goes under the ring and pulls a ladder out from under the ring to cheers from the crowd. B-Boy lifts the ladder up and sets it across the apron and the guardrail. B-Boy pulls Acid up to his feet and goes for an Irish whip but Acid reverses it and B-Boy slams into the ladder and falls down to the floor. Acid pulls B-Boy up to his feet then lifts him up for a suplex then slams him down face first on the ladder. Acid jumps onto the apron and climbs up to the top rope. Reyes comes over to the corner and hits him with a forearm shot. B-Boy rolls off the ladder and gets away while Reyes flips Acid off the top rope and sends him crashing into the ladder and bending it a little bit before he bounces off and falls to the floor.

Kashmere grabs Reyes in the ring from behind and takes him over with a german suplex dropping him on the back of his head. B-Boy climbs onto the apron and tries to get in but Kashmere hits him with a dropkick to the head sending him tumbling down to the floor. B-Boy gets to his feet on the outside and Kashmere launches himself over the top rope with a crossbody block sending both men down to the floor. Kashmere pulls B-Boy up to his feet and Reyes charges and flies through the ropes with a suicide dive taking out both men while Reyes gets to his feet. Reyes goes under the ring and pulls out a table and sets it up. Reyes pulls Kashmere up and gets set to powerbomb him through the table but Acid comes over and hits Reyes with a forearm to the back. Acid fires off a couple more forearms and Kashmere frees himself from Reyes. Acid lifts Kashmere up for a belly to back suplex and puts him through the table with a blue thunder bomb. Kashmere pulls B-Boy up to his feet and goes for a powerslam but B-Boy slides down behind him and plants him with a belly to back suplex on the floor. B-Boy gets up and ducks a clothesline attempt from Acid and nails him with two forearm shots. B-Boy grabs Acid and runs him to the ring and throws him into the ring. B-Boy grabs the ladder and slides it into the ring then slides in after it. B-Boy leans the ladder in the corner then pulls Acid up. B-Boy sends Acid towards the ladder with an Irish whip but Acid puts the brakes on and turns around. B-Boy charges at him and Acid sends him over with a backbody drop slamming into the ladder hard. On the outside Kashmere gets to his feet and pulls Reyes up out of the wreckage of the table as he starts moving again. Kashmere throws Reyes into the ring then pulls two tables out from under the ring and sets them up next to each other at ringside. Kashmere slides into the ring and drops a knee to the back of Reyes’ head as he starts to get to his hands and knees. Kashmere sends Reyes into the ropes and telegraphs a backbody drop and gets a stiff kick to the chest that stands him up then a roundhouse kick to the side of the head that lays him out. Acid charges and takes Reyes out with a wicked yakuza kick. B-Boy pulls the ladder out of the corner and swings it connecting with the back of Acid and he tumbles to the mat. B-Boy unfolds the ladder and sets it up. B-Boy starts climbing up the ladder but not before Kashmere starts climbing up the other side. Both men get up to the top and start trading punches at the top. Reyes gets up to his feet and bounces off the ropes then hits the ladder and pushes it over. The ladder tips over and B-Boy and Acid fall to the outside and smash through the tables on the outside getting big holy shit chants from the crowd.

Kashmere gets up to his feet inside the ring and he starts trading forearm shots with Reyes. The two men go back and forth but Reyes eventually gets the upperhand and backs Kashmere into the corner with stiff forearms. Reyes lifts Kashmere up to the top rope then climbs up to the top rope and pulls Kashmere up. Reyes hooks Kashmere and takes him off the top rope with a fisherman buster. Reyes drags himself over towards Kashmere and drapes an arm over him for a long two count before Kashmere manages to lift a shoulder. Reyes rolls out of the ring and takes a chair from a fan and slides back into the ring. Reyes sets up the chair then pulls Kashmere up to his feet. Reyes hooks him for a fisherman buster but Kashmere blocks it then frees himself with forearm shots to the midsection of Reyes then stuns him with a forearm to the head. Kashmere grabs Reyes and lifts him up and drops him on the chair with a brainbuster and both men are down on the mat. Kashmere slowly recovers enough to roll on top of Reyes and gets a long two count. On the outside B-Boy and Acid are slowly getting up to their feet on the outside. Acid hits B-Boy with some forearm shots but B-Boy shakes them off and nails him with a hard kick to the leg sending Acid down to a knee. B-Boy steps up on his knee and connects with a shining wizard that leaves Acid down in the wreckage of the tables. B-Boy gets up and grabs the apron and rolls into the ring. B-Boy grabs the ladder and folds it up then leans it again the ropes. B-Boy grabs Kashmere and spins him around and takes him over with an exploder suplex on the ladder. B-Boy pulls Kashmere off the ladder and makes a cover for a two count before Acid comes into the ring and dives in with an elbow smash to the back of B-Boy to break up the cover. B-Boy gets up to his feet and nails Acid with a brutal forearm shot sending him down to the mat. B-Boy grabs the chair in the ring and folds it up as well as he can. Acid gets up to a knee and B-Boy charges and hits a shining wizard with the chair and Acid hits the mat and rolls out of the ring. Kashmere gets up and grabs B-Boy and folds him up on the back of his head with a backdrop driver. Kashmere gets up to his feet and barely ducks under a rolling forearm from Reyes. Reyes spins around and Kashmere grabs him and plants him with a DDT.

Kashmere gets up and grabs the ladder and leans it in the corner. Kashmere grabs B-Boy and pulls him over to the corner. Kashmere lifts B-Boy up and drops him face first onto the ladder with an inverted suplex. Kashmere gets up to cheers from the crowd and pulls Reyes up to his feet. Kashmere kicks him in the midsection then picks Reyes up and drives him into the mat with a piledriver. Kashmere makes a cover and only gets a two count before Reyes manages to roll a shoulder. Acid gets up outside the ring with blood flowing down his forehead. Acid pulls a table out from under the ring and slides it into the ring. Kashmere grabs the table and sets it up in the middle of the ring. Kashmere pulls B-Boy up to his feet and hits him with some forearm shots then takes him over towards the table. Acid gets up with Kashmere and the two men hook B-Boy under the arms then lifts him up and drives him through the table with the t-gimmick. Kashmere makes the cover but Reyes pulls him off at the count of two. Acid grabs Reyes and spins him around and gets a big forearm shot for his trouble. Reyes follows up with a roundhouse kick that lays Acid out. Kashmere gets up to his feet and grabs Reyes from behind with a rear waistlock but Reyes does a standing switch then takes Kashmere over with a tiger suplex and bridges it for a two count before Kashmere manages to kick out. Reyes pulls Kashmere up to his feet and throws him over the top rope to the outside. Acid starts to get up to his feet in the ring and Reyes grabs him and plants him with a fisherman buster. Reyes pulls Acid back up to his feet and takes him over with a tiger suplex and bridges the hold for a three count.

Winner: Reyes & B-Boy (21:19)


OA: 76

Guppie: “Ricky Reyes and B-Boy have won the SMWA Tag Team Titles from the Backseat Boys in a brutal street fight.”

Patterson: “Reyes saw that Acid was the weaker of the two with his blood loss and isolated him at the end in order to get the pinfall.”

Guppie: “After that match we have to take an intermission as the ring crew cleans out the ring. But we will be coming back with AJ Styles taking on Austin Aries.”

Patterson: “These are two explosive athletes who can go on the mat or pull out big, high-flying moves. This is going to be an exciting match.”

Segment 6: AJ Styles vs. Austin Aries

The match starts with a lockup between the two men and Styles powers Aries into the corner with his size advantage. The ref calls for the break and Styles gives a clean break but Aries rakes his eyes. Aries grabs Styles and throws him into the corner and nails him with some stiff knife edge chops. Aries sends Styles across the ring with an Irish whip and into the corner. Aries charges and goes for a dropkick but Styles moves out of the way and lands on the top of the ropes and then drops himself on the back of his head. Styles grabs Aries and pulls him up to his feet and takes him over with a snap suplex. Styles floats over into a cover and gets a two count before Aries rolls a shoulder. Styles pulls Aries up and sends him into the ropes with an Irish whip and takes Aries over with a big backbody drop. Aries gets up to his feet and Styles nails him with a big dropkick and Aries hits the mat and rolls out of the ring for a break. Aries gets distracted and starts arguing with a fan at ringside. Styles gets a running start then leaps over the top rope with a hilo and takes Aries out as he turns towards the ring. Styles pulls Aries up to his feet and throws him into the ring. Styles climbs onto the apron then slingshots himself in with a senton but Aries gets his knees up and into the back of Styles as he comes down. Styles gets up grabbing his back. Aries grabs Styles from behind and delivers a shinbreaker then holds onto Styles and takes him over with a backdrop driver. Aries hooks a leg on Styles and covers him for a two count. Aries pulls Styles up to his feet and goes for a suplex but Aries spins around and lands behind Aries. Styles grabs Aries and goes for a belly to back suplex but Aries flips over landing on his feet. Aries grabs Styles with a rear waistlock and goes for a german suplex but Styles flips over landing on his feet. Aries gets up and Styles charges and takes him down with a spinning heel kick. Styles pulls Aries up to his feet and sends Aries into the corner with an Irish whip. Styles charges and hits Aries with a big forearm in the corner then goes out to the apron. Aries staggers out of the corner and Styles springboards into the ring and lays Aries out with a hard forearm shot. Styles makes a cover on Aries and gets a two count before Aries rolls a shoulder.

Styles pulls Aries up to his feet and takes him over with a german suplex and rolls over the back of Aries and pulls him up to his feet again. Styles lifts Aries up for a belly to back suplex then sitouts with a facebuster. Styles rolls Aries over with a cover and gets another two count. Styles pulls Aries up to his feet and picks him up for the styles clash. Aries fights the hold and frees a leg and nails Styles with some kicks to the head and Styles drops him to the mat. Aries gets up to his feet and nails Styles with a series forearm shots. Aries bounces off the ropes and drops Styles with a solid rolling forearm. Aries goes to the ropes and connects with an asai moonsault. Aries hooks a leg on Styles and gets a two count. Aries pulls Styles up to his feet and sends him into the corner with an Irish whip. Aries charges and connects with a hard dropkick to the face of Styles. Aries pulls Styles out of the corner then lifts him up on his shoulders and plants him on the back of his head with a DVD. Aries makes a cover and gets a two count. Aries looks bemused and he pulls Styles up to his feet and plants him with a brainbuster. Aries goes up to the top rope and comes off with a 450 splash but Styles gets his knees up into the midsection of Aries. Styles gets up to his feet and grabs Aries from behind and takes him over with a german suplex and bridges for a two count before Aries manages to kick out and escape. Styles pulls Aries up to his feet and sends him into the ropes with an Irish whip. Styles catches Aries and hits him with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Styles holds onto Aries and lifts him up and spins him around and connects with a gut buster. Styles makes a cover on Aries and gets a two count. Styles pulls Aries up to his feet and goes for an Irish whip but Aries reverses it. Styles jumps onto the second rope and springs off with a backflip and catches Aries landing behind him then takes him down with a reverse DDT. Styles hooks a leg for the cover and scores a two count. Styles pulls Aries up to his feet and lifts him up for the styles clash then drops down connecting with his finisher. Styles rolls Aries over for a cover and gets a two count before Aries grabs the bottom rope stopping the cover. Styles gets up to his feet holding onto Aries and lifts him up and slams him down to the mat with a powerbomb. Styles climbs up to the top rope then comes off with the spinal tap landing perfectly. Styles hooks a leg on Aries and gets the three count.

Winner: AJ Styles (14:11)


OA: 73

Guppie: “Styles picks up a big win over Austin Aries and shows why he is the phenomenal one.”

Patterson: “Aries put up a good fight but he wasn’t able to pull out a victory over the more experienced Styles.”

Guppie: “Our next match has Style’s tag team partner, Jerry Lynn, taking on CM Punk.”

Patterson: “This is going to be a good match. Punk can do it all and Lynn is a great mat wrestler and an excellent all around wrestler. This could get wild.”

Punk loves the mic

CM Punk walks out from the back to boos from the crowd. Punk looks back and forth at the fans then shakes his head as he walks down to the ring. Punk climbs up onto the apron then goes through the ropes and takes the mic from the announcer.

Punk: “A couple of weeks ago I got to face Lynn and his partner Styles in a tag team match as well as Paul London and Spanky. I needed to find a partner and what I did was look outside of the SMWA and I brought in Super Dragon to be my partner. That was a mistake, Dragon may be good but he wasn’t good enough and we lost that match to Lynn and Styles. My mistake was in looking outside of the SMWA. What I should have done was what I do best. Find some people in the promotion I can trust and get them to watch my back and promise to watch theirs. With all of the factions forming in the backstage it’s not safe to be on your own which is what I am right now. Or, I should, say what I was. I’ve been looking around to find the backup that I need to watch my back and to create a dominant faction. Tonight I’m still on my own but you fans will see the debut of my group. My group, called the Fantastic Four! No, we’re not the super hero group with that same name, we’re going to be better and we are going to run the SMWA! Tonight I get to take some personal revenge though. Jerry and AJ may have got the best of me in tag team action but I’ve beaten AJ one-on-one and I am going to beat Jerry tonight in a singles match as well. Tonight you fans are going to have to accept how awesome CM Punk is. What I am is straight-edge! I’m drug-free, alcohol-free and that means I’m better than you!”

Segment 7: CM Punk vs. Jerry Lynn

Punk and Lynn lock up to start the match and Punk goes behind with a hammerlock. Punk trips Lynn down to the match and tries to put Lynn’s hand to the back of his head. Lynn spins himself around on the mat and then kips up to his feet. Lynn nails Punk with a kick to the chest breaking the hold. Lynn grabs Punk and takes him over with a side headlock. Punk reaches back with his legs and grabs Lynn with a headscissors. Lynn turns around on the mat then does a headstand and comes down to his knees escaping from Punk’s hold. Both men get up to their feet and face off to polite applause from the crowd. The two men circle each other and Punk nails Lynn with a forearm shot to the side of the head. Lynn shakes it off and retaliates with a forearm shot of his own. Punk comes back with a knife edge chop and starts exchanging them with Lynn back and forth. Lynn starts to get the advantage with chops until Punk rakes him in the eyes. Punk follows that up with a dropkick that lays Lynn out. Punk pulls Lynn up to his feet and takes him over with a snapmare. Punk nails him with a kick to the small of the pack then grabs Lynn with a butterfly armlock and sticks his knee into the small of Lynn’s back. Lynn fights his way up to his feet and reverses the hold and takes Punk down to his knees and puts him into the hold himself. Lynn drops Punk’s arms then leaps up and dropkicks Punk in the back of the head. Lynn pulls Punk up to his feet and plants him with a belly to back suplex. Lynn makes a cover and Punk kicks out at the count of two. Lynn pulls Punk up to his feet and shoots him into the corner with an Irish whip. Lynn charges in and Punk stops him with a stiff forearm shot. Punk throws Lynn into the corner and unleashes some stiff forearm shots then stomps Lynn down in the corner. Punk follows up with some face washes then charges and bounces off the far ropes and nails Lynn with a brutal boot scrape. Punk pulls a dazed Lynn out of the corner and takes him over with a vertical suplex then floats over into a cover for a two count. Punk gets up and delivers a hard stomp to the chest of Lynn then follows up with an elbow drop. Punk pulls Lynn up and sends him back down to the mat with a powerslam. Punk climbs up to the top rope and comes off with a guillotine legdrop but Lynn rolls out of the way and Punk slams down onto the mat. Lynn gets up to his feet and connects with a dropkick to the face of Punk laying him out. Lynn hooks a leg and rolls on top of Punk for a long two count before he manages to roll a shoulder.

Lynn pulls Punk up to his feet and hooks him for a piledriver but Punk blocks it then takes Lynn over with a backbody drop. Punk gets up to his feet and rails Lynn with a forearm shot that sends him staggering back to the ropes. Punk charges and connects with a clothesline that sends Lynn to the floor and Punk flips over with him and lands on the apron. Lynn gets up to his feet on the outside and Punk jumps off the apron and lands on Lynn taking him over with a hurrincanranna on the floor. Punk gets to his feet and gets in the face of some fans at ringside and starts talking shit with them. Lynn starts to get up to his feet and Punk nails him with a kick to the side of the head sending him back down. Punk pulls Lynn up to his feet and throws him into the ring then slides in after him. Punk pulls Lynn up to his feet and hooks both his arms behind his back. Punk lifts him up and brings him down with the double underhook backbreaker. Punk hooks a leg for the cover and gets a two count before Lynn rolls a shoulder. Punk pulls Lynn up to his feet and hits him with a forearm shot then shoots him into the ropes with an Irish whip. Lynn rebounds off the ropes and Punk goes down for a backbody drop and Lynn grabs him and spins him around into a tornado DDT. Both men slowly get up to their feet. Punk throws a punch but Lynn blocks it and responds with a punch of his own staggering Punk. Lynn unloads with a series of punches backing Lynn into the corner as the crowd starts to get behind him with cheers. Lynn grabs Punk and sends him across the ropes with an Irish whip. Punk rebounds and Lynn grabs him with a tilt-a-whirl putting Punk into a Canadian backbreaker. The crowd cheers as the chance for Punk tapping out appears to be there. Punk fights the hold and Lynn drops him down to the mat. Lynn grabs Punk by the hair and pulls him up then lifts him up for a piledriver. Lynn goes to turn it into a cradle piledriver but Punk hits Lynn with some kicks and Lynn drops him down to the mat. Punk grabs Lynn by the legs and trips him down to the mat. Punk holds onto the legs of Lynn then takes him over with a slingshot and Lynn goes face first into the corner. Punk charges and hits Lynn in the back of the head with a forearm shot. Punk climbs up to the top rope and pulls Lynn up to the second rope. Punk hooks the arms of Lynn for the Pepsi Plunge. Lynn blocks the move then sends Punk off the ropes and into the ring with a backbody drop. Lynn climbs up onto the top rope and comes off with a missile dropkick but Punk sidesteps it and Lynn hits the mat hard. Punk lets Lynn get up to a knee then charges and connects with a shining wizard. Punk grabs Lynn and locks him into the anaconda vice. Lynn fights the hold but can’t move any closer to the ropes. Lynn refuses to tap out and instead passes out and the ref calls for the bell.

Winner: CM Punk (16:47)


OA: 84

Guppie: “CM Punk picks up a big victory over the veteran Jerry Lynn in a back and forth match.”

Patterson: “That was a hard hitting contest between those two men as both men wanted to get the big win here tonight.”

Guppie: “We’ll have a short break before the main event as the ring crew has to set up the cage. This is going to be a brutal match.”

Patterson: “There is bad blood between these two men stemming from a long time ago. Skipper helped kick Williams out of Prime Time and helped make his life hell from then on.”

Guppie: “Williams focused his attention on his former tag team partner B-Boy until Elix Skipper cheated to retain the SMWA Championship with the help of Prime Time.”

Patterson: “Last month Williams defeated Samoa Joe to get this title shot and to name the stipulation of a cage for this match and tonight Williams is looking to get his revenge and win hte belt.”

Segment 8: One More Notch on the Belt

Elix Skipper walks out from the back with the belt around his waist while the crew finishes setting up the cage. Skipper has a mic in hand as the crowd boos him.

Skipper: “Tonight Petey Williams gets the rematch in the cage that he wanted. Unfortunately for him this is a match I want too. Last time I had some assistance to beat punk Petey but I didn’t need the help I just wanted to get that match over with quickly. Petey, if you think for one minute you are walking out of this cage with my belt around your waist you are mistaken. I’ve been in the cage before and I like being there. When we get into this cage tonight I am going to unleash on you. I know you are somewhere in the back and you can hear me. What you see around that ring is the steel cage you asked for and the steel cage I am going to use to end your career. You will be left bloody and broken laying on the mat when I am through with you. I am going to beat you tonight because I am Prime Time and I am the best wrestler in the SMWA!”

Skipper stops talking and Williams bursts out from the back and takes Skipper down with a clothesline to the back of the head and the fight is on!

OA: 76

Segment 9: Elix Skipper ©vs. Petey Williams (SMWA Championship, Cage Match)

Williams pulls Skipper up off the gym floor as the crowd cheers him on. Williams grabs Skipper by the back of his trunks and runs him towards the ring then throws him into the side of the cage. Williams holds onto Skipper and goes to the door and throws him into the ring then climbs in after him and closes the cage as the ref locks the door behind him. Williams stomps away at the back of Skipper then drops an elbow to the back of his head. Williams pulls Skipper up to his feet and sends him face first into the cage with an Irish whip. Skipper staggers backwards and Williams nails him with a clothesline to the back of the head that flips Skipper over. Williams plays to the crowd getting big pops from the crowd. Williams pulls Skipper up to his feet and walks him to the ropes then starts scraping his head back and forth across the steel cage. Williams pulls Skipper away from the cage and plants him with a belly to back suplex and makes a cover for a two count. Williams pulls Skipper up to his feet and lifts him up for a belly to back suplex then runs him forward and throws him face first into the cage and Skipper lands on the outside after slamming into the cage. Skipper stands up against the cage and Williams charges and nails him with a dropkick to the back of his head slamming Skipper face first into the cage and Skipper falls down on the apron. Williams kips up to his feet and has the crowd pumped and cheering for him. Skipper pulls himself up using the cage with blood starting to flow on his face. Williams grabs Skipper by the back of the head and slams him face first into the cage. Williams holds onto Skipper and drags him over the top rope leaving his feet draped on the ropes then takes him down with a neckbreaker. Williams hooks a leg for the cover but Skipper manages to kick out at the count of two. Williams pulls Skipper up to his feet and sends him into the corner with an Irish whip. Williams charges in but Skipper catches him and lifts him up. Skipper walks out of the corner then drops back sending Williams into the cage face first.

Skipper gets up to his feet and wipes at the blood on his forehead as Williams gets up to his feet. Skipper looks at the blood on his hand then unloads with a series of vicious right hands then leaps up and connects with a hard enziguri that sends Williams down to his knees. Skipper grabs Williams by the back of the head and puts him in the ropes against the cage. Skipper runs and bounces off the ropes then comes back and delivers a knee to the back of Williams’ head slamming him into the cage. Skipper pulls Williams out of the ropes and picks him up and sends him into the ropes with an Irish whip. Williams rebounds and Skipper takes him over with a backbody drop that sends Williams into the cage. Williams bounces off the cage and falls back to the mat drawing oohs from the crowd. Skipper pulls Williams up and takes him over with a gut wrench suplex then makes a cover for a quick two count. Skipper pulls Williams up and nails him with a headbutt then grabs him by the hair and runs him into the cage face first. Skipper holds onto Williams and slams him into the cage repeatedly as the crowd boos him. Skipper drops Williams to the mat then stands up on the second rope and starts yelling back at the fans who are giving him shit. Williams slowly makes his way up to his feet with blood showing on his forehead. Skipper senses the advantage and nails Williams with some punches to the forehead then takes him over with a snapmare. Skipper grabs Williams with a rear chinlock and starts laying in punches to the cut on the forehead of Williams. Skipper lets go of the hold then runs off the ropes and dropkicks Williams in the face and hooks a leg for a two count. Skipper pulls Williams up to his feet and nails him with a headbutt then lifts Williams up and plants him with a side belly to belly suplex. Williams runs to the ropes and hits a lionsault on Williams and hooks a leg for another two count. Skipper pulls Williams up to his feet then lifts him up for a belly to back suplex then runs forward throwing Williams face first into the cage just like Williams did to him earlier in the match. Skipper walks to the opposite side of the cage and yells at some of the fans heckling him then starts his run and goes for a dropkick but Williams moves out of the way and Skipper hits the cage then flips off the top rope and lands face first on the mat.

Williams climbs up to the top rope and lets Skipper get up to his feet then comes off with a crossbody block. Williams gets up to his feet and goes for a Canadian destroyer but Skipper blocks it and trips Williams down to the mat. Skipper holds onto the legs of Williams then slingshots him into the cage face first. Skipper grabs Williams with a rear waistlock and takes him over with a german suplex and bridges for a two count before Williams manages to roll backwards out of the hold. Skipper gets up to his feet and nails Williams with a hard kick to the side of the head as he gets up to his knees and Williams drops down to the mat. Skipper looks at Williams then climbs up to the top rope. Skipper comes off with a somersault legdrop but Williams moves out of the way and Skipper slams down to the mat. Williams gets up to his feet with blood flowing down his face and lets out a primal scream. Skipper starts to get up and Williams charges and dropkicks him to the knee sending him down to the mat. Williams pulls Skipper up and hits a knee breaker then takes him down with a dragonscrew. Williams gets up to his feet holding onto Skipper’s leg and puts him into a sharpshooter. Skipper fights the hold and slowly crawls forward and grabs the ropes and the ref gives Williams a five count before he breaks the hold. Williams pulls Skipper up off the mat and sends him into the ropes with an Irish whip. Skipper rebounds and Williams takes him down with a leg lariat. Williams hooks a leg on Skipper and gets a two count. Williams pulls Skipper up and shoves him into a corner. Williams grabs the right leg of Skipper and drapes it over the second rope. Williams drops a couple of elbow shots to the leg of Skipper then bounces off a far rope and nails Skipper with a knee to the leg. Williams pulls Skipper out of the corner by his right leg then takes him down with a leg DDT. Williams gets up holding the right leg of Skipper then drops a knee across the leg of Skipper. Williams pulls Skipper further away from the ropes and puts him into a figure four leglock. Skipper fights the hold but Williams has it locked on tight. Skipper tries to roll himself but Williams blocks it keeping Skipper in the middle of the ring. Williams leans forward putting more pressure on the leg of Williams and yells at him to tap with the blood coursing down his face. Skipper refuses to tap and slowly slides himself backwards on the mat then desperately grabs the bottom rope. The ref starts a count and Williams waits until the count of five to break the hold.

William gets up to his feet and starts pulling in his invisible ropes to cheers from the crowd as Skipper gets to his feet. Skipper staggers forward and Williams kicks him in the midsection then goes for the Canadian destroyer but Skipper blocks it then sends Williams over with a backbody drop then falls to his knees and grabs his right leg in pain. Both men are slow to get up to their feet and are worse for wear. They meet in the middle of the ring and start trading punches until Williams has a flash of insight and kicks Skipper in his injured leg then follows up with a single leg takedown. Williams gets up to his feet holding the right leg of Skipper and delivers some kicks to the back of Skipper’s knee. Williams steps over the leg of Skipper and goes for the sharpshooter but Skipper grabs Skipper as he bends over and takes him over with a small package for a two count. Williams kicks out of the hold and gets up to his feet looking pissed. Williams throws a kick at Skipper but he catches it and pulls Williams forward and sends him through the ropes and face first into the cage. Skipper gets up to his feet and drapes his left leg over the back of Williams’ head choking him on the ropes. As Skipper chokes Williams out he taunts the fans while the ref gives him a five count. Skipper backs off Williams and rubs his right leg then bounces off the far ropes and drives his right knee into the back of Williams head slamming it against the cage. Skipper almost falls to the mat but he grabs the top rope holding himself up on his feet. Skipper regains his focus and pulls Williams up to his feet careful not to put too much pressure on his right leg. Skipper delivers some stiff forearm shots to the bloody face of Williams then sends him into the corner with an Irish whip. Skipper makes an awkward charge on his injured leg and connects with a running forearm shot. Skipper lifts Williams up to the top rope then shakes his leg out before climbing up to the second rope. Skipper hooks Williams for a superplex but can’t lift Williams up because of his injured leg. Skipper lets go and fires away with some forearm shots then goes for the suplex again but still can’t get it. Williams suddenly comes alive and starts trading forearm shots with Skipper. Williams then delivers a kick that catches the right leg of Skipper causing him to grab it in pain and Williams nails Skipper with a forearm shot that almost sends him off the ropes. Skipper stands up on the top rope and grabs Skipper around the waist then flips over taking Skipper off the top rope with a Canadian Destroyer and the crowd immediately starts a “holy shit” chant. Skipper is out of it in the middle of the ring and Williams rolls him over then drapes himself over his prone body and gets the three count.

Winner: Petey Williams (26:29)


OA: 76

Guppie: “Petey Williams just won the SMWA Championship with a top rope Canadian Destroyer! Elix Skipper is got to be out of it!”

Patterson: “But Williams isn’t in much better shape. Both men were bleeding but Skipper’s cut wasn’t too bad and stopped bleeding during the match. Williams was bleeding heavily and he is still losing blood right now. He paid a heavy price to become the champion.”

Guppie: “It may be a heavy price but it is a price he paid willingly and one he would be willing to pay again!”

Patterson: “What an ending to an amazing show with Petey Williams dethroning Elix Skipper with a brutal cage match. Be sure to check out smwawestling.com for news on future shows and tune into ESPN 2 on Tuesdays to check out SMWA Rage.”

Guppie: “For Mike Patterson, I’m Brian Guppie, thanks for supporting the SMWA!”

A month between shows, I am such a slacker. I had a lot of school work to do and I've been busy with that and work so I haven't had a lot of time to work on this. It's nearing the end of the semester so I've had a lot of stuff due in a short period of time. Things shouldn't be this bad anymore. Plus it was a long show. I hope you enjoy it. I don't like to beg for feedback but I am going to. Tell me what you do and don't like about this show please.

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Fallout from Year End Blowout 2


December 28, 2008

Last night at Year End Blowout 2 we saw some amazing action. We saw Petey Williams pin Elix Skipper in the cage to become the new SMWA Champion after hitting a top rope Canadian destroyer. We also saw the Tag Team Titles change hands as B-Boy and Ricky Reyes beat the Backseat Boys in a brutal street fight. We saw other great action and you can check out the results on the website in the results section.

We have some great action for you fans here tonight right after the Year End Blowout. Tonight at the SMWA gym in Detroit we are taping our last episode of Rage for the sun and here is the card.

Nate Mattson Challenge

Our main event of the show will be Nate Mattson making his open challenge to the locker room as he puts his undefeated streak on the line against all comers.

The Thomasellies vs. Jack Evans, Azrael & Apollo Kahn

We have a six man tag with three young guns on each team facing off against each other and it is going to be a wild match.

Josh Abercrombie vs. Ricky Marvin

Josh is looking to get back on the winning ways as he takes on Ricky Marvin tonight after losing to Jack Evans last night. Marvin is going to be showing off his high flying offense and make this a tough task for Josh.

Tickets are just $10 or $15 for ringside seats. Also in action will be AJ Styles, CM Punk, Petey Williams, Elix Skipper, The Wild Cards and the X-Foundation. Be sure to check it out as it’s going to be a wild show.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rage Episode #31 (SMWA Gym, Detroit)

December 30, 2008

Announcer: Brian Guppie

Color Commentator: Mike Patterson

Guppie: “Welcome to SMWA Rage and we are coming off a huge show in Year End Blowout Two.”

Patterson: “I’m Mike Patterson and you just heard the always excited, Brian Guppie. We had a crazy show last night that saw Petey Williams become the new SMWA Champion.”

Guppie: “We saw that and much more great action. Tonight we have some great action lined up and we are going to kick the show off with Josh Abercrombie taking on Ricky Marvin.”

Patterson: “Abercrombie lost to Jack Evans last night so he needs to get some momentum tonight but he is up against Marvin who is a great high flyer and has an amazing hurrincanranna.”

Segment 1: Josh Abercrombie vs. Ricky Marvin

Josh and Marvin lockup to start off the match and they push each other back and forth trying to get the advantage. Marvin breaks the lockup by taking Josh over with an armdrag. Josh gets up to his feet and Marvin connects with a dropkick that sends Josh through the ropes and to the outside. Josh gets up to his feet on the outside and Marvin launches himself over the top rope and lands on Josh and takes him over with a hurrincanranna to cheers from the crowd. Marvin pulls Josh up from the ground and throws him into the ring. Marvin climbs onto the apron then slingshots himself in with an elbow drop. Marvin makes a cover and gets a two count before Josh rolls a shoulder. Marvin pulls Josh up to his feet and sends him into the ropes with an Irish whip. Marvin telegraphs a backbody drop and Josh does a backflip over Marvin’s back. Josh bounces off the opposite ropes and catches Marvin with a spinning heel kick as he turns around. Marvin gets to his feet a little dazed and Josh takes him over with an armdrag and goes into an armbar. Marvin pushes himself up to his knees and rolls forward to his feet Marvin then counters with an armdrag of his own. Josh gets up to his feet and Marvin jumps up and takes him over with a hurrincanranna. Marvin reaches back grapping Josh’s legs and holds him down for a two count before Josh manages to roll a shoulder off the mat. Marvin pulls Josh up to his feet and sends him into the corner with an Irish whip. Marvin charges and leaps up for a splash but Josh moves out of the way letting him slam into the corner. Josh grabs Marvin from behind and takes him over with a brutal backdrop driver. Marvin rolls backwards up to his knees completely out of it and Josh dropkicks him in the face laying him out on the mat. Josh hooks a leg for the cover and gets a two count. Josh pulls Marvin up to his feet and sends him into the ropes with an Irish whip. Marvin rebounds and Josh sends him over with a big backbody drop. Josh climbs up to the top rope looking for the phoenix splash but Marvin gets to his feet and trips Josh racking him up on the top rope. Marvin climbs up to the second rope and jumps up and takes Josh off the top rope with a reverse hurrincanranna. Marvin crawls over to Josh and makes a cover for a long two count. Marvin pulls Josh up to his feet and hits him with some forearm shots then shoots him into the ropes. Josh rebounds and Marvin leaps up to take him over with a hurrincanranna but Josh counters it by dropping Marvin on the back of his head with a powerbomb. Both men are down on the mat and get up to their feet at the ref’s count of six. Josh starts nailing Marvin with right hands backing him into the corner. Josh turns Marvin around and nails him with some forearms to the back of the head then lifts him up to the top rope. Josh climbs up to the second rope for the Taliban backpack but Marvin fires off some back elbows to the side of Josh’s head and knocks him off the ropes to the mat. Marvin stands up on the top rope and lets Josh get to his feet. Marvin leaps off and lands on Josh and takes him over with a hurrincanranna. Marvin holds the legs of Josh keeping him pinned to the mat and gets a three count.

Winner: Ricky Marvin (9:13)


OA: 59

Guppie: “Ricky Marvin pulled out a lot of different variations of the hurrincanranna in that match and there were too many of them for Josh.”

Patterson: “Marvin is showcasing his talent now and Josh put up a good fight but Marvin caught him with that ‘ranna off the top.”

Guppie: “We we come back from commercial break we are going to have a six-man tag as the Thomaselli’s take on Alicia Webb’s team of Jack Evans, Azrael, and Apollo Kahn.”

Patterson: “This is going to be an exciting match these are six great talents in the ring and either one of these teams could come out on top.”

Segment 2: The Future

Alicia Webb walks out from the back followed by Jack Evans, Azrael & Apollo Kahn. The four wak down the ramp and enter the ring. Webb takes the mic from the announcer as the crowd boos her.

Webb: “Inside this ring you see three amazing wrestlers. You have Jack Evans the SMWA Premier Champion. He also happens to be the best high-flyer in wrestling not just now but ever. Nobody can do what he does in the ring. Then there is Azrael, trained by Homicide and he shows it. He may be small but he packs a punch and he’s a former SMWA Tag Team Champion. Then there is the last man, Apollo Kahn. For some reason a lot of you people may not know who he is. Kahn is one of the toughest men there is. He can unload stiff kicks and strikes and he is going to bruise those Thomaselli punks in the ring tonight. These are the three men that I am taking to the top of the SMWA and tonight they are going to put the Thomasellis in their place.”

Evans leans in close to Webb getting near the mic.

Evans: “And you know this Maaan!”

OA: 85

Segment 3: The Thomasellis vs. Jack Evans, Azrael & Apollo Kahn

The three Thomasellis comes charging out from the back and slide into the ring as Webb flees. All six men start trading punches and forearms in the middle of the ring to the delight of the crowd. Kahn faces off with Brandon and gets the advantage with stiff kicks including a roundhouse kick that sends Brandon down to his knees. The other two Thomaselli brothers do a little better in their pairings as they back Evans and Azrael into the ropes then they both jump up with dropkicks sending Azrael and Evans over the top and to the floor. Kahn grabs Brandon to pull him up but Sal and Vito jump him from behind and pound away with forearms to the back. Sal picks Kahn up for a belly to back suplex and Vito comes off the ropes and takes him down with a clothesline as Sal drops him onto his back. Sal and Vito get up to their feet to congratulate each other and Evans springboards into the ring and takes both men down with a double missile dropkick. Evans gets up to his feet just in time for Brandon to take him down with a stiff lariat. Azrael climbs up to the top rope and comes off with a missile dropkick to the back of Brandon’s head laying him out on the mat. Azrael makes a cover and gets a two count before Brandon kicks out. The ref starts to gain some control and gets Sal, Vito, Jack, and Apollo to their respective corners. Azrael pulls Brandon up to his feet and hits him with a forearm shot but Brandon just looks pissed and fires back with a stiff forearm of his own. Brandon then knees Azrael into the midsection then shoots him into the ropes. Azrael rebounds and Brandon lifts him up and plants him with a spinebuster. Brandon gets up and tags in Vito. Vito comes into the ring and catches Azrael with a knee to the side of the head as he starts to get up to his feet. Vito grabs Azrael and sends him into the ropes with an Irish whip. Azrael bounces off the ropes and takes Vito over with a spinning headscissors that sends Vito under the bottom rope and out of the ring. Vito gets to his feet and Azrael charges and flies through the ropes with a suicide dive into Vito. Azrael gets up to his feet and Sal dives off the top rope with a somersault senton taking him out. Kahn drops off the apron and stalks across the ring and grabs Sal and starts nailing him with stiff kicks and forearms backing him against the guardrail. Evans and Brandon enter the ring and face off. Brandon gets the advantage and sends Evans into the ropes with an Irish whip. Brandon drops down to the mat and Evans cartwheels over him then leaps over the ropes with the flying space tiger drop that takes out all four men at ringside. Brandon goes to the corner and climbs up to the top rope as the five men on the outside get up to their feet. Brandon comes off the top with a shooting star press taking down everybody on the outside to cheers from the crowd as the show goes to commercial break.

We come back from commercial break and the action is back in the ring as Kahn has Sal backed into a corner and is unleashing some vicious knife edge chops. Kahn pulls Sal out of the corner and takes him over with a vertical suplex and floats over into a cover for a long two count. Kahn pulls Sal up to his feet and sends him into the corner with an Irish whip then charges in with a big clothesline and tags in Evans. Evans leaps over the top rope into the ring then hits Sal with a forearm shot to the side of the head. Evans pulls Sal out of the corner and takes him over with a snap suplex. Evans follows that up with a standing corkscrew shooting star press and hooks a leg for a two count. Evans pulls Sal up to his feet and goes for an Irish whip but Sal reverses it sending Evans into the ropes. Evans rebounds and connects with a spinning front kick laying Evans out. Evans makes a cover and gets a two count before Vito breaks up the cover with a diving forearm to the back of the head. Evans gets up to his feet and gets into the face of Vito as the ref forces him back to his corner. Evans turns around and Sal grabs him and takes him over with a quick exploder suplex. Sal crawls to his corner and tags in Brandon. Evans rolls forward and springs up to his corner tagging in Azrael. Azrael comes into the ring and swings a forearm but Brandon ducks underneath it. Azrael turns around and into a series of hard forearm shots. Brandon scoops Azrael up and sends him down to the mat with a powerslam. Brandon points to Evans then lands on Azrael with a standing shooting star press and makes a cover that scores a two count. Brandon pulls Azrael up to his feet and rocks him with a headbutt then spins Azrael around and plants him on the back of his head with a backdrop driver. Brandon hooks a leg for the cover and gets a two count before Evans comes into the ring and breaks up the cover with a dropkick to the side of Brandon’s head. Evans pulls Brandon up to his feet and hits him with some forearm shots before the ref comes in and pushes Evans away to his corner. Brandon grabs Azrael and takes him to his corner and tags in Sal. Sal comes into the ring and nails Azrael with a European uppercut. Sal stays on Azrael and goes for another European uppercut but Azrael sidesteps it and takes Sal over with a backslide that gets a two count. Sal rolls out and to his feet and goes for a dropkick but Azrael sidesteps it then makes a tag to Kahn. Kahn comes into the ring and takes some punches from Sal that he just ignores before crushing Sal with a forearm shot that staggers him and Kahn follows up with a kick to the side of Sal’s leg then a kick to the midsection. Kahn grabs Sal and lifts him up before slamming him down to the mat with a brutal powerbomb. Kahn holds Sal down in a cover and gets a two count before Sal manages to roll a shoulder. Kahn pulls Sal back up to his feet and lifts him up for a suplex but Sal manages to counter it and land behind Kahn. Sal grabs him with a rear waistlock and drops him on his head with a release german suplex.

Sal crawls to his corner and tags in Brandon. Brandon enters the ring and goes face to face with Kahn and the two men start trading forearm shots. Kahn swings with a wild lariat but Brandon ducks underneath it and takes Kahn over with a german suplex like Sal did but bridges the move. Evans springboards in from the outside and hits a 450 on the bridged Brandon breaking the cover. Evans gets to his feet and talks shit to the crowd which lets Vito nail him from behind with a clothesline to the back of the head that flips him over. Azrael comes into the ring and Vito takes him down with a drop toehold. Vito hooks his legs in with Azrael’s then lifts him up into a pendulum. Sal climbs up to the top rope then comes off with a legdrop to the back of Azrael’s head slamming him face first into the mat. Vito makes a cover on Azrael and gets a two count before Kahn breaks up the cover with stomp to the back of Vito. Sal and Vito get up to their feet and back Kahn into the ropes with punches. Both of them back up and get a running start and hit Kahn with a double clothesline and all three men fall to the outside. In the ring Brandon pulls Azrael up to his feet and throws him over the top rope to the outside. Evans gets up to his feet and Brandon grabs him from behind and goes for a german suplex but Evans flips over and lands on his feet. Brandon turns around and Evans connects with a leg lariat. Evans climbs up to the top rope and comes off with a 630 but Brandon rolls towards the corner and Evans crashes into the mat. Evans gets up to his feet holding his back and Brandon charges and dropkicks him in the small of the back sending him staggering face first into the corner. Brandon grabs Evans and pulls him out of the corner then lifts him up and plants him with an air raid crash. Brandon hooks a leg on Evans and gets the three count.

Winner: The Thomasellis (17:25)


OA: 66

Guppie: “The Thomasellis pick up the victory over Webb’s team in a crazy match.”

Patterson: “Bodies were flying all over the place in that match and in the end Brandon managed to put Evans away with the air raid crash.”

Guppie: “We have our final commercial break now and when we come back Nate Mattson will make an open challenge.”

Patterson: “Mattson is undefeated since he returned and that includes a victory over Low Ki in a brutal match and a victory over Spanky at the Year End Blowout, it’s going to be tough to stop Mattson’s momentum.”

Segment 4: The Always Popular Nate Mattson Challenge

Mattson comes out from the back to a mixed reaction from the crowd. He walks down to the ring and rolls in then gets up and takes the mic.

Mattson: “Last night I took on Spanky and it was a nice warmup match. Tonight, though I want a real challenge. I’ve been back in the SMWA for over four months and I haven’t been tested yet. I’ve mowed through all the competition that’s gotten in my way. I would have won but that bastard, Elix Skipper, cheated and got himself disqualified and luckily for him I never got a rematch. Just so Petey Williams knows I’ve got my eye on him and his new SMWA Belt. Petey you ain’t going to be getting past me when I step up against you and I will have the belt around my waist again.”

Petey Williams comes out from the back with the SMWA Championship around his waist and a mic in hand. Williams has a large bandage on his forehead from the brutal steel cage match last night.

Williams: “You sure do like to run your mouth Nate. Every week or two you come out here and talk about all the people you’ve beat. We get it, you’re a big deal here. However I am the champ now. In fact, I’ll let you have the first title shot. In January we are making our debut in Petoskey, Michigan and I’ll let you have a shot at my SMWA Championship.”

Mattson: “It’s about time somebody gave me some respect. But I’ve got an open challenge right now. How about you walk down to this ring and I take that title shot right now?”

Williams: “I would but while you were busy talking to me somebody else decided to answer your challenge. I think you should turn around.”

Mattson turns around in the ring and he’s face to face with AJ Styles!

OA: 72

Guppie: “Mattson got the title shot that he wanted and now he’s got AJ Styles one on one.”

Patterson: “This is going to be a good match. Mattson is going to get a chance to prove that he deserves that title shot he just got.”

Guppie: “Styles is a top competitor and he could have Mattson’s number.”

Patterson: “That’s what we said when Low Ki accepted his challenge and that didn’t turn out the way we thought it would. Never count Mattson out.”

Segment 5: Nate Mattson vs. AJ Styles

The two men continue with the stare off until Mattson shoves Styles back. Styles comes back with a shove of his own. Mattson comes forward to get back in Styles’ face and Styles leaps up and nails him with an enziguri to the side of the head that drops him to cheers from the crowd. Mattson gets up to his hands and knees and Styles grabs him and pulls him up to his feet. Styles sends Mattson into the ropes then hits him with a dropsault. Styles makes a cover on Mattson and gets a short one count. Styles pulls Mattson up to his feet and hits him with a forearm shot. Styles then bounces off the ropes and goes for a discuss lariat but Mattson ducks under it and grabs Styles then takes him over with a belly to back suplex. Mattson gets up to his feet and taunts the crowd. Styles sits up and sweeps the legs out from under Mattson sending him down to the mat. Styles gets up to his feet and lets Mattson get up and connects with a series of forearm shots. Styles lifts Mattson up for a suplex and Mattson flips over landing on his feet then Styles pulls him down with a neckbreaker. Styles rolls over to make a cover and gets a two count. Styles pulls Mattson up off the mat and picks him up for a styles clash but Mattson fights it off and kicks Styles in the face a couple of times and Styles drops Mattson down to the mat. Mattson gets up to his feet and takes Styles over with a fireman’s carry and goes right into an armbar. Styles rolls forward then kips up to his feet and reverses the hold into an armwringer. Mattson struggles against the hold then turns towards Styles and rakes him in the eyes. Styles covers his face with his hands and Mattson grabs him and throws him through the ropes to the outside. Styles gets up to his feet and Mattson slingshots him over the top rope crashing into Styles on the floor. Mattson goes to the guardrail and grabs a chair from the crowd. Styles starts to get up and Mattson brings the chair down across the back of Styles sending him back down to the floor. Mattson slides the chair into the ring then throws Styles back in and slides in after him. Mattson sets the chair up in the middle of the ring then pulls Styles up to his feet and goes for a suplex but Styles blocks it. Styles turns Mattson to the side then takes him down with a swinging neckbreaker on the chair destroying it as the crowd starts cheering.

Styles pulls Mattson along the ropes to the corner then climbs up to the top rope. Styles comes off with a 450 splash and comes down across the knees of Mattson. Mattson gets up to his feet and picks Styles up and hits a gut buster. Styles grabs at his midsection as Mattson grabs the remains of the chair. Styles gets up to his feet and Mattson drives the top of the chair into the midsection of Styles. Mattson drops the somewhat flat remains of the chair to the mat then picks Styles up for a suplex then throws him down on the chair face first. Mattson climbs onto the second rope and starts talking shit to the crowd. Mattson drops down and pulls Styles up as he starts to get up. Mattson lifts Styles up for a DVD but Styles slides down behind Mattson and takes him over with a german suplex and tries to bridge it but can’t stay up as he drops down to the mat clutching his midsection. Mattson rolls out of the ring and pulls a ladder out from underneath it. Mattson gets up holding the ladder. Styles gets up in the ring and charges towards the ropes then leaps over with a tope con hilo slamming into the ladder and Mattson as the crowd starts chanting ‘holy shit.’ Styles throws the ladder into the ring then throws Mattson back in. Styles climbs onto the apron and checks his midsection then slingshots into the ring with a senton and makes a cover for a two count. Styles gets up to his feet and grabs the ladder then leans it against the turnbuckles in the corner. Styles pulls Mattson up and whips him towards the corner with the ladder but Mattson manages to put on the brakes. Mattson turns around and sees a charging Styles then sends him over with a backbody drop letting Styles slam down on the ladder. Styles falls off the ladder and slowly stands up to his feet. Mattson grabs Styles and lifts him up and plants him on the back of his head with a DVD. Mattson makes a cover on Styles and gets the three count.

Winner: Nate Mattson (11:08)


OA: 68

Guppie: “Nate Mattson picks up a big win with a victory over AJ Styles. What a brutal match!”

Patterson: “I said you can never count Mattson out and he proved why in that match against the phenomenal one.”

Guppie: “That was our final show for the year of two-thousand and eight and what a way to end the year.”

Patterson: “Be sure to check out smwawrestling.com for info on upcoming shows and keep on watching Rage on ESPN Two.”

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Rage Card


January 1, 2009

It’s the start of a new year and the SMWA is going to keep this year as good as the last one. We have lined up a strong show to start the show off strong. On January 4th go to the SMWA Gym to see some great wrestling action.

Super Dragon vs. Paul London

Our main event pits the brutal Super Dragon taking on perpetual fan favorite Paul London one on one. Dragon is going to pit his strength against the speed of London.

Alex Shelley & Austin Aries vs. The X-Foundation

These two tag teams are looking to get into the title hunt picture with this match and scoring a win is going to be a key here as there are many great teams competing in the SMWA right now.

Eddie Kingston vs. Jorge Estrada

Kingston looks to prove himself in singles action against Jorge Estrada. Estrada has struggled in SMWA competition but he has a chance to prove himself against Kingston who is used to tag team wrestling which could give him an edge.

Also booked to be at the show: CM Punk, Elix Skipper, Ricky Reyes, B-Boy, Puma, Backseat Boys & Spanky. Tickets are just $10 so come down and check out the great action.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rage Episode #32 (SMWA Gym, Detroit)

January 6, 2009

Announcer: Brian Guppie

Color Commentator: Mike Patterson

Segment 1: Prime Time is still here

The show starts in the lockerroom with Elix Skipper flanked by Puma, Ricky Reyes, and B-Boy.

Skipper: “A little over a week ago a travesty occurred in the SMWA ring and it happened in the steel cage! Petey Williams somehow got the pinfall on me and I guarantee all you fans that next time I get in the ring with Williams I will get my belt back. Last week that bastard, Petey gave Nate Mattson a shot at the title before I get my rematch. That is bulls—! Petey I am going to get my g–damn belt back! Behind me you see Ricky Reyes and B-Boy who beat the Backseat Boys into the ground to win the tag team belts. You see Puma who put Paul London down for the count. This is an elite team and once I get the SMWA Championship belt around my waist again this is going to be the group with the most power in the SMWA and we will show everybody what is up in the SMWA!”

OA: 78

Guppie: “Elix Skipper is pissed off about losing the SMWA Championship but Skipper beat him fair and square in the cage.”

Patterson: “He did indeed beat him fairly. This is SMWA Rage and I’m Mike Patterson joined by Brian Guppie on commentary.”

Guppie: “We are going to start tonight off with some action as Eddie Kingston takes on Jorge Estrada.”

Patterson: “Both of these guys need to get a victory to boost their singles career. Kingston is going to be coming in with stiff striking while Estrada is going to use his speed for the advantage.”

Segment 2: Eddie Kingston vs. Jorge Estrada

Kingston and Estrada lockup to start the match. Estrada goes into a hammerlock but Kingston quickly spins out into an arm wringer. Kingston pulls Estrada towards him and lays him out with a stiff forearm shot. Estrada gets up to his hands and knees and Kingston drives a knee into the back of Estrada’s head laying him back down on the mat. Kingston pulls Estrada nup to his feet and gives him another forearm shot then takes him down with a neckbreaker. Kingston rolls on top of Estrada and gets a two count. Kingston pulls Estrada up to his feet and sends him into the ropes with an Irish whip. Estrada rebounds and ducks a clothesline from Kingston then bounces off the opposite ropes and connects with a spinning heel kick. Kingston starts to get up and Estrada charges back in and takes him down with a swinging neckbreaker. Estrada climbs up to the top rope and comes off with a guilltine legdrop and Kingston rolls out of the way letting Estrada crash to the mat. Estrada gets up to his feet and Kingston levels him with a brutal lariat. Kingston pulls Estrada up to his feet and sends him into the corner with an Irish whip. Kingston charges in after Estrada and nails him with a yakuza kick. Estrada starts to fall down but Kingston holds him up and shoves him into the corner. Kingston delivers a few knife edge chops then goes crazy unleashing Kobashi style chops at a rapid fire pace. Kingston snapmares Estrada out of the corner and unleashes a sharp kick to the back of Estrada then makes a cover for a long two count. Kingston pulls Estrada up to his feet and nails him with a headbutt and Estrada goes down to a knee. Estrada stands up and Kingston nails him with a headbutt and Estrada takes a step back and Kingston follows up with some hard forearm shots backing Estrada into the corner. Kingston lifts Estrada up to the top rope. Kingston goes for a palm strike but Estrada turns in time to avoid the strike. Estrada spins Kingston around then spins off the top rope with a tornado DDT. Estrada gets up to his feet a little woozy but follows up with a leg drop then makes a cover for a two count. Estrada pulls Kingston up to his feet and goes for a powerbomb but Kingston blocks it and takes Estrada over with a backbody drop. Estrada gets up to his feet and Kingston nails him with a knife edge chop then kicks Estrada in the midsection. Kingston grabs Estrada with a front facelock then lifts him up and starts spinning him around before planting him with an implant DDT. Kingston rolls Estrada onto his back and hooks a leg for the three count.

Winner: Eddie Kingston (7:56)

Notes: **1/4

OA: 68 CR: 56 MQ: 81

Guppie: “Eddie Kingston makes an impressive singles debut by putting a brutal beating on Jorge Estrada.”

Patterson: “Kingston used his power to put Jorge Estrada on the defensive and Kingston got the win because of that.”

Guppie: “After a commercial break we come back with some tag team action as Alex Shelley and Austin Aries take on Scott Lost and Joey Ryan.”

Patterson: “These are two teams that no how to work together and they really need to fine tune their game as the competition for the SMWA Tag Team titles is really heating up lately.”

Segment 3: Alex Shelley & Austin Aries vs. X-Foundation

Shelley and Lost start the match off for their respective teams and they go into a lockup. Shelley goes behind Lost with a hammerlock. Lost quickly ducks under reversing it into a hammerlock of his own. Shelley swings a back elbow but Lost manages to avoid the strike. Shelley spins out of the hold but Lost manages to keep him in an arm wringer. Shelley rolls forward up to his feet and reverses the hold into his own arm wringer. Lost goes to the side of the ring and grabs a top rope then leaps up with a back flip and sends Shelley through the ropes to the floor with an armdrag drawing cheers from the crowd. Lost gets up to his feet and prepares to launch himself to the outside but Shelley gathers himself and walks away pointing at his head and telling the fans how smart he is. Unfortunately he goes to the wrong side and Ryan runs along the apron then leaps off with a tope con hilo slamming into Shelley and sending them both down to the floor. Ryan pulls Shelley up to his feet and Lost launches himself over the top rope and onto Shelley with a crossbody block. Lost and Ryan pull Shelley up to his feet and Aries charges and dives through the bottom and middle rope with a suicide dive taking out all three of the men on the outside to cheers from the crowd. Aries pulls Shelley up to his feet then they pull Lost up and throw him into the ring and Shelley slides in after him. Shelley pulls Lost up to his feet and takes him over with a snap suplex and makes a cover for a quick two count. Shelley pulls Lost up to his feet and takes him to his corner and tags in Aries. Shelley throws Lost into the corner and hits him with a knife edge chop then moves out of the way and Aries slings himself into the ring with a hard back elbow to the chest of Lost. Aries snapmares Lost out of the corner then nails him with a hard dropkick to the back of his head. Aries lays Lost out and makes a cover for a two count. Aries pulls Lost up to his feet and goes for a backdrop driver but Lost flips over landing on his feet. Aries turns around and Lost leaps up and takes him over with a hurrincanranna then somersaults forward to his feet and dives to tag in Ryan. Ryan comes into the ring and ducks a forearm shot from Aries then grabs him and delivers a big overhead belly to belly suplex. Shelley comes into the ring and Ryan sidesteps his attack and sends him flying through the ropes to the floor.

Ryan pulls Aries up to his feet and gives him and open hand chop to the chest then takes him over with a vertical suplex. Ryan makes a cover and gets a two count before Aries manages to roll a shoulder. Ryan pulls Aries up to his feet and gives him some forearm shots then plants him with a belly to back suplex and tags Lost in. Lost climbs up to the top rope and comes off with a big elbow drop on Aries. Lost makes a cover and gets a two count before Shelley dives into the ring breaking up the cover. Lost pulls Aries up to his feet and goes for a suplex but Aries slips down behind him. Lost turns around and Aries connects with a solid rolling forearm shot. Aries bounces off the ropes and Lost swings with a clothesline but Aries grabs his arm and swings himself up to take Lost down with a crucifix bomb. Aries holds Lost’s shoulders down in the cover and gets a two count before Lost squirms out. Aries gets up to his feet and tags in Shelley. Shelley comes into the ring and grabs Lost as he gets to his feet and plants him with the shellshock. Ryan starts to come into the ring and Shelley connects with a superkick. Shelley grabs Ryan and runs up the ropes and flips over finishing off the shiranui. Shelley gets up as Lost gets to his feet dazed. Shelley grabs Lost and plants him on his head with a cross leg brainbuster. Shelley goes to his corner and tags in Aries on the top rope. Aries comes off the top with a 450 splash on Lost and hooks a leg for the three count.

Winner: Alex Shelley & Austin Aries (9:15)

Notes: **3/4

OA: 72 CR: 60 MQ: 84

Guppie: “Alex Shelley came in hot at the end of that match and hit all of his trademark moves taking out the X-Foundation.”

Patterson: “The X-Foundation couldn’t get any sort of momentum going which allowed Shelley and Aries to get the win.”

Guppie: “After this commercial break we are coming back to our main event pitting Super Dragon against Paul Lond.”

Patterson: “This is going to be a superb match. London was trained by Shawn Michaels and Super Dragon has assimilated every wrestling style into his own brutal style which has made him one of the biggest stars in independent wrestling.”

Segment 4: Super Dragon vs. Paul London

London and Dragon start the match with a lockup and Dragon spins London around and grabs him with a rear waistlock. Dragon lifts London up and slams him down to the mat face first. London slips out from under Dragon and grabs him with a Fujiwara armbar. Dragon fights up to his feet then rolls forward to his feet and flips London over reversing the move into an armwringer. London kips up to his feet then does a standing backflip removing the pressure of the hold. London runs up the ropes in the corner then jumps off landing on Dragon and taking him over with a hurrincanranna that sends him through the ropes to the outside. Dragon gets up to his feet and London springs up to the top rope then comes off with a shooting star press to Dragon on the outside to big cheers from the crowd. London pulls Dragon up to his feet and goes for a suplex but Dragon blocks it then takes London over and onto the gym floor with a suplex of his own. Dragon pulls London up to his feet and throws him into the guardrails hard. London rebounds falling to the floor and Dragon pulls him up and runs him across the ringside area then throws him into the guardrails again and London takes the guardrails across his back. Dragon pie faces a fan in the front row who gives him some shit. London gets up to his feet and Dragon turns around and rocks him with some brutal forearm shots then throws him into the ring. Dragon turns and stares at the booing crowd then slides into the ring after London. London gets up to his feet and throws a punch but Dragon blocks it and rocks him with a forearm shot. Dragon grabs London under his arms and throws him into the corner hard. Dragon then unleashes a violence party rocking London with knife edge chops and forearm shots in the corner. Dragon snapmares London out of the corner and connects with a hard kick to the small of the back. Dragon then locks London into a full nelson using his legs. London fights against the hold and Dragon releases some pressure on the hold then nails London with kick to the back of the head. London manages to free one hand enough during that to grab a rope and the ref breaks up the hold.

London slowly gets up to his feet and manages to block some shots from Dragon then hooks an and goes behind him. London grabs both of Dragon’s arms then lifts him up and sends him down to the mat face first with both arms butterflied behind his back. London pulls himself up to his feet using the ropes and tries to regain some energy. Dragon gets to his feet and charges at London with a clothesline but London ducks it then jumps up behind Dragon and takes him over with a reverse hurrincanranna spiking Dragon on the top of his head. London gets to his feet and delivers a standing shooting star press and hooks a leg for a two count. London pulls Dragon up and goes for a german suplex but Dragon blocks it then hits London with a couple of hard back elbows to the side of the head. Dragon spins around and delivers an overhead belly to belly suplex that sends London back first into the corner then he falls down to the mat landing on the back of his head. Dragon picks London up and lifts him onto the top rope. London fights back with a kick to the head of Dragon that staggers him. London stands up on the second rope then leaps off and grabs Dragon taking him down with a tornado DDT. London makes a cover on Dragon and gets a two count. London pulls Dragon up to his feet and takes him over with a northern lights suplex. London flips over and pulls Dragon up and goes for another suplex but Dragon blocks it. Dragon butterflies the arms of London then lifts him up and plants him with a double underhook brainbuster. Dragon gets up and goes to the feet of London then ties up his legs and flips him over. Dragon grabs the arms of London and pulls him off the mat then sends him face first to the mat with a curb stomp. The crowd boos and Dragon flips them off then ties London’s legs up and connects with another curb stomp. Dragon rolls London over then nonchalantly reclines on the body of London for a cover and gets a two count before London hooks an arm of Dragon with his legs and rolls him backwards into a cover for a two count. Dragon rolls through it up to his feet and starts giving London some light kicks to the face as he gets up, taunting him. London gets to his feet and Dragon blasts him with a forearm shot then delivers a sitout gourdbuster. Dragon pulls London up and drags him over to a corner. Dragon climbs up to the top rope and pulls London up to the second rope after him. Dragon butterflies the arms of London and lifts him up for a tiger driver but London reverses it taking Dragon off the top with a big hurrincanranna that leaves both men down on the mat as the crowd cheers and the show goes to commercial break.

London and Dragon are both up to their feet and London connects with a couple of forearm shots then lifts Dragon off the mat and takes him over with a fall away slam and bridges for a two count. London pulls Dragon up to his feet and goes for a DDT but Dragon blocks it. Dragon lifts London up and runs him into a corner and sets him on the top rope. Dragon nails London with a forearm shot then climbs up to the top rope. Dragon goes for a superplex but London blocks it then hits Dragon with some punches to the midsection. London lifts Dragon up for a suplex then leaps off the top rope with a sitout gourdbuster. London rolls Dragon over and makes a cover for a two count. London pulls Dragon up to his feet and takes him over with a brutal backdrop driver. Dragon’s momentum rolls him up to his knees and London is on his feet and grabs Dragon from behind and plants him with a release german suplex. Dragon rolls through to his feet looking pumped. Dragon charges and crushes London with a lariat that folds him up on the back of his head and leaves both men laying on the mat. Both men slowly get up to their feet and London throws a punch that Dragon ducks under. Dragon grabs London from behind with a full nelson then takes him over with a dragon suplex but can’t hold on for the bridge. Dragon gets up pulling London with him and grabs him with a pump handle and drops him on his head with the psychodriver 2. Dragon gets to his feet and taunts the crowd before making the cover and London manages to kick out at the count of two. Dragon looks stunned and argues with the ref about the count. Dragon grabs London as he gets up to his feet and lifts him up in a torture rack. Dragon lifts London up and over for the psychodriver but London counters it with a hurrincanranna and holds onto the legs of Dragon for a long two count. Both men get up to their feet and London connects with a kick to the midsection of Dragon then plants him with a trip DDT. London climbs up to the top rope and comes off with a shooting star press and makes the cover for the three count.

Winner: Paul London (23:32)

Notes: ***3/4

OA: 78 CR: 60 MQ: 96

Guppie: “What an amazing match between those two men! London took a beating but kept on coming.”

Patterson: “Dragon dished out punishment which is what he’s good at and London took a beating and didn’t give up which is what he’s good at and London managed to get the win in the end.”

Segment 5: Introducing . . .

As London makes his way up the entry way he’s met by CM Punk, Alex Shelley and Austin Aries coming down to the ring. They get in his face but let him walk by and get to the back. The three men walk down and slide into the ring and Punk takes the mic from the announcer.

Punk: “Thanks for the warm welcome. In this ring you see a collection of the best talent in the SMWA and you see the members of a truly elite faction. Sure there is Prime Time, Gertner’s group of rejects and Alicia Webb’s motley crew but here is the Fantastic Four. You have the smooth talking leader, the man who will challenge for the SMWA Championship, you have me; CM Punk!”

Punk stops talking to take in the applause that never occurs and the pause is instead filled with boos.

Punk: “Apparently you fans don’t know talent when you see it. Standing beside me is the tag team of the Fantastic Four. Two ring technicians who can explode with power when the time is right. You saw that tonight as they easily handled the X-Foundation and they will move up the card and they will get the SMWA Tag Team Titles around their waist. They are the wrestling machine Austin Aries and the man with talent on loan from God, Alex Shelley!

“I know you fans aren’t going to appreciate them so I’m not going to give you any time to boo them. Then we come to the last position. The brawler, the enforcer if you will. The man who puts his body in the way of the groups opponents and is not afraid to fight rough in his matches. You just saw Super Dragon get beat down by Paul London a cruiserweight who couldn’t cut it in the big leagues. That’s why he is not the enforcer of the group. Instead it is a man who has endured more pain than you people can imagine. A man who knows no limits when he wrestles, The Messiah!”

Messiah charges out from the back and slides into the ring and takes a surprised Dragon down with a clothesline. Messiah pulls Dragon up to his feet and plants him with the Godsmack. All four of the members stomp away at Dragon before Messiah pushes him out of the ring and sends him down to the floor.

Punk: “In this ring you see the four men who are the future of the SMWA! In this ring you see the future of pro-wrestling and you better learn to enjoy looking at us because you are going to be seeing a lot of us.”

OA: 55

Guppie: “CM Punk told us he was going to be finding himself some backup and he has done it.”

Patterson: “Super Dragon took a lot of damage in his match with London and they finished the job stomping away at him. He’s not going to take that and let them get away with it.”

Guppie: “With the talent that CM Punk lined up I don’t know if there is anything that Super Dragon is going to be able to do about it.”

Patterson: “We’ll see what happens in future shows. For Mike Guppie, I’m Brian Patterson, thanks for watching SMWA Rage on ESPN 2. Be sure to check out smwawrestling.com for information on shows and your favorite wrestlers.”

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