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The Guitar Hero Thread


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Flagrent use of the "save me ass" turbo points feature?

Fuck yes.

And I was trying to 1-up my mates who were like 'Oh, do Bark at the Moon, bet you can't do it.' So I had to do it to shut them up >_>

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This game is shamefully addictive. After finishing the last half of medium mode, beating easy mode in one go(while laying down and getting 5 stars on every song), my left hand was hurting in several places. I think to myself "One more song in freeplay..." One somehow turned into about 8, the only reason I stopped is because my hand started to tingle.

It's still tingling 20 minutes later. I think I may have damaged a nerve. :(

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It's addictive alright. I bought it last Friday night and played it for like 4 1/2 - 5 hours! I had to have my wife shut it off. I've played it every day since then and am currently on my second band making the run through the career mode again. I named my second band "Transgender Cat".

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  • 1 month later...

I know I'm bumping an old thread, but I just got this game today. Well, I got it today and I fucking suuuuuuuuuuuck. Is it really just a game that takes practice practice practice, or am I going to need to have some semblance of skill to get further? Cause right now, I blow.

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It's just practice. I never ever thought I'd get anywhere on Hard, but after about 3 months of playing, I've just Cowobys From Hell and Bark At The Moon to pass. Expert's going to rape me though. In better news, I've successfully five-starred every track on easy, and only have Bark At The Moon, Cowboys From Hell and No One Knows still to do. QOTSA can fuck off though, I wish that song was never added to the game, it's a cunt. At least I can see where I'm missing notes and what I need to improve on Bark At The Moon. No One Knows seems to have the msot random timing and changes ever.

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Yeah, I've started to get better. I've cleared almost every song on Beginner... haven't got a 100% rating on any song though, a few ***** performances, but no 100%. It's a bitch, but man this is fun.

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Yeah, practice can do wonders for your ability in this game. In the span of, what? a month? 2 months? I went from barely being able to get through any song on medium to being able to get ***** on about half the songs on hard and **** on everything else but Crossroads, Cowboys From Hell, Bark At The Moon, and for some odd reason, Take It Off.

Expert mode can kiss my ass, though.

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The timing on "Take It Off" could be a little crazy at first, but that seems to be one where I listen to the vocal's melody line more than the rest of the band.

It's official, my favorite song on this game is Helmet's "Unsung". It's just awesome to bust out that break down section at the end of the song. I'm not ashamed to admit I headbang to it, guitar in hands =)

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Agreed, I didn't really like it on easy or medium, but although I find it tricky on ahrd, it's so much fun with all the strumming at the end. My least favourite is No One Knows, no matter how much I play it, I can't figure it out. Either I'm retarded, or the developers fucked up.

I think the red-to-green transition needs work on the game response side of things (and likewise, the response towards the original note of a hammer-on being hit again after the second note is released [an example being the verse in "No One Knows" on easy, where it's straight eighth-notes.])

Strangely enough, I have more trouble with "No One Knows" on easy than I do any other difficulty. I'm fortunately at the point where I can four-star the song on any level, but for whatever reason, easy mode makes me feel like I fail at life :(

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