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The Guitar Hero Thread


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I agree that Rock Band is easier, but I would say that it's also more fun.The GH series has just turned into an exercise in frustration for me. I loved 1 and 2 to bits, but 3 ruined it for me, and they've never got anywhere close to the beginning of the franchise for me. The other thing is that with the GH games, I seem to be caught between difficulty levels, medium is far too simple, expert can take a fucking flight, and hard I can deal with until the final third set of songs (depending on the song of course).

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I agree that Rock Band is easier, but I would say that it's also more fun.The GH series has just turned into an exercise in frustration for me. I loved 1 and 2 to bits, but 3 ruined it for me, and they've never got anywhere close to the beginning of the franchise for me. The other thing is that with the GH games, I seem to be caught between difficulty levels, medium is far too simple, expert can take a fucking flight, and hard I can deal with until the final third set of songs (depending on the song of course).

Agreed 100%. And GH is just too damn clunky, and the damn sound every time you miss a note is just so infuriating, I'd rather have my taint waxed than listen to that. Sure, Rock Band is easier, but it's a much more natural feeling game... plus there are plenty of absurdly difficult songs out there for it.

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I played the demo for Warriors of Rock yesterday and, wow, am I out of shape or what. Christ, it's so much more challenging than Rock Band.

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Once you get past Medium difficulty, RB2 catches up to GH in difficulty, but GH is still harder.

Really though, RB2 doesn't really have that many songs that are hard to beat. Note I say beat and not five-star in. The only really tricky song in the default 82 up until Expert is Visions (which, ironically, seems to be charted like a GH song). Expert is where you really have to work at it past mid-level, which is also true for GH (well, except the earlier two which were much easier than GH3 and onward, and GH 80's is only a bit harder than GH2).

A really good, difficult song in RB2's DLC list is Hammer Smashed Face by Cannibal Corpse (well, except with vocals). It's a really tricky song without being as fucking stupid as Visions is. Not to mention the song itself is fucking awesome.

On that note, has anyone noticed that despite "Black Metal" being one of the genres in the GH character maker, they don't have any black metal songs in any of the games?

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  • 3 months later...

So this came in the post today. I've got to say it's one of the stronger instalments in the series. It's definitely a step up from 5. There's some kick ass tunes, and the guitar feels a bit sturdier this year too.

Let the hours of fun commence!

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Okay, so as 'boss' fights go, having to play all of 2112 by Rush is possibly the most epic thing ever.

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