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Zelda: Twilight Princess


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Twilight Princess Delayed? (GCN)

New information reveals Link's latest might hit the 'Cube after the Revolution launches.

By GameSpy Staff | Feb. 13, 2006

A recent post to Korean gaming site VideogamerX.net has revealed some potentially crushing news for those looking forward to The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. It seems as though the website has gotten access to a Best Buy customer's pre-order email which was placed late last year for the game.

The updated pre-order message was informing the customer that Twilight Princess has been recently given a new U.S. release date of November 1st 2006. GameSpy poked around Best Buy's current listing for the game and it shows up as April 1st 2006 (our own release date for the game is 4/16/2006). Up until now, the common train of thought put out there by Nintendo has been that Twilight Princess would ship to stores in early Q2 of 2006, but now there's a real chance that the game won't be out until after the Nintendo Revolution has launched.

Coming towards the end of the year? Say it ain't so, Link!

Possible reasons for this include trying to steal some of the thunder away from the imminent PlayStation 3 launch which is allegedly said to still be on target for the end of 2006, and of course, another possibility could be that Nintendo want to drive sales of both the ailing GameCube and the new Revolution close to the holiday season. There's no question that Twilight Princess will be a huge commercial success for Nintendo, but after already having delayed the game from its original release back in Fall 2005, there's a good chance that avid Zelda fans will be a tad disconcerted by the news of yet another delay.

We're checking in with Nintendo for an official comment and will update the story as we find out more information.

Fucking hell, it's like, the ONLY GameCube game I want this year. Fuck computer games companies :angry:
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Since the Revolution's backwards compatible, and they're already hyping a pay-to-play-old-Nintendo-games system, I feel like they'll include Twilight Princess with the Revolution, as well as a disc that contains a bunch (if not all) of the old Zelda games. That'd be one hell of a way to drive sales...and it would also be the first time a game from the old system was bundled in with the new system.

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Fucking hell, it's like, the ONLY GameCube game I want this year

Dude, it's the only Gamecube game this year, period.

Since the Revolution's backwards compatible, and they're already hyping a pay-to-play-old-Nintendo-games system, I feel like they'll include Twilight Princess with the Revolution, as well as a disc that contains a bunch (if not all) of the old Zelda games. That'd be one hell of a way to drive sales...and it would also be the first time a game from the old system was bundled in with the new system.

Makes sense though.

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That sucks. But I know the game will kickass when its released. It is like the only game I really want.

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