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Here's the way I see it on this whole Bond issue...He has been given every steriod test that they have thrown at him and he's passed.

Hitting 715 homers in the Major Leagues is amazing..I don't care if you took steriods or not. Steroids build body mass and they sure as hell don't help you hit the ball. The more mass you get on your body the harder it is to turn.

Besides I don't know what the big fuss is about...Puljois is just going to come along and set a new record.

There are other things, such as human growth hormone, that can't be detected through blood tests (MLB only does urine tests) or can't be detected at all yet. So it doesn't mean a damn thing if Bonds passes every steroid test.

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Might be off-topic, but since you mention the Cubs..

I cannot wait to go to Chicago this Summer and see them play at Wrigley. I'm a Sox fan, and I've seen Fenway and Camden Yards, but I can't wait to see Wrigley.

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Guest Bosstown Boy

Thanks A-Dub, I'm really pumped.

I can't afford Red Sox tickets, even though I'm getting into the park for a Minor League doubleheader in August for $25!

My step-Mom got front row tickets to Wrigley for a business trip, so why not? :D

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The Tigers are still playing good baseball as we approach the all-star break. As they continue winning, my confidence in seeing them in the post-season continues to grow. My only worry right now is our closers, because Rodney and especially Jones have been giving up a few too many runs for my liking as of late.

Today's game was funny though, the Tigers playing the Cubs in Chicago. Despite being the away team, there were some very loud "Let's Go Tigers" cheers, which probably made it feel more like a home game for the Tigers.

It's more common when it's Boston or New York as the visiting team. Hell, when Boston goes to Baltimore, Camden Yards is more red than orange.

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Oh man, tonight is the night.

AJ "My Elbow Hurts, I need 6 Weeks Off" Burnett makes his return the Jays roation. The club needs him to stay healthy the rest of the way to make a real run at the AL East. They have done a remarkable job hanging in without AJ and Chacin so far this year so good things could really start to happen. Add to it the fact that tonight the Jays will once again try for their first sweep of the season. I think tonight's game if HUGE for the team.

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Guest Bosstown Boy

Burnett looked fantastic last night, and although I have the Jays losing 2/3 to the Mets this weekend, the Jays, by the All-Star break, will be in 2nd place of that divison and only a game or two from first.
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The Jays are looking to be in contention, but even there managment expects them to take another year to reach the playoff level. If the Jays were in the NL right now, they would be the top team in the NL. The American League is very tight, with so many competitive teams. Signing AJ Burnett and Troy Glaus is only a step in the right direction.

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Honestly, I'm glad the Braves are last in their division. THe team just simply doesn't try to improve despite aging stars. They seem to think that one free agent aquisition a year works, i.e Hudson and Renteria. It doesn't, baseball is about constant change and improvement. I understand Francouer, Langerhans and Laroche are the future of this team, but that doesn't mean they're ready for all the responsibility they've been given. And Poor Andruw Jones gives it everything he has on that team, but it's no where near enough.

I live 20 miles or so from the Mariners ballpark, and while they're not my favorite team, I respect the fact that despite their struggles, they try to improve, unlike the Braves, who are rumored to do a total fire sale at the end of the year.

anyways, go astros! I'm going to go out on a limb here and say Clemens is gonna carry them deep into the playoffs.

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They paid way too much for those two and Ryan.

Yeah, take Ryan away from the Jays, stick with Batista as the closer and we're easily 5-7 games back from where we are now. Stretch that over 162 games (and add in the fact that we were able to ship Batista off in the deal for Glaus) and 10 mil for a closer isn't sounding like so much. He is ACE this season, and is performing even better than his contract year. Glaus has hit 21 home runs this season, good enough for second in the AL, and Burnett just returned this week to a solid performance, so it's too early to tell on him. Get Chacin healthy, keep Burnett, Lilly and Towers consistent and it's going to be REAL interesting come September. Also, the addition of Glaus has allowed Vernon Wells to see a lot more hittable pitches, and he's now batting .322 with 20 homers, even though he's a notoriously slow starter. In short, could you please tell me how at least two of those three players haven't dramatically improved the team?

I'm not denying the significant contributions these two have made to the team. They have gotten Toronto to where they are right now. JP Riccardi is a good GM, and finally Rogers is spending into the team. However, I've always been a supporter of modest contracts. My OOTP has salary maximum restrictions and a hard cap of 100M.

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They did overpay for those two. Burnett is not a proven ace, he could become one with the Jays but he has not been an ace up to now. The Jays overpayed, but they had to. One, those were the top guys available and the bigger and richer teams were gunning for them as well. Also, you have to pay more, as there are some players who are reluctant to come up to Canada.

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Honestly, I'm glad the Braves are last in their division. THe team just simply doesn't try to improve despite aging stars. They seem to think that one free agent aquisition a year works, i.e Hudson and Renteria. It doesn't, baseball is about constant change and improvement. I understand Francouer, Langerhans and Laroche are the future of this team, but that doesn't mean they're ready for all the responsibility they've been given. And Poor Andruw Jones gives it everything he has on that team, but it's no where near enough.

I live 20 miles or so from the Mariners ballpark, and while they're not my favorite team, I respect the fact that despite their struggles, they try to improve, unlike the Braves, who are rumored to do a total fire sale at the end of the year.

Try July.

And it sounds like my Orioles may be sending off Tejada if things go from bad to worse. No, I'm not happy. The only good "prospect" I can remember us trading for is Melvin Mora. Management seems to forget that this team is some good free agency acquisitions away from contending. And we have the money, Peter Angelos is just a penny pinching cunt.

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