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The way I view things, and you may disagree (and if you do, more power to you :P), but I think Game 3 tomorrow night is a MUST WIN for the Yankees. They have Jaret Wright going in game 4, and we all know that Wright can't be counted on for anything. I think if the Yankees lose game 3, they're finished.

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Sorry to chime in randomly and late, but based on the way I see it...a New York team is walking out with the title this year.

I'd take the odds in a bet if I could find someone to take it.

I just don't see one of them not making it there (if not both) with one of them winning.

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Thank god for weekend games, I've missed all of these Tigers games due to screwy hours. Then again, I'm weird and superstitious enough to not want to watch the game. The reason being is that they have done well without me watching so far in the playoffs, and if I watch they might lose. I could be a jinx. :shifty:

In all seriousness, go Tigers. After the Pistons, Wings, and Lions dissapointments the Tigers can be the feel good story for Detroit (unless you follow the WNBA, go Shock). With the Yankee's on the ropes and the Twins out of the playoffs, the Tigers could easily find their way to the World Series. The city of Detroit will erupt if the Tigers go all the way, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. One game at a time.

This Tigers team sort of reminds me of the Pistons of 04 for the record. No true superstars, but a bunch of very good starters who play their role well. Every guy is important to the team's success, and you never know which player will take control of the game. In a way, the Yankees/Tigers series could be likened to the Pistons/Lakers series (despite the Tigers/Yanks not being for the championship). You have a blue collar team vs. the large market team with pricey stars. The analysts denounce the blue collar team and expect them to get their shit ruined. Instead, the opposite happens, and the blue collar workhorse team comes out victorious in the end.

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I think the Tigers have quite a good shot at beating the A's. One thing to learn after this series is never to say never, especially when very few people gave these Tigers a shot in hell against the Yankee's.

Honestly, I was surprised the A's manhandled the Twins, I figured the Twins would have atleast given them a good series.

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