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WWE: The Suicide Diary

Guest raze0811

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Guest raze0811

Hey, don't start writing that sermon yet, slugger. I know it's been a whole week since I posted, but alas, there will be another show up today. Last week was just a bad week for me writing.

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Guest raze0811

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October 23, 2004

Video Recap – No Mercy PPV, October 19:

~ ~Taker grabs Lesnar, stands in front of the Spanish Announce table, and signals for the Last Ride!!! The crowd pops, and then Taker delivers. Lesnar is out cold amidst the wreckage of the table. Undertaker begins beating on Angle. Angle slams Taker’s head into the steel ring post. Lesnar is starting to come to as Angle and Undertaker end up back in the ring. Undertaker signals for another Last Ride, and hoists Angle up. Angle punches Taker several times, causing him to drop him. Angle immediately nails the Angle Slam. He makes the cover. Lesnar is crawling in the ring, trying to break up the pin.

1!! 2!! Shoulder up!!

Angle can’t believe it and the fans pop. Just then Lesnar attacks, hitting Angle with a spinebuster. Undertaker is trying to get up, Lesnar gives him the F5!!! Lesnar goes for the cover.

1!! 2!! Shoulder up!!

Cole: Where is Undertaker finding the strength?

Tazz: It’s not strength. It’s heart. Undertaker has tons of heart for this business.

Lesnar stands shocked over Undertaker. Undertaker is reaching for the bottom rope, trying to pull himself to his feet. Angle comes from behind, nails the ANGLE SLAM on Lesnar. Lesnar hits the mat hard, rolls over – and falls off the apron to the arena floor. Undertaker manages to stumble to his feet. ANGLE SLAM again. Undertaker is sprawled in the ring. Angle with the cover. 1!! 2!! 3!!

Tazz: It only took two Angle Slams and an F5, but Undertaker was finally subdued. Folks, Kurt Angle is our new WWE Champion!! ~ ~

End of Video Recap

SmackDown! blares to life with pyrotechnic explosions and the cheers of the fans. Cameras pan around the arena before settling on the entrance ramp.

Cue the sound of trumpets as Kurt Angle’s theme hits. The fans continue to cheer wildly for the new WWE Champion. Kurt Angle emerges on the ramp with the WWE World Title secured about his waist. He pauses and raises his arms as the red white and blue pyros explode overhead.

Cole: Well here he is Tazz, our new WWE Champion.

Tazz: That man fought his . . . butt off at No Mercy, and I’m sure he has a lot to say about his big victory.

Cole: And what a start to SmackDown! The Champion himself, gracing us with his presence right out the gates.

Kurt Angle makes his way confidently to the ring and takes the microphone that is offered to him. He steps into the ring with the mic.

Kurt Angle: What you are seeing with your own eyes right now is true . . . . .I won my match at No Mercy.

The crowd pops.

Kurt Angle: And I not only won the match, but I won the WWE Title. Again. Oh yeah . . . . . Its true. And over the past three days I’ve had time to reflect on my match and I realized something . . . . .you know what I realized? I realized I kicked a hell of a lot of ass to win this title!

The crowd pops again.

Kurt Angle: Oh yeah, I know. It IS a great feeling. You think you guys are excited? Whoa, I’m ecstatic. But now, you see . . . I have the next big challenge to look forward to. Survivor Series. Your new WWE Champion Kurt Angle is most certainly going to take this title into the event, kick somebody else’s ass, and then take this title home again. The only question now is, who is that challenger going to be?

Kurt Angle: Now, before fifteen guys in the back start getting big ideas and try to break their necks to get out here and challenge me, don’t bother. Because I am issuing the challenge . . . . And I challenge . . . . . . Stephanie McMahon.

The crowd gasps.

Kurt Angle: Yep. I challenge Stephanie. - - - - - - I challenge her to find me the most deserving, suitable challenger that she can. Somebody who has earned the right to challenge for this title, somebody worthy of facing Kurt Angle, your Olympic Hero and the ONLY gold medalist in the WWE. So Stephanie . . . . don’t you let me down. Because I want to have another great match at Survivor Series. So I can win and prove yet again why I am the greatest athlete here. Oh it’s true. Its so damn true it hurts!

Kurt throws the mic to the ground as the trumpets blare again. The crowd cheers and slaps his hands as he heads to the back again.

Cole: Well there we have it, Tazz. Kurt Angle just challenged our General Manager to find the most suitable challenger for his WWE Title at Survivor Series.

Tazz: And I am more than certain that she will be more than up to the task. The only question is, who is it gonna be?

Rating: 85%

Cruiserweight Title Match

Spanky© vs Shannon Moore

Spanky and Shannon Moore lock up right out the gate and Spanky ends up throwing several arm drags, sending his challenger to the mat over and over again. Shannon Moore looks frustrated as he throws a hook that is ducked, and countered when Spanky flips him around and delivers an atomic drop. Shannon Moore collapses into a corner, Spanky charges in but meets a boot to the face and then a Tilt-A-Whirl DDT. Shannon Moore goes for the cover but only gets the two count. On their feet, Spanky performs a snapmare takedown, and then a kick to the back. Moore staggers up and dodges a clothesline attempt followed by delivering an enzigurai kick. Spanky is laid out but gets the shoulder up at TWO as Shannon Moore almost wins the Cruiserweight Title. Moore begins a blatant choke that the ref has to call off. Moore goes for the top rope, but Spanky dropkicks the rope and Moore is knocked off of it to the mat. As Moore stands . . . .

Cole: Well, well, look who is here!

Tazz: This spells trouble.

The crowd boos as Kid Kash has made his way to the ring and is slowly circling it. Spanky stands up and watches this new threat cautiously, and even yells some comments that are unintelligible over the boos of the crowd.

Moore is getting to his feet. Spanky approaches from behind . . . SLICED BREAD #2!!!! Spanky looks at Kid Kash again as he makes the cover and gets the three count!

Kid Kash smiles smugly as he slowly makes his way back up the ramp, not once turning his back to Spanky. He makes a big show about mockingly applauding Spanky’s victory. Spanky gives him an incredulous look as Kash disappears the way he came.

Cole: And what was that all about?

Tazz: What do you mean? Kash just wanted to come out here and show his appreciation for our Cruiserweight Champion.

Cole: Yeah, and I have a castle to sell you. Kash has his sights set on Spanky, and what we most likely just witnessed is some sort of subtle warning. Spanky better watch his back.

Tazz: I’m telling you, Kash was just being nice.

Rating: 71/67/76

{Commercial Break}

Who gets the Shot?

SmackDown! Comes back live and the crowd pops to see Stephanie McMahon in her office. She looks visibly angry. The cameras pan back slightly and we see that she is flanked by The Undertaker and Brock Lesnar. Both men stare with their arms folded, glaring at each other.

Stephanie: With all due respect, guys, you both just had a shot at the WWE Title. I don’t see a big point in giving either of you the title shot.

Brock Lesnar: As the former champion, I demand a rematch.

The Undertaker: Shut your hole, Brock! As the man who keeps getting cheated out of his shot with the title, I demand the title shot!

Brock Lesnar: Maybe there’s a reason why you’re not the champ, Taker! It’s just not to be!

The Undertaker: Oh, it’s meant to be alright. Stephanie . . . I deserve this.

Brock Lesnar: Like hell you do! Stephanie, if you give him the title shot, there will be some serious problems with me on this brand.

Stephanie: Is that a threat, Brock?

Brock just glares at her, and it seems like he is having evil thoughts . . . and then, the office door flies open . . . . IT’S EDGE!!!! The crowd pops, as Edge has been off air for many months.

Edge: Greetings, everybody!! Edge heads rejoice! Edge is back!

Brock Lesnar: Get lost, kid. Serious conversation going on in here!

Edge: Who the hell do you think you are!! I don’t appreciate - -

Brock Lesnar: I SAID GET LOST!!!!!!

Brock suddenly pounces on Edge, shoving him into the wall and beating him with punches and kicks. Undertaker attacks Brock, trying to beat him back.


Suddenly, security guards are pulling Brock and Undertaker apart.

Stephanie: I want both of them out of here right now!!! RIGHT NOW!!!

As the guards force Brock and Undertaker from the office, Stephanie begins checking on Edge, who is on the floor struggling to get up.

Stephanie: Do you need me to call the medical staff?

Edge: I’m . . . . . . . .fine.

Edge stands up and holds his midsection and looks through the open doorway where Brock Lesnar is still visible, struggling against several security guards.

Brock Lesnar: I told you to leave, punk!! You brought that on yourself!!

Edge says nothing, he simply glares as Brock Lesnar is carted away.

Stephanie: What the hell am I gonna do?

Rating: 69%

Pre-Match Interview with AJ Styles

Josh Matthews: Ladies and gentlemen, I am Josh Matthews standing backstage with AJ Styles. Tonight, AJ takes on Billy Kidman in what should no doubt be a standout match. Last Sunday, you defeated Chris Benoit at No Mercy, and have forced him to not be here tonight. What kind of reaction are you getting regarding the way you conducted yourself during your match with Benoit?

AJ Styles: Reaction? What kind of reaction am I getting? Let me tell you, Josh, I could not give a crap less about the reaction I’m getting. Sure, there’s some people upset. Some people feel I mistreated Chris Benoit. They want me to apologize, to quit, to do this, do that, everything but the one thing I should be doing.

Josh Matthews: What one thing would that be?

AJ Styles: Patting myself on the back.

Josh Matthews: Excuse me? Patting yourself on your back?

AJ Styles: Exactly. I should be nothing but proud of myself for my match against Chris Benoit. I went out there, made my WWE debut on Pay Per View, and defeated the legend himself, Chris Benoit. I’d call myself a Legend Killer, but I think that name is already taken. Instead, I’ll just keep it simple and call myself the Benoit Killer. That’s what it’s all about. Winning. And I won. I found my opponent’s weakness and I exploited it to my advantage.

Josh Matthews: Yes, but what you call ‘exploiting your opponent’s weakness,’ many others are calling cold, calculated cheating and reckless behavior.

AJ Styles: I’m not going over it again, Joshey Boy. I just explained how I feel about that. What everybody is overlooking is the most obvious thing. Your man, AJ Styles, escaped not one, but TWO Crippler Crossfaces! I must be some kind of immortal. Benoit relishes in making people tap out. Well, he could not make me tap out. No matter how hard he tried.

Josh Matthews: Yes, but - -

AJ Styles: Which brings me to my next point. In honor of myself, and to show Chris Benoit for the overrated underachiever that he is, I will make Billy Kidman tap out tonight. So that Chris, wherever you are, while you watch this, you will see how it is done. You will watch a true legend demonstrate the art of making an opponent tap. And I will dedicate this victory . . . . . . to me.

AJ Styles sneers as he walks off, leaving a stricken looking Josh Matthews behind.

Rating: 82%

AJ Styles vs Billy Kidman

As soon as both men are in the ring, Kidman grabs a microphone:

Billy Kidman: Did I hear you right, Styles? Are you going to make ME tap out? Me tap out to you? Well, friend, this is something I would like to see you try!

AJ grins and acts like he is turning his back to Kidman, only to fake him out and begin punching him. Kidman drops the microphone, and then AJ whips him into the opposite corner, and as he staggers out, back body drop to Kidman! Styles goes for a cover but only get s a two count. As Kidman is getting up, Styles tries to hit him again, but Kidman parries and dropkicks him in the face! The fans cheer for Kidman as he then delivers several chops. Kidman attempts an Irish whip, Styles reverses but Kidman twists the arm before Styles can whip him to the ropes, attempts a heel kick, which Styles ducks, leaving Kidman holding Styles’ hand between his legs. Kidman twists his body, wrenching the arm, and Styles falls to his knees. Kidman then grabs Styles by the face and flings the back of his head into the mat at an intense velocity.

Cole: Holy cow!! Did you see the way AJ Styles’ head bounced off of that canvas there?

Tazz Kidman looked for a second there like he was dribbling a basketball.

Styles, after standing, delivers a kick to the gut. He attempts a body slam, but Kidman slides down his back instead and bodyslides into a pinning combination, but only gets a two count. Styles, after getting up, whips Kidman into a corner and charges after him, but Kidman uses the top rope to leapfrog over the oncoming wrestler. Kidman lands behind Styles and attempts a Schoolboy rollup. Again, he only gets a two count. When they get up again, Kidman tosses Styles over the top rope and then takes a running start before springboarding off the top rope and decimating Styles with a flying headscissors. Both men lie in a heap on the floor trying to catch their breath.

Cole: What a great move by Kidman!! This kid could go far in the Cruiserweight division, and a win tonight against Styles would be just the ticket to propel him in that quest.

As they get up, Styles delivers a low blow. The crowd boos but then he rams Kidman’s back into the barricade over and over.

Tazz: Is he trying to rehash No Mercy? It sure looks that way!

Styles rams the back into the barricade over and over before whipping Kidman into the announce table and then the steel ring steps. Kidman looks hurt as Styles throws him back in the ring. In the ring, Styles steps on Kidman’s face and mocks him as the crowd boos. Finally, in the center of the ring, Styles locks on a Boston Crab. Kidman screams but does not tap out. He tries to power out, but cannot. He tries to reach the rope, but he is not close enough. Finally he taps out in frustration, but Styles refuses to let go. The bell rings over and over and several officials come out to the ring to try t pry him off, but Styles holds tight for as long as he can. Kidman apparently passes out from pain. Finally, the officials break it up and Styles jumps to his feet, looking satisfied. He screams into the nearest camera.

AJ Styles You see that, Benoit? That is how you make a man tap out!! That is how you do it!! Yeah!!!

AJ Styles soaks up the hatred of the fans as he makes his way to the back while officials check on Kidman. After several moments, Kidman slowly gets to his feet and the crowd cheers for him. He looks pained and exhausted but he makes his way back of his own power.

Rating: 75/67/83

{Commercial Break}

The Decision

SmackDown! Live comes back on and once again the scene is the inside of Stephanie McMahon’s office. Stephanie is seated at her desk looking up at somebody who is just out of visual range of the camera.

Stephanie: Sigh . . . . . So let me get this straight? You want a title shot against Kurt Angle too? On the grounds that you won your match at No Mercy? And you feel that you would be a great choice for Number 1 Contender?

The camera slowly fades back, and we see the man Stephanie is talking to is none other than . . . . Rhyno. The crowd cheers slightly.

Rhyno: I’ve earned that title shot. I absolutely destroyed Rey Mysterio at No Mercy. I’ve proven myself.

Stephanie: I think ‘destroyed’ is a little bit embellished, don’t you?

Rhyno: Do you really want another Pay Per View featuring Kurt versus Undertaker or Kurt versus Brock? I’m the man to step up to the plate and bring home the title. I’ve earned my chance for this.

Just then there comes another strong knock at the office door.

Stephanie: What the hell? Come in!

In walks Matt Hardy, and the fans pop. Matt gives Rhyno a stern look and then looks at Stephanie.

Matt Hardy: Well I guess I know what this guy is in here for. And it’s probably the same as me. Stephanie . . . . . Boss . . . . . . Miss McMahon . . . . . . . I think the Mattitude factor would make me a great champion. I want that title shot. And I know Kurt left it up to you to decide the new challenger so here I am? Where do I sign? Do you have the contract drawn up already?

Rhyno: Back off, Sensei. That title shot is mine.

Matt Hardy: Don’t you have a safari bus to go chase or something?

Stephanie: Guys!!!!! Enough!!!!! I’ve had four people demand this title shot already tonight, and I’m sure by the end of the night that number is only going to go up if I don’t do something! So I have but one choice – Tonight’s main event will be as follows, and the winner will get a shot at the WWE Title at Survivor Series.

Rhyno: We’re listening.

Stephanie: Brock Lesnar versus Rhyno.

Rhyno: YEAH!!!!

Matt Hardy: WHAT ?!?!

Stephanie Versus Matt Hardy versus The Undertaker.

The crowd pops and Matt’s frown turns into a big smile.

Stephanie: A Fatal Four-Way match. Winner will be the last man in it after the other three have been eliminated by pinfall or submission.

Matt Hardy: Now THAT . . . . I can live with.

Rhyno: Yeah, me too. I’m a very happy Man-Beast now. I’m gonna go warm up.

Matt Hardy: Same here.

Rhyno opens the office door and starts to leave, but steps back and waves his arm at Matt Hardy.

Rhyno: After you.

Matt Hardy: Why thank you.

Stephanie only rolls her eyes at the mock politeness.

Rating: 89%

Match: APA vs. The World’s Greatest Tag Team

Shelton Benjamin starts out against Farooq. Shelton initially takes charge with a series of arm drags and takedowns. Farooq eventually forces Shelton into a corner where he takes over with chops and a few knees to the stomach. Farooq whips Benjamin into the other neutral corner. Benjamin hits the mat hard and Farooq pulls him up, but meets with several sharp blows to his own gut. Benjamin takes Farooq down with a flying elbow off the ropes. The tag is made to Charlie Haas. WGTT double team Farooq in the corner as Bradshaw tries to come to his partner’s aid – The ref tries to force Bradshaw out the ring, allowing WGTT to double team all the longer.

Michael Cole: Bradshaw should just cut his losses. He’s only making it harder for Farooq.

Farooq finally takes control with a double clothesline and makes the tag to Bradshaw. Bradshaw comes in and initially dominates Haas with scoop slams and suplexes until Haas rakes the eyes. Haas delivers a belly-to-belly suplex but it is not enough for a three count. The tag is again made to Shelton and the duo whips Bradshaw to the ropes and delivers a double elbow. WGTT then deliver a double team suplex, and Farooq comes in to his partners’ aid, attacking WGTT. Farooq clotheslines Haas over the top rope and goes over with him, while Bradshaw tries the Clothesline from Hell on Shelton Benjamin, but Benjamin ducks. Shelton delivers a dropkick, but Bradshaw catches him and throws him down, then delivers the Clothesline from Hell, to the crowd’s delight. The ref is temporarily distracted by checking on Farooq, who seems to be laid out on the outside of the ring. Charlie Haas slides in behind Bradshaw, delivers a low blow followed by a bulldog, and then a flying splash off the top rope. Shelton Benjamin throws an arm over Bradshaw as the ref turns back to make the count. 1, 2, 3!!

Tazz: Wow, what a finish! And what happened to Farooq there?

A quick replay shows that while Bradshaw was attacking Benjamin in the ring, Haas on the outside had laid out Farooq with a steel chair shot.

Michael Cole: Well, now we know the answer to that one.

Rating: 76/73/79



Los Guerreros make their way to the ring in a low-rider, with the hydraulics bouncing the car up and down, and the crowd is eating it up. They drive down as far as they can and then hop out the car and step into the ring.

Eddie Guerrero: Viva La Raza!!!!

Crowd: Eddie!!! Eddie!! Eddie!!!!

Chavo Guerrero: What’s up, peoples ?!?!

Eddie Guerrero: Yo, yo, yo, we’re just gonna cut right to the chase, essa!!! Los Guerreros got robbed!!!!!

The crowd cheers.

Chavo Guerrero: That’s right, Uncle Eddie!! Robbed!! By a big fat ape and a less fat and overly hairy ape!!!

Eddie Guerrero: The apes robbed us, man!!! Big nasty apes.

Chavo Guerrero: Those apes don’t even need our titles, homes. Those titles will never fit around their waists.

Eddie Guerrero: Exactly, man!! Yo, Big Show and A-Train!!! You hombres have something that belongs to us, yo! So why don’t you come out here so we can talk about it, real civilian-like, man!!! We just wanna talk to you!!!!

Chavo Guerrero: Yeah, we got us some real cool heads!! We won’t lose our tempers or nothing, man!!!

As they say this, Eddie is wrapping a chain around his fist and Chavo has pulled a lead pipe out of his pocket.

Eddie Guerrero: I swear, we only want to talk, man. So come on out.

As Eddie and Chavo pace around the ring, there is no response. Eddie becomes more and more visibly angry every second. His face grows more and more red and finally, he spits into the microphone:

Eddie Guerrero: Listen here, Big Show and A-Train!!! You stole our belts and we are not going to just fade away into the sunset, because you two know you do not deserve those titles. So I’m done asking! I DEMAND that you get your asses out here right now!! And by right now, I mean like ten seconds ago, homes!! Get your fat asses - -

WELLLLLL . . . . . . . WELL IT’S THE BIG SHOW!!!!!!!!

The crowd boos as Big show and A-Train appear on the ramp with the Tag Team titles draped over their shoulders. They are each holding a microphone and appear very cocky.

Chavo Guerrero: Well its about time.

Eddie Guerrero: Listen here, Fat and Fatter!! I already said all I’m going to say. Now it's up to you to answer the challenge and we’ll just let our actions finish this conversation for us, okay homes? Los Guerreros versus Big Show and A-Train, the rematch!!! For the titles!! TONIGHT!!! RIGHT NOW!!!!!

Big Show smiles.

Big Show: No.

A-Train: Well said.

Big show and A-Train high five each other as they smile and wave and disappear back up the ramp. In the ring, Eddie Guerrero and Chavo Guerrero are incensed, and begin screaming and slapping the ropes.

Michael Cole: Oh, boy. Los Guerreros are not happy about this.

Rating: 67%

{Commercial Break}

Rhyno Speaks

Backstage, Marc Lloyd catches up to Rhyno.

Marc Lloyd: Ladies and gentlemen, I am standing backstage right now, with one of the four men who will compete later on for a shot at Kurt Angle’s WWE Title at No Mercy. That man is the Man Beast, Rhyno.

Rhyno: They know who I am, Josh. There’s no need for introductions when I am the interviewee.

Marc Lloyd: Very well. Rhyno, forgive me for being cliché, but this is your chance to shine. Will you capitalize?

Rhyno: Will I capitalize? Hah. Josh, not only will I capitalize, but I am going to show the world the true skill and talent that has been hidden away by the WWE for so long. They could not keep me in captivity forever, Josh. They tried to limit my time, tried to keep me in the under card. But in this business you have to open your own doors, you have to make your own way. When the beaten path is crammed with undeserving losers, sometimes you just have to knock a few branches out the way create a new road. Rey Mysterio was made into a believer at No Mercy, and tonight, Brock Lesnar, Matt Hardy, and the Undertaker will become unwitting accomplices to my ascension to the rank of #1 Contender. And at Survivor Series, my ascension to WWE Champion.

Marc Lloyd: Are you the leas bit concerned that you will be in the ring with three other men, two of whom, namely Brock Lesnar and Undertaker, have enjoyed multiple title reigns?

Rhyno: Concern is a fancy name for fear and self-doubt. I possess neither. Both of those men you just named have had their time, and now it is time to put them out to pasture. Out with the old, in with the new. A little fresh blood adding itself to the lineage of that title would only be a good thing.

Marc Lloyd: What about Matt Hardy? He is fresh blood as well. And he seems to have the drive and the determination.

Rhyno: Matt Hardy is a guy with a lot of potential. I look at that kid and I see a star just waiting to break out and take the world by storm. I see a guy who, with a little work and the right timing, could easily become the champion. No doubt he has stores of untapped potential. Unfortunately for him he never will tap that potential. Because his career, his dreams, his potential, his foolish title ambitions, hell, maybe even his LIFE, will come screeching to a halt tonight. By Me. By Rhyno.

Rhyno breathes in and out into the camera, sneers, and storms off. Josh Matthews stands by, dumbfounded, unable to speak.

Rating: 85%

Stephanie McMahon – Matchmaker

The scene cuts back to Stephanie McMahon’s office. She is seated at her desk when her office door opens. It is Edge. The crowd cheers.

Edge: You wanted to see me?

Stephanie: Edge . . . Yes, please, come in.

Edge takes a step further into the office and stands there looking at the General Manager.

Stephanie: I didn’t want you to think I forgot about you. It wouldn’t have been right to put you in that Contendership match tonight, seeing as how you’re just now getting back from a lengthy absence.

Edge: That’s fine with me. I didn’t expect any handouts. But there is one match you can give me. And I think you know what it is. Somebody has to bring that big bully to his knees and remind him that he is, after all, human.

Stephanie: Now that, I can do. Next week – regardless of the outcome of tonight’s match – It will be you, Edge - - Versus - - Brock Lesnar!!

The crowd pops. Edge smiles and nods his head.

Edge: I can’t think of a better return match for me.

Stephanie: And neither can I.

Edge is still smiling as he backs out of the office, cracking his knuckles.

Rating: 84%

{Commercial Break}

Match: The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar vs Rhyno vs Matt Hardy

#1 Contendership Fatal Fourway Match

Matt Fact: Matt Hardy has never been World Champion.

Matt Hardy makes his way to the ring to a mixed reaction from the fans. He has Shannon Moore at his side and they both hold up the Mattitude sign. Rhyno is out next, and he looks intense and focused as he swaggers to the ring and jumps in. He gives Hardy a glare as they await their next two opponents.


The crowd boos as Brock Lesnar makes his way to the ring, pausing to perform his obligatory warm-up hops at the top of the ramp. Finally he makes his way to the ring and smiles sarcastically at Rhyno and Hardy.


The crowd comes to its feet as The Undertaker rides out on his motorcycle. He circles the ring, almost striking Lesnar, who has to jump in the ring quickly to avoid a collision. Taker parks his bike as Lesnar stands on the apron and yells at him. Rhyno seizes the opportunity by charging – He knocks Lesnar off the apron into the barricade. The fans pop at this and the bell rings.

Tazz: And we are underway, Cole. Rhyno wasting no time. One of these me will face Kurt Angle for the WWE Title at Survivor Series, and Rhyno really wants it to be him.

Cole: And he’s not the only one, Tazz. The ring is literally overflowing with ambition right now as these four men square off.

Hardy attacks Rhyno from behind and clubs him over the back. Rhyno staggers as Hardy begins kicking him. Undertaker slides in the ring and Hardy turns on him, but Taker is quick to thrust Hardy in the corner. Rhyno charges Taker, but Taker sidesteps and Rhyno flattens Hardy instead. The crowd pops. Undertaker clotheslines Rhyno to the mat and stands alone in the ring, receiving a big ovation. Suddenly, Brock Lesnar is in the ring, kicking Taker in the kidneys. Just when Taker is battling back, Rhyno clotheslines them both to the mat and screams a raw primal scream. Hardy begins nailing Rhyno with lefts and rights, but Rhyno knees him in the gut, bends him over, and then knees him in the face. Hardy goes down just as Taker is starting to stand. Rhyno sets him up for the DDT but Lesnar punches him in the spine. Lesnar delivers a legsweep.

Cole: So far, this could be anybody’s match. We’re still waiting to see who is going to take over and really deliver the goods.

Tazz: Yep, it’s been all back and forth so far.

Lesnar stomps the prone Rhyno as Undertaker goes to work on Hardy in the corner. Taker hits several chops and punches, before Hardy rakes the eyes to stop the offensive. Undertaker reverses an Irish Whip to the ropes, sending Hardy into them, but Hardy ducks the ensuing clothesline attempt and delivers a spinning heel kick to the face of Taker. Undertaker goes down and Hardy gets a two count on a pinfall attempt before Undertaker kicks out. Hardy pulls Taker up only partway and begins punching him repeatedly in the head. Meanwhile, Lesnar is still working over Rhyno, and now has him in a rear chokehold as they both lie on the mat. Lesnar uses his feet to apply pressure to Rhyno’s spine and try to maximize the damage of the hold. Matt Hardy goes for another pinfall on Undertaker but only gets another two count.

Cole: Rhyno and Taker are both in trouble.

Tazz: Well, well, well, look who it is! Our second guest commentator tonight!

The crowd cheers as Kurt Angle has made his way from the aisle to the announce desk where he dons a set of headphones.

Cole: Out here to check out the competition, Kurt?

Kurt Angle: Exactly. I’m going to be meeting one of these four men at Survivor Series, so I figured it was worth my time just so I’ll have a front row view when the winner is crowned.

In the ring, Lesnar stands and starts yelling at Angle, then gets blindsided by Rhyno who now takes over with the upper hand. Hardy and Undertaker continue to battle until Taker dumps Hardy over the top rope. Taker targets Rhyno, pelting him with lefts and rights. Rhyno is backed into a corner. Hardy, from outside, trips Taker and pounces back in the ring, assaulting him. Taker grabs his throat and the crowd cheers as Rhyno charges - GORE!!!!!!! Undertaker dodges just in time and Rhyno flattens Matt Hardy. Taker throws Rhyno aside, and covers Matt Hardy. 1!! 2!! 3!!

Tazz: So much for Matt Hardy’s chances of advancing.

Kurt Angle: I’m kind of relieved, that match would have sucked. Me versus Hardy? It would have been over in like, twenty seconds, tops. I need a workout that night.

Lesnar pounces on Taker before he can get up. He strikes him over and over. Taker struggles to stand, and Lesnar hoists him up for the F5, but Undertaker slides free and delivers a swinging DDT. Undertaker goes for the cover but only gets a two count. Rhyno is there at that point, and starts stomping both men. He tries to cover Lesnar, but only gets a two count. He then tries to cover Undertaker, but only gets a two count. Lesnar is upon him at that point, and Undertaker joins the foray as they begin double teaming Rhyno.

Kurt Angle: Doule teamed by Taker and Lesnar? I know that feeling. Rhyno is as good as out. Too bad – I’m kind of tired of facing Lesnar and Undertaker.

The two men deliver a double team suplex, flipping Rhyno across the ring. He lies motionless. Lesnar turns on Undertaker, and begins punching him over and over. Undertaker staggers, and drops to his knees.

Edge appears on the ramp, and the fans pop as he charges to the ring.

Cole: Edge is here!

Edge slides in the ring. Lesnar turns to face him – SPEAR!!!!!! Lesnar is laid out in the ring. Edge smiles down at his fallen enemy as he slides out the ring. Undertaker, looking as weary as ever, throws an arm over Lesnar. 1!! 2!! 3!!

Tazz: What a shocker!! Lesnar is eliminated! That just leaves Rhyno and Undertaker! What do you think, Kurt.

Kurt Angle: I’m thinking that the winner of this match is the unluckiest wrestler on our roster, since he then has to face me at Survivor Series. Lesnar should be thankful!

Undertaker is tired as he slowly begins to stand. Lesnar is furious. He gets up roughly the same time as Undertaker. Rhyno is just starting to come to. Lesnar sizes up Undertaker - -F5!!! Undertaker is laid out. Lesnar stands and sees Edge, still on the ramp. Lesnar jumps out the ring and charges – Edge disappears before Lesnar can get a hold of him. In the ring, Rhyno is using the bottom rope to pull himself up – Undertaker looks dead to rights. Rhyno is now using the second rope – Undertaker sits up slowly and begins to stagger up. Rhyno is to his feet and takes a deep breath – Undertaker is wobbly as he fights to stand. Rhyno crouches and prepares to pounce. Undertaker stands up and slowly turns around, looking for his opponent. Rhyno charges – GORE!!!!!!!!

Tazz: Oh my goodness!! This one is over!!

Rhyno makes the cover. 1!! 2!! 3!!

Cole: There you have it, Kurt. Your challenger. Rhyno!!!

Kurt Angle: He just opened up a can of hurting on himself!

Rhyno stands triumphantly in the ring and raises his arms before looking at Kurt and smiling menacingly. Rhyno gestures around his waist, suggesting he will win the title from Kurt. Rhyno smiles with glee as he leans over the rope and looks directly at Kurt Angle. Angle looks back at him. The two men continue to stare each other down as SmackDown! fades to black and the credits appear.

Rating: 80/82/77

Overall SmackDown! Rating: 76%

TV Rating: 4.96

Attendance: 7050

Quick Results:

Spanky© d. Shannon Moore (Cruiserweight Title Match)

AJ Styles d. Billy Kidman

The World’s Greatest Tag Team d. APA

Rhyno d. Matt Hardy, Brock Lesnar, The Undertaker (Fatal Fourway for #1 Contendership Spot)

Edited by raze0811
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Guest raze0811


October 26, 2003

Heat opens with a quick video recap of some fo the evnts that transpired last week on Raw. Among the highlights is Goldberg’s brutal assault on Triple H and Rob Van Dam’s successful title defense against William Regal.

Match: Garrison Cade vs Rico

The two men circle each other until Rico locks a waistlock and slaps Garrison on the rear end several times. Disgusted, Garrison suplexes Rico, delivers a series of slams and a chinlock. Rico eventually escapes by grabbing the ropes, and then the two men exchange chops until Garrison forces Rico into the corner where he goes to work with kicks. The action continues on the outside after Rico roundhouse punches Garrison over the top rope. They battle in the aisle for a while until Rico whips Garrison into the apron and then throws him back in the ring. Rico tries to hug Garrison, who tries to escape. Rico rolls him in a schoolboy and grabs the tights, exposing most of Garrison’s rear end, for the win. After the match, Rico giddily watches the replay and seems excited by seeing Garrison’s crack on the big screen.

Crowd Reaction: 55

Match Quality: 78

Overall: 66

After the match, cameras cut backstage to Lance Storm, who receives a faint pop. Coach is standing by with a microphone.

Coach: Well, Lance, tonight you will face William Regal one on one in the main event. What are your thoughts?

Lance Storm: What an irony. I used to be such an America basher, and now I am going against a current America basher. But I gave up my ways when I realized they were leading me nowhere. Tonight, I will try to instill that same awareness to Regal. He will see that his pompous attitude will be his downfall.

Rating: 79%

Up next, a video recap plays, chronicling the history between Shane McMahon and Kane, who are fighting each other at Survivor Series in an Ambulance Match. Highlights include Kane “electrocuting” Shane, and Shane knocking Kane into the burning dumpster.

Rating: 82%

{Commercial Break}

Match: Hurricane and Rosey vs La Resistance

Rosey has the early advantage as he uses his size to take on both opponents. Rene Dupree first falls prey to the size disadvantage, then tags out and Sylvian Grenier meets the same results. Rosey finally tags out to Hurricane, who dazzles the opponents with aerial maneuvers. Hurricane reverses a suplex attempt against Grenier, crashing him to the mat. Tagging back out to Rosey, Rosey finally loses stride after an eye rake. La Resistance begins double teaming Rosey in the corner and Hurricane is unable to make the save. Rosey breaks free eventually and makes the hot tag to Hurricane, who clears house before Rosey comes into assist. Rosey hits a big splash on Sylvan Grenier and then attacks Renee Dupree as Hurricane covers Grenier for the pin.

Crowd Reaction: 70%

Match Quality: 72%


{Commercial Break}

Back from the break, a hype video is played for Goldberg, and includes various clips of him mauling opponents, including his attack last week on Triple H.

Rating: 69%

Cameras then cut backstage to William Regal, who was warming up and getting ready to come out for his match against Lance Storm.

Rating: 68%

Match: Lance Storm vs William Regal

The match opens with hold and counter hould as Storm and Regal try to out-finesse each other. Time after time Lance Storm gets the upper hand until Regal grows impatient and kicks him in the stomach, followed by several punches and chops, followed by a slam. Regal applies submission holds in hopes of making Storm tap out, but Storm counters most of them and reaches the ropes on others. Storm battles back by meeting a charge with a powerslam. Regal shortly battles back with knees to the stomach. Storm takes back the upper hand when he catches the foot on an oncoming kick and sweeps Regal to the mat. He locks on a single leg crab, but Regal reaches the ropes. Regal is lying against the ropes when Storm grabs him from behind, but Regal hits him in the face with the famous brass knuckles, unbeknownst to the referee. Regal goes on to score the pinfall victory.

Crowd Reaction: 67%

Match Quality: 83%


Overall Rating: 65%

TV Rating: 2.76

Quick Results:

Rico d. Garrison Cade

Hurricane & Rosey d. La Resistance

Wiliam Regal d. Lance Storm

Edited by raze0811
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Guest raze0811

Monday Night Raw – Preview for October 27th

Last week, Goldberg attempted to lift the $100,000 bounty off of his head by blindsiding and practically destroying Triple H, who was carted off after the attack by paramedics. This week, the fallout from that act will be known as Eric Bischoff has revealed that he will make an official announcement on the situation.

Last week, Eric Bischoff challenged Stone Cold Steve Austin to a 5-on-5 Elimination Style Tag Match for Survivor Series, with the jobs of the Co-General Managers on the line. Bischoff has already recruited Chris Jericho and Christian for his team. Booker T gladly joined Stone Cold’s cause after being mistreated by Bischoff. Who else will take a side in this epic clash?

Also, Batista returns to the active roster after a lengthy absence due to injury. But will he be accepted back into Evolution?


For the World Heavyweight Championship

Goldberg© vs Rodney Mack w/ Theodore Long

For the Women’s Title

Molly Holly© vs Trish Stratus


Chris Jericho vs Booker T

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