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Big Brother 2006 (UK)


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Guest muddatrucker

The one thing I hate about Pete is how he doesn't seem to hate, being bulled all your life doesn't mean you should like someone who acts a cunt.

The Shabaz prick never got bullied, he just got fucking found out.

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Like I said earlier. Fuck all the Shahbaz haters. When I first seen him, I was ugh. He annoyed me. Then I watched him, and sat and watched him one night when I couldn't get to sleep, and I came to the conclusion he was an entertainment God. He's entertained me, made me laugh, and I've loved watching him.

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Yeah I kinda felt sorry for Shahbaz too by the end of it all. Although he was a prick, he didn't deserve some of the treatment he got, especially being locked out of the house. And Bonn-eh kicking off at him for no real reason.

I'm more bothered about Grace getting it on with Mikey, I'm extremely jealous. (of Mikey, obviously <_<)

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It was liking being back at school again. Shabaz was just a complete tosser, but everyone in there is an adult and it's sad that the majority of them lowered themselves to it. The walking in and out of rooms, locking him outside, stealing his clothes - that's just so sad. We used to do that sort of thing when we were like 14, and after watching that I feel bad for the kids who were bullied like that.

I don't feel so much sorry for Shabaz because he's ridiculous. He's in his late 30s and he behaves like a child, and although you can't say he deserves it because in an adult environment no one should be treated like that, it couldn't have happened to a bigger twat.

Sezer was just acting like the class 'cool' kid. Whilst he wasn't the biggest ringleader, he was playing up to it all to show off. It's quite surreal watching that sort of kid-like stuff acted out by a bunch of people older than you.

I feel bad for Bonnuh and Glynn. Neither of them has done anything wrong, they just don't fit in. I think Bonnie is a bit out of her depth with the type of people she's with and Glynn is just young and naive. I hope they swerve everyone and put the 3 who they want to stay in the house up for eviction, just so Nikki can fuck off with her whining.

It was pretty funny watching Mikey and Grace at the end, because he made her do all the work. She was giving off all the signs for him to move in and he was having none of it. Fair play to him though, she's a stunner.

Oh, and Lost Soul, you're a tool. He's not only horribly irritating, but he's a childish, drama-queen who's been a veteran of the Dole for the past 20 years - he has no value to the world. He's not entertaining, he's just sad. And you're not a tool because you like him, but because you keep coming prancing into the thread bashing anyone who doesn't like Shabaz, making a big deal out of it, like he did about himself in the house. You like him, we get it. I like George, but I don't wear a 'I LOVE GEORGE' sandwich board over my I *heart* G t-shirt.

Edited by lafunky xxvii
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I've said it twice. TWICE.

lol nice of you to compare me to a housemate. Knob.

Oh, and it's Shahbaz. If you're going to make a big deal out of it yourself, at least spell his name right. Fag.

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I've said it twice. TWICE.

lol nice of you to compare me to a housemate. Knob.

Oh, and it's Shahbaz. If you're going to make a big deal out of it yourself, at least spell his name right. Fag.

Have a word, son. I eat people like you for breakfast.


What happened at the end of last night's episode, got a phone call just as Sezer and Imogen were kissing in the garden, and not sure what happened after that.

It's a shame Shebangs has gone, I disliked him immensely, but he was the source for drama inside the house, and made it interesting to watch because he got everyone annoyed and up tight. I have a feeling we won't be seeing much drama now he's gone, because there's nobody annoying enough to rile everyone up.

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Generation Suitcase

Big Brother is giving Bonnie and Glyn the chance to win back the contents of their suitcases. Both housemates have three minutes to list as many items from their suitcase as possible.

All of the items that they manage to list correctly will be returned to them later today, but they have to be precise in their description. So, for example, just saying 'pants' simply won't do.

Bonnie has been whining and moaning and crying about not having her suitcase, so was more than a little keen to take part in Big Brother's game.

She was called to the Diary Room and given her three minutes to list her items. She went for it like a crazy woman. "I want my pink hoodie, it's got a hood on it... and my pink fluffy slippers," she fired out at one hundred miles per hour without taking a breath.

She did exceptionally well, listing off a whole range of things from leopard print pants to the thing with which she scrubs her body.

Bonnie must not discuss the task with Glyn. If she does, it doesn't matter how many items she managed to list, she won't be seeing any of them.

Glyn will be called to the Diary Room later today to play the game himself. Hopefully his lifeguard-short days will finally be over.

Cuddly toy, anyone?

It's Oh So Quiet

After Dawn's departure this morning, it's business as usual in the Big Brother House. Thanks to a bit of relaxing sunshine, and a big noise hole left by Shahbaz, peace has descended on the Big Brother House.

After a big sleep in and then the shenanigans of Dawn's departure, the housemates are now all happily amusing themselves in the sunshine.

There have been more up and downs than a yo-yo in the House over the last couple of days. The general volume has gone down rather heftily since Shahbaz left and now Dawn is out of the mix too.

The housemates seem to be enjoying the calm after the housemate departure storm, and are kicking back and taking it easy. Pete and Glyn are happily playing in the pool, while the female housemates have taken the opportunity to don their tiny bikinis and catch some rays.

It's more like a fun day out at a holiday camp rather than an afternoon under Big Brother's watchful eye. Sezer is so content, he's even singing Spice Girls songs.

Just you wait, housemates. Big Brother is going to spice up your life any minute now

Edited by Lex Luther
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Bwahaha, two gone and we've not even had the first eviction. I love it.

Is it just me or do all the contestants seem extremely randy this year?, i really hope Glyn goes this week as i wouldn't really miss also he seems kind of annoying at time's.

Spoiler tags don't work if there's a picture or a smiley in them, Lex.

And was no one bothered when I spoiled Shabangs exit from the house? Surely thats much worse than him posting about Sezer and Imogen snogging?

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