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Most Overrated IMDB Top 250 Entry


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Rank Rating Title Votes

1. 9.1 The Godfather (1972) 170,361

2. 9.0 The Shawshank Redemption (1994) 205,270

3. 8.9 The Godfather: Part II (1974) 97,001

4. 8.8 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) 154,351

5. 8.8 Casablanca (1942) 84,357

6. 8.8 Schindler's List (1993) 125,437

7. 8.8 Shichinin no samurai (1954) 44,930

8. 8.7 Buono, il brutto, il cattivo, Il (1966) 45,953

9. 8.7 Pulp Fiction (1994) 177,508

10. 8.7 Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) 135,144

11. 8.7 Star Wars (1977) 171,177

12. 8.7 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) 90,363

13. 8.7 Rear Window (1954) 53,302

14. 8.7 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) 199,400

15. 8.6 The Usual Suspects (1995) 131,892

16. 8.6 Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) 116,786

17. 8.6 12 Angry Men (1957) 39,612

18. 8.6 Cidade de Deus (2002) 47,555

19. 8.6 Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) 80,938

20. 8.6 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) 155,461

21. 8.6 Citizen Kane (1941) 75,908

22. 8.6 Psycho (1960) 68,062

23. 8.6 Goodfellas (1990) 90,825

24. 8.6 C'era una volta il West (1968) 25,616

25. 8.6 Memento (2000) 119,818

26. 8.6 North by Northwest (1959) 45,374

27. 8.5 The Silence of the Lambs (1991) 115,470

28. 8.5 Lawrence of Arabia (1962) 39,676

29. 8.5 Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain, Le (2001) 81,204

30. 8.5 It's a Wonderful Life (1946) 51,397

31. 8.5 Sunset Blvd. (1950) 22,199

32. 8.5 Fight Club (1999) 152,897

33. 8.5 American Beauty (1999) 139,015

34. 8.5 The Matrix (1999) 182,535

35. 8.4 Vertigo (1958) 43,298

36. 8.4 Taxi Driver (1976) 62,894

37. 8.4 Apocalypse Now (1979) 83,070

38. 8.4 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) 79,559

39. 8.4 Paths of Glory (1957) 19,292

40. 8.4 Untergang, Der (2004) 24,524

41. 8.4 To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) 39,375

42. 8.4 Se7en (1995) 116,875

43. 8.4 Chinatown (1974) 33,873

44. 8.4 Léon (1994) 73,752

45. 8.4 American History X (1998) 83,149

46. 8.4 The Pianist (2002) 46,382

47. 8.4 The Third Man (1949) 24,019

48. 8.4 Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi (2001) 37,858

49. 8.3 Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) 78,713

50. 8.3 Boot, Das (1981) 36,527

51. 8.3 Hotel Rwanda (2004) 26,983

52. 8.3 The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) 28,516

53. 8.3 The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948) 13,700

54. 8.3 L.A. Confidential (1997) 86,079

55. 8.3 The Maltese Falcon (1941) 24,767

56. 8.3 Requiem for a Dream (2000) 69,135

57. 8.3 M (1931) 16,263

58. 8.3 Alien (1979) 80,855

59. 8.3 A Clockwork Orange (1971) 85,053

60. 8.3 Metropolis (1927) 16,205

61. 8.3 Rashômon (1950) 16,013

62. 8.3 Reservoir Dogs (1992) 91,049

63. 8.3 Sin City (2005) 84,997

64. 8.3 Saving Private Ryan (1998) 127,254

65. 8.3 The Shining (1980) 68,114

66. 8.3 Singin' in the Rain (1952) 26,302

67. 8.3 Modern Times (1936) 13,977

68. 8.3 Double Indemnity (1944) 15,290

69. 8.3 Million Dollar Baby (2004) 47,601

70. 8.3 The Manchurian Candidate (1962) 18,155

71. 8.3 Raging Bull (1980) 36,219

72. 8.3 Some Like It Hot (1959) 32,478

73. 8.3 All About Eve (1950) 16,759

74. 8.3 Aliens (1986) 80,220

75. 8.2 The Great Escape (1963) 26,644

76. 8.2 Rebecca (1940) 15,131

77. 8.2 Vita è bella, La (1997) 48,738

78. 8.2 Touch of Evil (1958) 15,145

79. 8.2 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) 80,612

80. 8.2 Amadeus (1984) 46,800

81. 8.2 Batman Begins (2005) 87,772

82. 8.2 The Sting (1973) 30,411

83. 8.2 Jaws (1975) 61,720

84. 8.2 Strangers on a Train (1951) 14,214

85. 8.2 The Incredibles (2004) 53,821

86. 8.2 On the Waterfront (1954) 17,282

87. 8.2 Forrest Gump (1994) 120,002

88. 8.2 Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) 92,971

89. 8.2 Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) 15,070

90. 8.2 The Wizard of Oz (1939) 48,900

91. 8.2 The Apartment (1960) 14,817

92. 8.2 Crash (2004/I) 61,440

93. 8.2 Braveheart (1995) 116,476

94. 8.2 Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) 98,630

95. 8.2 Nuovo cinema Paradiso (1989) 18,715

96. 8.2 City Lights (1931) 10,499

97. 8.2 Sjunde inseglet, Det (1957) 13,584

98. 8.2 Blade Runner (1982) 91,647

99. 8.2 Donnie Darko (2001) 80,628

100. 8.2 Ran (1985) 16,151

101. 8.2 High Noon (1952) 15,974

102. 8.2 Full Metal Jacket (1987) 62,755

103. 8.2 Notorious (1946) 13,992

104. 8.2 The Big Sleep (1946) 13,133

105. 8.2 The Elephant Man (1980) 22,060

106. 8.2 Fargo (1996) 81,334

107. 8.1 Finding Nemo (2003) 60,752

108. 8.1 The Great Dictator (1940) 14,377

109. 8.1 Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) 107,479

110. 8.1 Mononoke-hime (1997) 27,138

111. 8.1 Once Upon a Time in America (1984) 26,842

112. 8.1 Cool Hand Luke (1967) 18,559

113. 8.1 Salaire de la peur, Le (1953) 4,381

114. 8.1 The Sixth Sense (1999) 121,317

115. 8.1 Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) 67,850

116. 8.1 Annie Hall (1977) 28,275

117. 8.1 Wo hu cang long (2000) 63,346

118. 8.1 Oldboy (2003) 25,216

119. 8.1 Ben-Hur (1959) 26,926

120. 8.1 Unforgiven (1992) 40,178

121. 8.1 The Princess Bride (1987) 67,329

122. 8.1 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) 77,917

123. 8.1 Yojimbo (1961) 12,474

124. 8.1 The Killing (1956) 9,637

125. 8.1 Back to the Future (1985) 88,595

126. 8.1 Notti di Cabiria, Le (1957) 3,472

127. 8.1 Life of Brian (1979) 43,265

128. 8.0 The Green Mile (1999) 80,505

129. 8.0 The Deer Hunter (1978) 37,349

130. 8.0 It Happened One Night (1934) 10,473

131. 8.0 The Graduate (1967) 35,683

132. 8.0 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) 26,000

133. 8.0 Ladri di biciclette (1948) 10,144

134. 8.0 Platoon (1986) 46,501

135. 8.0 Toy Story 2 (1999) 52,333

136. 8.0 The African Queen (1951) 17,235

137. 8.0 Gladiator (2000) 120,365

138. 8.0 Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949) 4,984

139. 8.0 Amores perros (2000) 22,215

140. 8.0 Per qualche dollaro in più (1965) 13,460

141. 8.0 Lola rennt (1998) 41,821

142. 8.0 The General (1927) 8,725

143. 8.0 Brief Encounter (1945) 4,121

144. 8.0 The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) 9,803

145. 8.0 Diaboliques, Les (1955) 4,654

146. 8.0 Shadow of a Doubt (1943) 8,056

147. 8.0 Duck Soup (1933) 12,771

148. 8.0 Gandhi (1982) 20,660

149. 8.0 The Night of the Hunter (1955) 10,203

150. 8.0 The Conversation (1974) 13,591

151. 8.0 Glory (1989) 27,343

152. 8.0 V for Vendetta (2005) 49,759

153. 8.0 Patton (1970) 18,644

154. 8.0 Harvey (1950) 10,223

155. 8.0 Die Hard (1988) 74,785

156. 8.0 Stand by Me (1986) 40,032

157. 8.0 8½ (1963) 11,099

158. 8.0 Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (1922) 11,660

159. 8.0 Cabinet des Dr. Caligari., Das (1920) 5,550

160. 8.0 Smultronstället (1957) 7,583

161. 8.0 The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) 13,268

162. 8.0 Ying xiong (2002) 36,374

163. 8.0 Dog Day Afternoon (1975) 20,875

164. 8.0 Belle et la bête, La (1946) 3,441

165. 8.0 Battaglia di Algeri, La (1966) 3,720

166. 8.0 The Philadelphia Story (1940) 13,539

167. 7.9 Finding Neverland (2004) 35,408

168. 7.9 Cinderella Man (2005) 21,782

169. 7.9 A Christmas Story (1983) 25,817

170. 7.9 Spartacus (1960) 22,197

171. 7.9 Gone with the Wind (1939) 37,369

172. 7.9 The Gold Rush (1925) 8,502

173. 7.9 Before Sunset (2004) 17,194

174. 7.9 The Best Years of Our Lives (1946) 7,990

175. 7.9 The Grapes of Wrath (1940) 10,254

176. 7.9 Mystic River (2003) 43,547

177. 7.9 Shrek (2001) 85,351

178. 7.9 Toy Story (1995) 58,454

179. 7.9 Tengoku to jigoku (1963) 2,776

180. 7.9 Magnolia (1999) 59,743

181. 7.9 Groundhog Day (1993) 58,379

182. 7.9 Big Fish (2003) 50,128

183. 7.9 Trainspotting (1996) 67,172

184. 7.9 The Hustler (1961) 10,846

185. 7.9 Wallace & Gromit in The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (2005) 15,863

186. 7.9 The Exorcist (1973) 45,055

187. 7.9 Out of the Past (1947) 3,816

188. 7.9 The Lady Vanishes (1938) 6,287

189. 7.9 The Wild Bunch (1969) 13,886

190. 7.9 Quatre cents coups, Les (1959) 8,949

191. 7.9 The Big Lebowski (1998) 68,241

192. 7.9 Twelve Monkeys (1995) 78,785

193. 7.9 King Kong (1933) 16,478

194. 7.9 Ed Wood (1994) 30,954

195. 7.9 The Straight Story (1999) 19,375

196. 7.9 Anatomy of a Murder (1959) 5,296

197. 7.9 Walk the Line (2005) 29,813

198. 7.9 Hable con ella (2002) 17,852

199. 7.9 Manhattan (1979) 16,197

200. 7.9 Judgment at Nuremberg (1961) 4,932

201. 7.9 Stalag 17 (1953) 9,311

202. 7.9 The Terminator (1984) 75,977

203. 7.9 Heat (1995) 59,556

204. 7.9 Young Frankenstein (1974) 28,648

205. 7.9 Kumonosu jô (1957) 4,997

206. 7.9 Arsenic and Old Lace (1944) 14,443

207. 7.9 Bride of Frankenstein (1935) 6,587

208. 7.9 In the Heat of the Night (1967) 9,357

209. 7.9 Witness for the Prosecution (1957) 6,839

210. 7.9 Snatch. (2000) 62,755

211. 7.9 Monsters, Inc. (2001) 51,883

212. 7.9 Sleuth (1972) 6,126

213. 7.9 Sling Blade (1996) 25,353

214. 7.9 Du rififi chez les hommes (1955) 2,466

215. 7.9 Inherit the Wind (1960) 4,930

216. 7.9 Sweet Smell of Success (1957) 3,272

217. 7.9 All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) 9,209

218. 7.9 The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962) 9,591

219. 7.9 Roman Holiday (1953) 12,706

220. 7.9 Bringing Up Baby (1938) 11,970

221. 7.9 Himmel über Berlin, Der (1987) 9,316

222. 7.9 Bonnie and Clyde (1967) 16,724

223. 7.9 Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998) 47,020

224. 7.9 Festen (1998) 15,503

225. 7.9 Rosemary's Baby (1968) 17,408

226. 7.9 The Lost Weekend (1945) 3,944

227. 7.9 The Thing (1982) 25,359

228. 7.9 The Searchers (1956) 13,291

229. 7.9 Umberto D. (1952) 2,080

230. 7.9 Brazil (1985) 39,025

231. 7.9 Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005) 91,368

232. 7.9 His Girl Friday (1940) 9,027

233. 7.9 No Man's Land (2001) 9,840

234. 7.9 Scarface (1983) 46,197

235. 7.8 Frankenstein (1931) 8,809

236. 7.8 Haine, La (1995) 8,463

237. 7.8 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) 92,859

238. 7.8 Doctor Zhivago (1965) 13,547

239. 7.8 Central do Brasil (1998) 10,797

240. 7.8 Hotaru no haka (1988) 11,189

241. 7.8 Ikiru (1952) 6,297

242. 7.8 A Man for All Seasons (1966) 5,826

243. 7.8 Almost Famous (2000) 50,650

244. 7.8 A Streetcar Named Desire (1951) 13,100

245. 7.8 Planet of the Apes (1968) 26,146

246. 7.8 Harold and Maude (1971) 12,000

247. 7.8 Charade (1963) 12,174

248. 7.8 All the President's Men (1976) 16,812

249. 7.8 The Insider (1999) 36,586

250. 7.8 The Man Who Would Be King (1975) 10,369

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4. 8.8 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) 154,351

14. 8.7 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) 199,400

20. 8.6 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) 155,461

25. 8.6 Memento (2000) 119,818

34. 8.5 The Matrix (1999) 182,535

85. 8.2 The Incredibles (2004) 53,821

92. 8.2 Crash (2004/I) 61,440

114. 8.1 The Sixth Sense (1999) 121,317

167. 7.9 Finding Neverland (2004) 35,408

168. 7.9 Cinderella Man (2005) 21,782

185. 7.9 Wallace & Gromit in The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (2005) 15,863

191. 7.9 The Big Lebowski (1998) 68,241

197. 7.9 Walk the Line (2005) 29,813

203. 7.9 Heat (1995) 59,556

211. 7.9 Monsters, Inc. (2001) 51,883

231. 7.9 Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005) 91,368

237. 7.8 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) 92,859

243. 7.8 Almost Famous (2000) 50,650

Some of these are good movies, but talking about greatest of all-time, no.... especially LOTR. For them to be 4,14,20... NO F'N WAY! The best one was the first and it may deserve a spot in the 150-250 range.

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Crash was one I was about to mention. It was good, about 7/10 good, but it's hardly anything compared to a lot of shit on the list below it.

I suppose this would also be a time to mention Lola rennt (Run Lola Run) into the debate?

Edited by ROC
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The biggest problem is the site used to be filled with a lot of people who knew movies. As IMDB has grown it picked up the lot of people who overrate flashy CGI films and new flicks and the older, better, flicks get pushed down. Hence why I say that The Incredibles is overrated. It was not as good as Toy Story 1, Toy Story 2, or Nemo.

The Matrix probably deserves a spot in the 250, but way too high. Same with Memento.... 25th!!?

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The biggest problem is the site used to be filled with a lot of people who knew movies. As IMDB has grown it picked up the lot of people who overrate flashy CGI films and new flicks and the older, better, flicks get pushed down.

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5. 8.8 Casablanca (1942) 84,357

9. 8.7 Pulp Fiction (1994) 177,508

32. 8.5 Fight Club (1999) 152,897

45. 8.4 American History X (1998) 83,149

85. 8.2 The Incredibles (2004) 53,821

92. 8.2 Crash (2004/I) 61,440

182. 7.9 Big Fish (2003) 50,128

Disregarded the movies I haven't seen. Can't judge what I haven't seen; but for the most part I avoided LOTR and the new Star Wars on purpose. And I basically stopped at 200, because there was a lot more movies I haven't seen.

Ok, before anyone gets antsy about Casablanca, I put it here for one reason. Yes, it was made in 1942 and is practically the prototype for every other movie. But I just think it is an average movie. Influencial? Hell yes. But I wouldn't say it is a quality film.

Pulp Fiction is so overrated it isn't funny. Great movie, yes. In the top 10 greatest films? I don't think so. Maybe low-end of top 50. But there are lots of better movies.

I never got the hype behind Fight Club or American History X; moreso with American History X. I just felt X tackled a controversial topic that has been covered in so many other movies and so much better. Fight Club was good, but I felt that the ending was anti-climatic and the ending needed to be stellar.

The Incredibles was a great kids movie - but that doesn't mean it is a great movie. I think what makes so many of the top 100's great is that not only are they great movies for their genre - horror, action, comedy, whatever - they crossover and you can call them great movies. After I saw the Incredibles, I said it was a great kids movie - not a great movie. How did Finding Nemo get shafted so low, and the Incredibles end up so high? Finding Nemo should be in the top 50 movies of all time, in my opinion.

Crash was good, but like the other movies it doesn't belong. It does a lot of things very well (performances, the script, directing), but I don't think overall the film came across as great.

And Big Fish wasn't that good. Just wasn't a movie I was moved by.

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I will have to be controversial and say Godfather... It just isn't the greatest film in the history of films - its overly long, I had to use sub-titles to understand Marlon Brando and its only remembered for the: "So, you come to me, on the day of my daughter's wedding" line anyway. Casablanca is also overrated, mostly because the whole love thing has been done to death in the sixty years after it was shot. Nevertheless, it wasn't the first ever love story and didn't feature anything else spectacular. Lock, Stock... is gangster bollocks made by Guy Ritchie and starring guys like Vinnie Jones, who don't know anything else than how to do films where the plot involves crime and they act like "geezers". It's a good watch, it deserves to be nowhere near the top 250 films ever though surely. Finally all Lord of the Rings films are shit, the total length of just one film makes the end result (which was about as surprising as a game of "Peek a Boo" even if you haven't read the books) about as rewarding as watching The League of Xtraordinary Gentlemen...

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PRP- you clearly don't know what you're talking about. :lol:

Casablanca, whilst probably a bit overrated by some people, is a far more than average movie. It's probably amongst the top, say, fifty movies ever made, and not just because everybody has a huge nostalgia-crush on it. It's a masterpiece.

And Pulp Fiction... yeah. It just so happens to be one of the most influential, and best-written movies... ever, probably. At least top ten, maybe even top five.

To be honest, the list is pretty misleading. Most, if not all, of those movies deserve/deserved the ratings they got given there. I'm sure you could say Episode III is overrated, and maybe it isn't as good as it should've been, but it probably deserves a 7.9 rating TBH.

Same with basically all of those movies. They deserve the rating they've been given as movies in themselves. Overrated is just a cynic's euphemism for something popular.

Edited by Sephiroth Clone
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Guest Ringo Hates Divers

I'm stopping at the 100 mark, because after that, it's kind of hard to say a movie's overrated if it's meant to be the 148th best film ever.

4. 8.8 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) 154,351

14. 8.7 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) 199,400

20. 8.6 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) 155,461

25. 8.6 Memento (2000) 119,818

28. 8.5 Lawrence of Arabia (1962) 39,676

30. 8.5 It's a Wonderful Life (1946) 51,397

34. 8.5 The Matrix (1999) 182,535

39. 8.4 Paths of Glory (1957) 19,292

46. 8.4 The Pianist (2002) 46,382

51. 8.3 Hotel Rwanda (2004) 26,983

63. 8.3 Sin City (2005) 84,997

92. 8.2 Crash (2004/I) 61,440

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PRP- you clearly don't know what you're talking about.

Casablanca, whilst probably a bit overrated by some people, is a far more than average movie. It's probably amongst the top, say, fifty movies ever made, and not just because everybody has a huge nostalgia-crush on it. It's a masterpiece.

And Pulp Fiction... yeah. It just so happens to be one of the most influential, and best-written movies... ever, probably. At least top ten, maybe even top five.

I've studied Casablanca before and wrote an entire thesis on why the movie is nothing more than influencial. What can you actually say was great about the movie? Nothing, except for that lots and lots of movies copied Casablana. Heck, some of them do a lot better than Casablanca.

And I like Pulp Ficiton, but not enough to even consider it to be anywhere near the top 10. Kill Bill and Dogs was better; Pulp Fiction was just blah too me. I just felt like Quentin Tarantino tried way too many different things. A movie like Magnolia perfectly interconnect's stories - I just felt that it was a good, fun movie but vastly overrated by Tarantino fan-boy's.

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Ok, before anyone gets antsy about Casablanca, I put it here for one reason. Yes, it was made in 1942 and is practically the prototype for every other movie. But I just think it is an average movie. Influencial? Hell yes. But I wouldn't say it is a quality film.
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Million Dollar Baby. It was an alright movie, but the 69th best movie. I guess the same could be said for The Matrix and Memento, but I thought those were pretty good movies. Same with Donnie Darko.

As for underrated...how the hell is The Deer Hunter not in the Top 100?

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Ok, before anyone gets antsy about Casablanca, I put it here for one reason. Yes, it was made in 1942 and is practically the prototype for every other movie. But I just think it is an average movie. Influencial? Hell yes. But I wouldn't say it is a quality film.


Fight Club was good, but I felt that the ending was anti-climatic and the ending needed to be stellar.

I, along with a lot of others, thought the ending was stellar. Fight Club was an excellent movie.

Now I'm not going to argue with you saying they are overrated. They probably are, I enjoyed a lot of other films more than Casablanca, such as The Big Sleep, but I would not ever say that is wasn't quality. The writing and such in the film is phenomenal. I'd say it is a top20, to top 15 film. But to say that it isn't quality, to me, is just one of the most ludacris things I've ever heard.

Ok, Ok, I did overreact a bit on the hatred for Casablanca. It isn't that bad and as I said before, at the very least you can attribute it to being the prototype for every movie with a romantic plot. I just much prefer classics like Psycho, Citizen Kane, Some Like It Hot, Star Wars, Clockwork Orange, etc. I just can't buy into the endless hype behind Casablanca.

And for Fight Club, I just don't like "split personality" ending's. Too me, it is the same category as "dream" ending's... I think they are complete cop-out's. Yeah, Fight Club used it a little better than a movie like Identity, but still it had the same effect on me.

I respect if people like or dislike the movies I don't, because that is why the arts are great. I can think something is done poorly while lots of other people can think it is brilliant. Heck, I am pretty sure lots of people would disagree with my top twenty.

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Sure, there are better movies out there than Casablanca, even within that romantic genre.

When Harry Met Sally, for example, which is the best romantic movie ever made.

But, Casablanca is still a great story, a wonderful movie, and has stood the test of time. Not as well as some movies, like The Big Sleep or The Third Man, for instance, but it still stands up today.

Plus, Film Studies Theses < Real Fandom. :lol:

I personally love It's A Wonderful Life, but more for the nostalgia trip and Christmas happy ending than any major cinematic credit, and I would agree that it wouldn't stand up to objective cinematic analysis these days, as it hasn't stood the test of time outside of people's sentimentality to it. Meh.

As for Fight Club - definitely. Let's be honest - Edward Norton is the most overrated actor in films. I'd be honestly stunned that, if any list of overrated films were ordered according to how overrated they are, not how well they're rated as the IMDB list is, the top 20 or so didn't include pretty much all of his movies.

He fucking sucks.

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Guest Ringo Hates Divers

To me, It's A Wonderful Life does not stand the test of time.

I nearly put this on my overrated list as well. But I will say that it has stood the test of time, to this day it is played every Christmas on network TV because people love this film, to me that is standing the test of time. How many other movies of this era get network television time?

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