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Help me figure out who this comic book character is.

MalaCloudy Black

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He was a pumpkin created by Merlin as the playtoy of a bratty little Prince. Eventually, he got tired of putting up with the Prince and his shit, slain him, presented the body to his parents, and then presumably kills the King & Queen and takes the Kingdom over. I remember it being in the last few pages of what I think was an Image Comics publication, and it tied in with the book because at the end he's looking in a crystal ball at the hero in said Image Comics publication (fucked if I can remember which, sorry).

Any idea?

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Lord Pumpkin


He's from Malibu comics, which is owned by Marvel now, but for some reason they can't publish any of it due to a horrible deal they signed.

I vaugely remember a cartoon based on Malibu comics characters and I think Lord Pumpkin was in it...

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Malibu! That was it. Why was I thinking Image? oh well

I think they both have superheroes that look like they abuse steroids, and I think Malibu's superhero is a twerpy little guy who explodes into green ooze.. I can't remember.

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I think they both have superheroes that look like they abuse steroids, and I think Malibu's superhero is a twerpy little guy who explodes into green ooze.. I can't remember.


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