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I wish they made just one more Next Generation movie, Nemesis wasn't how I wanted them to go out as it was just really boring. But I guess I'm excited, just to see what they come up with for a prequel.

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Eh, I enjoyed Nemesis as a 'goodbye' movie. They couldn't really do an other one now anyway, Data is dead (and no one wants B4), Riker and Troi are gone, everyone is a damn sight older and fatter.....

Anyway, as for the prequel, I wasn't really interested before, and to be honest, I'm not now. Really. Much. But I'll go and see it. Its Star Trek after all.

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Still holding out for a DS9 movie myself. But I still have some apprehensions about this movie. I'll still watch it, but I don't know if this will be like Generations or like First Contact in terms of enjoyability.

Edited by Godfatha
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DS9 is the only series I've had any interest in them turning into a movie, but it's pretty clear that's never going to happen, so I've all but given up hope of that.

I had zero interest in this before, but now this has somewhat peaked my interest. I think it'll come down to who gets cast as Kirk and Spock. I demand random cameos for all surviving original members of Star Trek though.

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I'm not certain about that, but I've also heard people mentioning Ryan Reynolds's name for Captain Kirk. Oddly enough, that move would be fascinating to me.

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I doubt it too (just imagine how good that would be, though!). Which is why I won't like this movie >_>

Unless it features the ironic Shatner cameo mentioned by Godfatha. Especially if said Shatner either hums, or sings under his breath, "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds" or "Rocket Man". In which case, it's the best film ever.

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Speaking of Campbell, what does anybody know about Bubba Hotep 2, Evil Dead 4, anything else Campbell is doing?

He's directing and starring in a movie called "My Name Is Bruce" which seriously sounds like it kicks major ass; "B Movie Legend Bruce Campbell is mistaken for his character Ash from the Evil Dead trilogy and forced to fight a real monster in a small town in Oregon. "

That sounds fucking phenomenal.

I'm interested as to what Bubba Nosferatu will entail, though, the ending of Bubba Ho-Tep really doesn't lend itself to a sequel. Will it have any connection to Bubba Ho-Tep? I'll watch it regardless.

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Speaking of Campbell, what does anybody know about Bubba Hotep 2, Evil Dead 4, anything else Campbell is doing?

He's directing and starring in a movie called "My Name Is Bruce" which seriously sounds like it kicks major ass; "B Movie Legend Bruce Campbell is mistaken for his character Ash from the Evil Dead trilogy and forced to fight a real monster in a small town in Oregon. "

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