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least favourite tv shows

Guest Preston

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I wouldn't say House is over-rated, or poor, but it is VERY samey. They never change the actual format of the show at all. Person gets Ill. House bitches about working in the clinic. Patient comes in. House shows an interest. They get an original diagnois wrong. They get round a board and throw out long sounding names of diseases and mock each other for being wrong. They try a treatment that fails. House 'GETS IT' and acts all smug and arrogant because he's so right. Its wrong, and the patient almost dies (this in particular - EVERY show). The patient almost dying however does finally tell them what the actual disease is, they treat him/her and live happily ever after. Throw in one or two scenes of very minor importance about one of the other characters, and a scene or two where House argues with the lass that runs the hospital, and that it. Every damn week.

But I still wouldn't call it bad, because despite sticking to the same template, the actual new episode is VERY well written and Hugh Laurie is very good also. Its the kinda show I can watch now and again and enjoy a lot, but watching it every week gets very repetative.

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I can't really get into Lost.

Blade The Series is horrible. Every actor involved is just awful, and I think the show is just an attempt to sabotage a movie franchise that was kind of cheesey in the first place.

Laguna Beach needs to die. The OC needs to die. Burn, burn, burn.

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Oh and for you Canadians out there...

Trailer Park Boys is the most overrated heap of festering pile of rushing manure ever to be exhume and exported from this (usually) great land.

Do you not get it or something?

You must not be truly Canadian...

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I didn't really go through this thread yet, but my least favorite tv shows? Friends and Thats 70s Show.

Seriously, fuck both of those shows. Neither of them have a modicum of humor for me, and it seems a lot of people I know love them. Those are two shows I can absolutely do without.

Give me Married With Children any day of the week over those festering piles of tripe.

I very rarely watch television anymore. I'm not a big tv fan, if I watch tv it will only involve sports. Must see tv for me is Detroit Lions, Detroit Tigers, and Detroit Pistons. If it's not Detroit sports then it's other NBA/MLB/NFL teams or recaps of those other teams. I still catch as much wrestling as I can, but I don't have any actual tv shows that I watch. I like athletic events more than anything because it's real and not some lame ass drama (not counting wrestling).

The one tv show that I absolutely loved was Oz, and that was an HBO show.

Edited by VerbalPuke
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Last of the Summer Wine. How this has gone on for so long astounds me. The best characters have died. Peter Sallis is the only half decent person left in it, but he's so frail he can't do anything. The canned laughter annoys me. It's fairly obvious it's not being recoreded in a studio so why even pretend to have an audience? And why does it always end with them going down a hill on a bike? It needs to be taken out the back and put out of its misery.

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Last of the Summer Wine. How this has gone on for so long astounds me. The best characters have died. Peter Sallis is the only half decent person left in it, but he's so frail he can't do anything. The canned laughter annoys me. It's fairly obvious it's not being recoreded in a studio so why even pretend to have an audience? And why does it always end with them going down a hill on a bike? It needs to be taken out the back and put out of its misery.

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