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Favourite Television Character


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Okay, so I'm on a television kick here, but what are your favourite television characters?

Dr. Gregory House: Sarcastic prick, who loves to throw it in people's face when he's right. However, beneath that facade he's a caring person. Okay, so it's hard to explain, but seriously, I love this character.

Caleb: One of my favourite villians from Buffy The Vampire Slayer. I loved that whole evil preacher, woman hating character. Some of his lines were very well delivered, plus Nathan Fillion is a god.

Glory: Another one of my favourite Buffy villians of which at first I thought, what the fuck? But when you sit back and watch that whole season, it works so damn well. Plus she's hot which is a good thing.

Lindsey McDonald: An Angel villian, and god damn can that boy sing. I have his "Kane" album, and need to get their newest one. Awesome throughout Season 2, and his return in Season 5. It was awesome.

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The greatest character to ever appear on a television screen, without a doubt, is GOB Bluth from Arrested Development. He is a son of a rich real estate tycoon who essentially is still a child despite being an adult. He lives off of the family's money and is a mutha fucking magician.

Second place goes to Tobias from Arrested Development, and third place goes to Eric Cartman from South Park.

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Guest Ringy Bangs Dennis' Mom

Here is my top ten:

10. Tony Soprano

Soprano is a pimp and he kills people. He's also got a human side, which is shown through the interactions with Melfi. He devellops well and really, you can't go wrong with Tony Soprano

9. Malcom Reynolds

Han Solo x10. Everyone likes Han Solo and this guy is just better :shifty:

8. Dale Cooper

He was quirky as hell on Twin Peaks and played one of the awesomest FBI agents ever. He was like Mulder before there was a Mulder. And he's just awesome at everything he does.

7. Spike

Probably the funniest character ever on an hour long show, he was awesome at everything he did and I loved the morphing between bad guy with a tinge of goodness to full on saviour of the world.

6. Fox Mulder

Dale Cooper may have invented the quirky agent, but Mulder perfected him. He may be one dimensional, but he's a freak and he's unrelenting and he's awesome. Like a geek with actualy power and say and you can't bear but like him.

5. Jack Bauer

Jack Bauer will eat your babies. He just goes in, does his job and beats the shit out of people. He does seem to be making judgements based on human feeling as of late, which endears him some more.

4. Veronica Mars

She's just so hot. :shifty:. That and she solves crime, drops wisecracks, and goes to school too. Like an old school detective in a teenage girl's body. A hot teenage girl's body :shifty:

3. Dr Cox

No reason need be given. He makes jokes all the time, but he's got a great human side too. JD may summarize Scrubs, but this is the meat and bones of the show to me. It's also the best acted part.

2. Angel

Angel's character is likable because he's deeply peninant and doing vigilante justice as a result of this. But, because of his conscience, he's also got a need for human contact and a feel for it that makes him incredibly endearing. Of course, he's absolutely awesome whenever he heel-turns too, which is awesome.

1. Wesley Wyndham Price

Wesley is often overlooked, even though in my book he's the best develloped TV character of all time. He first appears as a huge nerd you can't help but hate. He's a bookworm and serves comedic purposes. Then, he switches over to Angel, where's a joke and a wannabe vigilitante with very little skill. However, as Angel leaves him in charge, he actually grows a set and fends off crime. And then, of course, he gives Angel's kid to evil and becomes a complete utter badass, or as I like to call him Wesley Wyndham-Badass. His subsequent relationship with Fred only serve to make him even more awesome.

So, yes. Wesley FTW.

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Honorable mentions: Willow Rosenberg, Malcolm Reynolds, Homer Simpson, the South Park Boys.

10. Pee-Wee Herman

The ultimate children's television host. There never was a show like Pee-Wee's Playhouse, and there hasn't been one since. Absolute brilliant television that still stands the test of time.

9. Ken Titus

Titus is, without a doubt, the most underrated television show of all-time to actually survive more than two seasons. The show made the most uncomfortable of situations funny, and it was mainly thanks to Stacy Keach's portrayal of Christopher Titus' father, Ken Titus. With lines like "Gay is when two men make God cry," "Once upon a time, your dog got hit by a truck this morning," and "You don't need a gun, son. The men in our family have penises," executed to perfection, Keach stole the show every episode.

8. Jack Bristow

I loved Alias, but I didn't care about any of the characters nearly as much as Jack. When Will utters the line, "you're morbid, Jack" at the end of season one, it just perfectly epitomized the character. Jack was a good man, when it came to people he cared about, but was also a badass.

7. Fox Mulder

What can I say that Ringu didn't already? The X-Files was THE show in the 90s and it was all about Mulder's coolness and Scully's hotness. Every season, Mulder got cooler and Scully got hotter, perfect how that worked out.

6. Beavis & Butt-Head

You can't really separate these two, they were rarely ever apart. Looking back on the show now, almost ten years older than I was when it went off the air, it had to have been either the dumbest show ever, or one of the most brilliant. Maybe both...

5. Wesley Wyndam Pryce

A perfect example in character development. They didn't just flip a switch and take him from nerd to badass, he slowly became it through betrayal, gunshot wounds, and countless tragedies. A good man who tries to step up, but knows that sometimes lines need to be blurred.

4. Keith Mars

Don't get me wrong, I love Veronica (often in my dreams as well), but Keith is the badass. Veronica is the focus of the show, but Keith is the most well-developed and logical character in the series. He behaves like any good father in that (granted, far-fetched) situation would.

3. Jack Bauer

Come on... COME ON... It's Jack fucking Bauer. He threatened shoving a towel down a guy's throat and ripping out his entrails. He's easily earned this spot. The most badass of badasses.

2. Detective Vic Mackey

If Jack Bauer is the King of Badasses, what does that make Vic Mackey? A bad motherfucker. The Shield is probably my favorite show on TV right now and it's pretty much entirely in thanks to Michael Chiklis playing someone so unbelievably real. When I watch the Shield, I forget that I'm watching TV because it is just so raw.

1. Spike

Best... character... ever. Spike was a major character on two television shows for over five years and while he developed quite a bit, he never strayed too much from what the character was all about. Buffy and Angel are my favorite shows of all-time and Spike was always the highlight to me on either one. Ringu pretty much summed up everything else.

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I am too cool for reasons. :shifty:

10. Antwon Mitchell (Played by Anthony Anderson, The Shield)

9. Detective Dutch Wagenbach (Played by Jay Karnes, The Shield)

8. Omar Little (Played by Michael K. Williams, The Wire)

7. Ari Gold (Played by Jeremy Piven, Entourage)

6. Det. Jimmy McNulty (Played by Dominic West, The Wire)

5. Adrian Monk (Played by Tony Shalhoub, Monk)

4. Tony Soprano (Played by James Gandolfini, The Sopranos

3. Tommy Gavin (Played by Denis Leary, Rescue Me)

2. Jack Bauer (Played by Kiefer Sutherland, 24)

1. Detective Vic Mackey (Played by Michael Chiklis, The Shield)

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9. Detective Dutch Wagenbach (Played by Jay Karnes, The Shield)

God, how did I forget Dutch? Dutch is FANTASTIC. I like Vic (though Lem is actually my favorite member of the Strike Team as of the end of season three, which is where I'm at since I follow the show on DVDs and haven't watched seasons four or five yet), but to me Dutch is the fucking highlight of that show.

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Guest shibbycath

9. Ken Titus

Titus is, without a doubt, the most underrated television show of all-time to actually survive more than two seasons. The show made the most uncomfortable of situations funny, and it was mainly thanks to Stacy Keach's portrayal of Christopher Titus' father, Ken Titus. With lines like "Gay is when two men make God cry," "Once upon a time, your dog got hit by a truck this morning," and "You don't need a gun, son. The men in our family have penises," executed to perfection, Keach stole the show every episode.

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Fry from Futurama, c'mon.

From Arrested Development it's definitely GOB, followed by Tobias. I'm loving Ari Gold in Entourage too.

Keith Mars possibly my favourite dramatic character of all time, and his relationship with Veronica is stunning.

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1. Jack Bauer (24) - The most badass TV character ever.

2. Tim Taylor (Home Improvement)

3. Sawyer (Lost)

4. Tony Almeida (24)

5. Dwight Schrute (The Office)

6. Dr. House (House)

7. Tommy Gavin (Rescue Me)

8. Jim Halpert (The Office)

9. Sean Garrity (Rescue Me)

10. Mr. Burns (The Simpsons)

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No love for Al Bundy?

My choice is Al Bundy. I don't even know who half of these characters are that you guys are referring to. Al Bundy is my choice for keeping me full of laughs throughout my childhood. A brilliant character played by a brilliant actor. Nobody could have done Al Bundy quite like Ed O'Neil.

Jack Tripper (John Ritter) also get's a mention from me. Three's Company was one of those delightfully silly situational 70s sitcoms. On top of that, I adore Joyce DeWitt. She was sexy.

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