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PlayStation3 Delayed


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The Wii's price tag alone sets it above the other two systems for most people anyway. This setback for Sony just seems to be the latest in a serious of screw up's this company has been making ever since they announced the price tag for this thing at E3. I mean really, who would pay that crazy price tag for the PS3 when they could just as easily get the Wii for half that?

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Benji, stop being a fanboy for..10 minutes?

The Wii has all the powers of an xbox/ps2. If I'm not wrong, I remember a nintendo rep saying that it's more like an xbox than 360.

The only people that can't wait are cheap parents and fanboys.

I'm all for sony, but they've fucked up here, hopefully it'll mean a pricedrop at release though.

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Benji, stop being a fanboy for..10 minutes?

The Wii has all the powers of an xbox/ps2. If I'm not wrong, I remember a nintendo rep saying that it's more like an xbox than 360.

The only people that can't wait are cheap parents and fanboys.

I'm all for sony, but they've fucked up here, hopefully it'll mean a pricedrop at release though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I figured that rather creating ANOTHER topic, I'd just scroll down the front page and use the first PS3 topic I came across to post this in:

Sony cuts price of PlayStation 3

By Jonathan Fildes

Technology reporter, BBC News website, in Tokyo

Sony is to cut the Japanese cost of its forthcoming PlayStation 3 console by 20%, the consumer electronics giant announced in Tokyo on Friday.

The price cut is aimed at boosting the launch of the machine and making it more competitive with the Xbox 360.

The price for the North American and European launch will stay the same.

The surprise move will see the 20 gigabyte version of the PS3 sell for 49,980 yen ($430) when it goes on sale on 11 November in Japan.

No changes to the price of the higher end model - 60GB version - or European and US prices were announced.

Full Article (BBC.co.uk)

Well...fuck you too. <_<

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$430? Thats something like £200? That can't be right. If it is, then the PS3 isn't anywhere near as costly as I thought it'd be.

Oh wait, thats the basic package? Apparently the larger version will be $600, which is roughly £300, which isn't that far off what I paid for my 360 anyway. Assuming I haven't misread something, this is pretty good news, as far as I'm concerned.

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$430? Thats something like £200? That can't be right. If it is, then the PS3 isn't anywhere near as costly as I thought it'd be.

Oh wait, thats the basic package? Apparently the larger version will be $600, which is roughly £300, which isn't that far off what I paid for my 360 anyway. Assuming I haven't misread something, this is pretty good news, as far as I'm concerned.

Sony cuts price of PlayStation 3

By Jonathan Fildes

Technology reporter, BBC News website, in Tokyo

Sony is to cut the Japanese cost of its forthcoming PlayStation 3 console by 20%, the consumer electronics giant announced in Tokyo on Friday.

The price for the North American and European launch will stay the same.

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