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PS3 vs 360 vs Wii


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Eh, this may wind up being long but I'm gonna address everything I've read here plus my own thoughts.

I've been thoroughly underwhelmed and rather agitated by the whole concept of these new consoles. I attribute it to the fact that I've developed countless other expensive hobbies and maybe I've just become jaded and burntout from playing games since I was 2/3. 18 years is a long time.

Another factor is something a few others have mentioned, I'm not exactly picking the console that satisfies me the most but the one I think is the least shitty.

I don't like Microsoft. Simple as that. The company's approach to "gaming" and general attitude towards things is just bothersome. I don't give a shit about online. I tried it years ago with various PC games and it just isn't compelling to me. I'd rather kick the ass of a friend sitting next to me than some unknown 12 year old moron who cheats and talks like a sailor.

The games don't appeal to me too much. Only Dead Rising has my interest, which it gained well over a year ago when I first heard of it. Problem is, that's about it. Everything else either looks dreary or just tiresome.

Mainly due to games feeling the exact same. Fuck, I bought Hitman: Blood Money for the PS2 for $40, why should I spend $20 more for slightly better textures? Boggles the mind. I also watched my girlfriend play Tomb Raider Legend in Futureshop on a display and watched her play it on the PS2 at home. Not that big of a difference.

To really sum it up, the two key points of the 360 are online and HD graphics. Neither of which means shit to me quite frankly. The Xbox Live Arcade intrigued me a bit, but ahem... Virtual Console trumps it tenfold.

As for the Playstation 3... Well, I may get one. In about 2 or 3 years, just as I have the last two Playstations. A price drop or two and are bigger slew of interesting games will likely be available by then. Sure it has plenty of "Oh my god BIG NAME GAME SEQUEL!", but a whole lot of meh too. I looked at the Wikipedia entry for the PS3 and looked at the "major games" coming out. All of the ones I've heard of are either multiplatform or sequels. Of which I don't care about Tekken, Mercenaries 2 sounds good (but may be for the 360 down the road too), Metal Gear Solid 4 which may get me interested if I don't have to sit through hours of convoluted non interactive story telling, Devil May Cry 4 which doesn't interest me either (never played one and don't intend too), Grand Theft Auto IV which may or may not be good (the past two have really stretched the formula thin) and the Final Fantasy XIII duo. I used to love Square, and especially Final Fantasy (it's what promted me to get the previous two playstations for 7 and 10 respectively) but I have little interest anymore. 12 isn't even out here yet (talk about delayed) so I can't be bothered with the "next" one when I haven't even played the "current".

I do have hope for some series like Ratchet & Clank and Sly (but Insomniac butchered what I loved about Ratchet in Deadlocked). Actually, Deadlocked is what I hate about games now adays. Fluff crap and a growing trend toward online stuff.

The PS3 just looks to me like a copy of the 360 just made by Sony instead with slightly different exclusive games available but otherwise the same line up. However, I can get one quite a bit cheaper than the other. Sony however has given me nothing to back them aside from pretentious and arrogant executives mouthing off about everything they can think of.

Meanwhile we have the Wii. I will get one. Guaranteed. I don't know when though. But I have every single major Nintendo console since I got the NES for my third birthday. Hell my NES still works perfectly while a couple friend's 360's and especially PS2's have kicked the bucket with suprising frequency. (I put that down to me looking after my stuff though)

The Virtual Console is actually a key reason for me to get it. I lost a lot of my NES, SNES and N64 games in 2000 due to family problems, and I view this as a great way to get some of them back in a rather cheap way. I have no problem with the prices as I find them reasonable. Capcom charges $15 on XBLA for Street Fighter 2, while N64 games will be $10 (probably a little more here, but whatever) and SNES games will be half that. I don't see how any of that is overpriced or a rip off. Considering local EBs, pawn shops and flea markets sell N64 games for $15+ around here I think that's perfect.

The Wiimote is the most fascinating thing I have seen with games in years. I grew sick of the age old limited controllers of yore a few years ago. That's the main reason I've moved over to mainly playing PC games. Notably more depth and utility. You don't have to wave it around willy-nilly like the "Star Wars" kid, just gentle motions and flicks of the wrist, but the option is there if you want. Besides, I quit giving a shit what people thought of me when I left high school. If someone thinks I look like a nerd, dork, loser, faggot, etc. for swinging the wiimote around, fuck'em. I'll be having the fun. Regardless though, most people play games at home anyways, and often by themselves. So who fucking cares what others think of you playing a damn game?

I am a bit skeptical though, moreso fearful actually. For all the great and wondrous possibilities for the wiimote I can envision... I also see a lot of slap dash efforts and gimmickry involved. I can see those great lightsabres battles and awesome wrestling matches with its unique setup... And I can see a lot of other crap being shoved out there. A lot of companies abandoning further development and sticking with the same tried and true one shot techniques. Hell, they do it now. A lot of people are thinking limitedly with how it works. It has plenty of buttons and two separate components that can be "seen" in 3D space by the machine... Just think of what can be done with that. I fear though, we'll get a plenty of swinging, some rolling, a bit of turning, a fair amount of wiggly and a whole lot of tedium.

The graphics also bother me. Now, I am not a big proponent of graphics. I prefer a game that can envelop my sense of fun. That's why the DS has had me more interested in playing games this past year than anything else. But... the lack of any true advancement in horsepower bothers me. Now, I don't listen to morons quoting other morons about "it's only as powerful as an Xbox, it's a Gamecube 1.5, etc." (as it has been stated to be about twice as powerful as an Xbox) but where is it? Where is the stuff this system can do? It's architecture has been claimed to be extremely similar to the Gamecube (meaning companies should be able to adapt quickly and pretty much be right where they left off on the Cube) and the developers have had far longer to mess around with Devkits than with the PS3.... but I just see a lot of slapdash minimalism on behalf of everyone.

Which brings me to a point of discussion that a lot of people are split on. Nintendo's marketting... It is so fractured and banal I question what they're thinking. On one hand they are actually in fact targetting all the old school fans and those that "lost their way" (ie. people who jumped ship when they made stupid decisions) and others with their innovating and "revolution of gameplay"... These people were the first backers of the next Nintendo system and many have adopted the new Nintendo sentimentality... "casuals". You're old neighbour, you're kid sister who still thinks games are for boys, etc. Look no further than Wii Sports and Wii Music, and other games of the same ilk.

Graphically minimal and very limited gameplay wise. The N64 pulled off better looking stuff out of the gate than this. And how much are so called "casual gamers" going to put up with paying $50/$60 for something like that. Sure they may drag them in, but I doubt it will keep'em. You need some depth beyond the simple fascade. Like Tetris. Or Zelda. Or any other "easy to learn, difficult to master" type of games. How long are you going to play a game that is just about swinging the wiimote (almost all of the Wii Sports games) before you tire of the repetitive nature of it all. If Mario Tennis/Golf/Football/Baseball/etc. can't get people to pick up games who says Wii Sports or Music will? I am very pro Nintendo and I love the companies games and systems... but this just seems like a big mistep.

Especially when you look at the graphics... Which I don't care who you are, everyone is swayed by pretty pictures. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar. Yes, you may prefer gameplay to graphics every day of the week... But as yourself this, without prior knowledge of the true contents or gameplay would you pick something that looks like Mario 64 or Mario Galaxy? And this is the big difference between the Wii and the other two.

It just seems to me, and even myself, people are simply going for the Wii because it's in a lower pricerange or as more of a tiding over towards a purchase of something else. Kind of like, you want that steak but can't afford it now, so instead you'll buy the beef patty because you need to still eat. Not that you particularly want it, but you need something new now.

So after ranting a bit, I still don't have a clue what I want or plan to get. Everytime I think of a system I see a lot of negatives in light of the positives of another system.

The 360 looks to have a solid lineup of games, and plenty of exclusives. The same really for the PS3. For every Metal Gear and Final Fantasy you have a Gears of War or Halo. Now I do have a preference to the PS3 exclusives, but it decreases each passing moment. But that preference is what keeps me from wanting a 360 (along with the far smaller gap between the Premium 360 and the lower end PS3 which are nearly identical with what you get).

Then you have Nintendo and I love Nintendo games. My 20+ Gamecube games are almost exclusively from Nintendo. All the other consoles and games sitting in my ones closet also attest to this. But I am not so blind as to see possible follies and disregard them. I need to see the games in person and try out the wiimote to remove any doubts from my mind.

I'll likely pick a Wii up eventually, but I have no clue when. And the PS3 will probably find a home under my TV as well in a few years. But, since my life is different now (being out of school and working, plus sharing expenses with my girlfriend), I very well may get a 360 down the line too. But likely when the next Xbox is out. Then again, I had thats same thinking with the first Xbox and well, I'll never own one.

So I'll just stick with the PC, DS, Gamecube (what few games I've yet to play/beat) and the PS2. There's still plenty either coming out and/or already available for them. Dawn of War: Dark Crusade, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, Final Fantasy XII and a plethora of DS games will keep me quite busy... Or not. Haven't played a game in over a month. Eh, maybe I'm just tired of the whole thing.

So truly in conclusion... I'll stick with what is still available.


May as well be like everyone else...

Is online gaming a deciding factor for purchase?

No. Online is useless to me, as I stated above. It's very largely unimportant. I grew up playing games with friends or by myself. Oh how I miss the days of Co-op...

Is charging for online gaming a deciding factor before purchase?

Since I don't need it, I refuse to pay for it. Sony seems to be accomplishing what Microsoft has, as is Nintendo. So paying for something that has always been free to me (mainly with PC games), I don't see the point. Xbox Live is cheap for what it does cost, but the alternative is free. Puts it in perspective.

The more powerful the better, or do you consider that great games is what counts?

For you to like a game, does it have to look really good?(in other words, graphics)

I consider these two questions to be essentially the same.

Great games, but you need power to make them. They go hand in hand. Every ground breaking game has had exceptional design and power behind them during their times of success.

I hate dichotomy people have created. Give me great games with great graphics, great music, great everything.

However great graphics does not mean "oooh, look at Shaq sweat, and wow look how shiny and smooth those cars are". The graphics are dictated by the nature of the game and what it wishes to accomplish. I'll take a lavishly animated 2D game over any super realistic game any day, if the graphics fit and are fun.

Great graphics make a great game all the better, and vice versa. I don't see why they have to be exclusive of each other... Besides, more companies should but better thought into their sound design.

Is hard drive size a deciding factor before purchase?

Not really. If it comes with one, great. I just had to fork over almost $60 for another Gamecube and PS2 memory card. 60 gigs like the PS3, not really. 512 like Nintendo, a bit small (especially considering saves and how many VC games I'll wind up getting)... The 360's 20 gigs is perfect (same for the lowerend PS3).

I HATE memory cards.

Is DVD playback a deciding factor before purchase? (for movies and stuff)

Nope. I have plenty of ways to watch a DVD. Just bought a new one in fact. Have one in the computer. Have a couple others laying about. Hell, the PS2 even.

Now, I do admit, it was a rather enticing extra for me when I did get my PS2. I didn't have the money for one at the time ($10 a week and no job didn't help) and the PS2 having one was all the better. As such, I can see it being a factor to a 15/16 year old kid, or younger.

The PS3's blu-ray drive doesn't interest me for its movie capabilities (I don't have an HDTV and likely won't for some time, my 36" is just fine), but for the storage possibilities. More space, less need to compress stuff (resulting in faster loading times) and the better quality stuff you can use be it textures or voice overs. It may not be a factor now, but I can see it playing a role in a few years when games get bigger and more realistic.

Are game prices a deciding factor before purchase? (360 and PS3 games going for $60, Wii for $50)


Games are overpriced as it is. Sure, they're cheaper than when I was a kid, but they do not need to be $60 (CND) brand new. Let alone the current going rate of $70 or possibly higher in the PS3's case. Nintendo is staying at the current price which is good. For every 6 games I could get for a PS3 or 360 I could get 7 for the Wii. That to me is a big deal.

I prefer waiting for price drops and such before I buy most titles. Especially when they just turn into Player's Choice/Greatest Hits so I can get them cheaper and avoid the horrendous yellow/red banner added to them.

And it is especially a factor when I can pick up current generation titles (Blood Money as my example before) that are essentially the exact same game but slightly better looking. Yet still $20 more. THAT is a whole new game.

Hell, look at what EA has done with Madden. Costlier game for a shitload less content and prettier graphics. Not worth it.

Is HD support a deciding factor for purchase?

No. I have no use for it. My eyes are sharp as it is, and I get headaches when I look at an HDTV too long. The widescreen aspect is nice (I love widescreen anything) but not as much of a factor as Sony and especially Microsoft are making it be. I'll likely have a good sized HDTV by the time the next consoles come around, so it'll be a factor then, not now.

And as for people questioning how Nintendo will market the Wii...


Right there. Now individual commercials will likely be 30seconds to a minute, but same general concept. White background and such, with gameplay footage being interspersed with shots of people playing the games.

BAH... and I be fucking done with it...

Edited by Vilge Duin
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