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The Official "Heroes" Topic


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For me, this is the best episode of the season, scary shades of the Civil War storyline, but still very very cool. And the Sylar swerve was foreshadowed last week when he painted himself in the White House, but this episode tied up more than its share of loose ends. Now we know why Issac got to the hero (sending out the comic book)......fantastic episode.

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I was literally floored by that episode. True that one of it really happenend technically but jesus christ that was fucking awesome! The Sylar/Peter battle is never going to live up to the expectations. And the scene in the preview with Hiro stopping time but Sylar moving anyways. Fuck.

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The only serious logic error I can see is when Sylar shows up to fight Peter, that he didn't stop and kill Hiro. Obviously he knows he's a hero, and considering at that point that he already had Claire's power, he would practically be unstoppable if he absorbed Hiro.

Then again, he might not of known that Hiro was a time traveller. If he did, I think his agenda would be incredibly different.

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The worst thing that could happen in that timeline is if Sylar beats Peter somehow and ends up eating dead Mirai Hiro's brains. Then you'd have Super Sylar with time travel powers...

And that could only lead to a time paradox wherein Sylar goes back in time, eats the brains of a powered person back then and inadvertantly brings about the death of civilisation. But my God that Sylar would be broken and awesome.

Well, going by strict Back to the Future logic, that whole episode led to a parodox the minute Ando found out he died in New York. Now he faces the problem of A) Saving his own ass and staying away from New York on that day, or B) Going to New York, knowing that he's dead.

Come to think of it, here's the big flaw I see in Future Hiro trying to save the world.

Hiro has figured out that one of the things to avert is saving Claire. Okay. But wouldn't this be a tad easier?

Hiro goes BACK to New York before Sylar finds out how special he is, kills Sylar, and there you go. Future averted, no Sylar, lots of other people are still alive. You can still have the exploding man thing....

Then again, it wouldn't be much of a series :shifty:

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Tonight's episode was pretty bland, IMO. Really, NOTHING happened at all, and the confrontation between Hiro and Sylar was worthless.

At least it's nice to see George Takei coming back for at least one more episode.

Also, one thing interesting; Peter talks to Eric Roberts, and Matt, Ted and Bennet all show up in New York the day after? Methinks Mr. Bennet might be doing a possible double cross or something.

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Pretty average IMO. Sylar and his mother was rather annoying (that woman was horrible >_<). I dunno, everything just seemed out of place. Hopefully it picks up again this week for the finale.

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NBC Orders Second Heroes Series

NBC announced that it has ordered six segments of a new series called "Heroes: Origins", which will air in the main shows Monday night time slot when it goes on hiatus, variety reported.

The new series will center on new characters that haven't yet been introduced on the original show, and will feature an interactive element. viewers will have a chance to vote for their favorite character, who will later crossover to the regular Heroes.

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I like where Heroes stands for next year. Add the 6 episodes of "Origins" and you can pretty much run through May sweeps without more than a few weeks during the holidays of reruns. They're either going to air the spin-off while the show is in hiatus, or after the season is done. They're leaning towards the latter, I'd prefer the former. They've also added the obscenely well received (NBC's highest testing pilot in 5 years) "Journeyman", a kindred themed show that may help build some brand recognition on Mondays. Now all they've gotta do is bring home this season in good form.

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All kinds of awesome there. Good seeing George Takei and Clea Duvall again. I guess it was because all of this happened in the second episode, but it didn't occur to me that Molly Walker was the kid Parkman saved from Sylar until they mentioned it. Sylar, Hiro, Mr. Bennet and Nathan were pure awesome this week. The season finale's gonna be must see, and I might have to make this the first 24 season finale I haven't watched live in years.

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Thus, the finale is set to begin.

So far, everything ties right ot the future.

No more Linderman, though = :thumbsdown:

Next week should be great, after all these weeks of build up.

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DL obviously isn't dead just yet, because Sylar used his powers in the future, to move his hand through the door.

This weeks episode was awesome. Sylar is so cool, beyond belief. The final scene on the rooftop was great.


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