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The Official "Heroes" Topic


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Sylar is such a bad ass. I can't wait for the inevitable Peter vs Sylar showdown.

Also, did anyone else notice Hiro's father's license plate number? Awesome.

I saw that. At first I only saw the NCC part, then I rewinded the DVR back and laughed.

Yeah, I think Sylar/Peter is inevitable. In terms of epic struggles, I think it will be better than Palpatine/Yoda. I think it's easy to say that Peter will win, not because of the "Good triumphs over Evil" part, but just passed on a tale of the tape. Peter absorbs powers, while Sylar has to literally eat a person's brain to take it. If the two faced off, Peter's power would only be augmented thanks to the power that Sylar already has. Actually, I take back the Palpatine/Yoda remark. I think it would be a no-contest, especially if Peter can absorb Nuclear Man's power.

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Yeah, not an overly good episode, but wasn't exactly dull, either. I liked that after Nathan didn't want to see his daughter he felt all sad about it. Again, Hiro/Ando weren't there usual great self. I did like Ando putting his finger to his mouth in the "shhh" motion but not actually saying it. That was good. Sylar stealing another power where he can melt things was good as well.

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I'm just saying that is what he is alluding to. I don't see a reason to have her not in a mirror at that point just to illustrate Parkman can hear both, because we know her power, and we know what he can do. So it just seemed pointless to me, although perhaps they may be foreshadowing a bit to show that she'll seperate from her and have to fight her later. Although that is very unlikely.

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This has just started in the UK, and I'm watching the pilot, and it's kind of meh.

Hiro and Claire are wicked though, it seems to be imitating LOST though with 'oh look, that character is in that other character's life and is related to that other character.'

Switch to the Sci-Fi channel now if you can UK viewers.

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Best fucking episode of Heroes so far. When the episode started I was hoping we'd see Jessica's plot continue however I actually forgot completely about her about halfway through. I loved that episode.

Oh and the series picks up around the 3rd or 4th episode when it was trying to be Lost but once it hit it's stride it really takes off.

Edited by Pepsi
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I watched the UK debut too, with the first two episodes shown. As has been mentioned, it seems to be imitating Lost with the whole 'everyone is in everyone else's life' thing, and it REALLY seems like the show I won't have the patience for, I'd like a series with both 'continuity' and stand-alone episodes, rather than having to watch twenty odd slow-paced shows just to get anywhere.

However, I enjoyed some bits. Hiro is fantastic, and the cheerleader one is good also. The Indian dude looking into his dad's death is fun, and the artist who paints pictures of the future has the potential to be fantastic TV. The brothers who can fly thing is a bit boring but OK. The worst part is that Vegas stripper. The story is crap and she is SO fucking annoying. I want to slit my wrists whenever she's on. Or just change the channel, whatever.

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I liked Sylar taking Dale's powers of hearing simply because it is something good to have to hear the faintest of noises, I guess, but just having it is going to be a pain in the ass. I liked the ending with Peter going invisible and Isaac ending up shooting Simone instead. And I liked the cameo of Stan Lee as the bus driver for Hiro. But Hiro without Ando? I don't like it. And Nathan, in the office, just had the feel he is still going to be evil.

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