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The Official "Heroes" Topic


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Theres only 3 good characters in my opinion Peter,Claire, and Hiro. Nikki bores me, Michael well hes becoming a bit more interesting so I doubt it would be him. Nathan really doesn't seem to be too strong of a character to be around long unless they give him more lines. I would say it was Issac but his power seems vital to the future so I'm not sure. I hope if anyone its Nathan, although killing Nikki would be a good idea so I don't fall asleep watching. Nathan just seems the most "disposable" so I would go with him. I mean... Wow he can fly.....blah

I am curious to see how they're powers will grow, Maybe Peter will be able to absorb power for a long period, maybe able to use other powers absorbed away from the owner for a set time. Sounds like that would be possible. And Hiro would be alot cooler if he could take a set number of people with him when he bends time/teleports. and Claire.... Well where can she go from there? She can't be killed very easily. Anyway, Any thoughts people? I would love to discuss possible story lines.

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You know what? The character getting killed off and the shocking ending could be tied together. Think about it: maybe the radioactive guy who gave his wife cancer has been transported to New York or something, someone shoots him, and the pain from the gunshot wound (or the actual physical trauma, whether the gunshot kills him or not) causes him to go nuclear, and he explodes.....

My bet on the character who gets killed off? Either Matt or Isaac, or they pull a surprise twist and either Nikki, her son (I forget his name atm) or Jessica dies (with Jessica somehow still existing if Nikki dies, or Nikki gaining Jessica's superhuman strength if Jessica dies). But I'm hoping it'll be Nathan if its a super, Simone (who is next to useless) if its not.

No way in Hell they kill off Hiro, HRG (Bennett) or Claire, and I'm hoping they don't kill off Peter.

Btw, regarding one of the cliffhangers we were left with a couple weeks ago: I'm betting either DL was phased when he was looking around after learning the kid called Jessica and the bullet passes through him or they pull the tired old cliche where he happened to move as she fired so the shot missed him completely.

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Hoping it's not Peter. I'm expecting a Peter Parker, Mary Jane angle with Peter and Simone. She gets in danger, he tells her he doesn't love her, just to get her to go away and be safe away from him.

I think Nikki is going to end up as one of the main villians, as well as a potential "turn" from one of the other cast. I love how even though the bad (or more suspect characters) such as Claire's dad aren't actually evil, and are doing everything they do for the right reasons, it's just the method that's bad. Using that reason, Nathan could even be revealed as one of the villians.

Good stuff. The more I watch, the more obsessed I'm getting, which is always a good sign.

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Sorry if this has been asked, but I'm too lazy to trawl through eight pages. Is there any word on when this is coming to the UK? Wiki mentions BBC 2 and the SCI-FI Channel, but no dates or times. I can see Channel 4 or Sky picking it up. I'm really excited by what I've heard so far, all the reviews I've read have been fantastic, it sounds like a REALLY good show, and could well be my kinda thing.

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I think Ando is going to die. I figured he would go sooner or later.

Well, to be fiar, they said "one of the heroe's". That suggests somebody that can do something except exploit their friend :shifty:.

As far as Ando goes, I think the has the potential to be a hero, but not in the "oooh, superpower X-Men" category, but the "Look at me, I am a human and I kick ass Bruce Wayne" category. Considering future Hiro, complete with fluent English and lack of accent, as well as Katana, will have incredibly honed skills, it is possible that Ando can develop his human skills to an impressive level. Hiro's bound to have a training partner, and Hiro literally has nothing but time. So...go back to the 90s, intergrate yourselves, and viola. Ando can now use a katana with surprising skill.

Double fun, they can pull a BTTF and bet on the Super Bowl or something; maybe abuse Vegas. Get a shitload of money, and viola, take care of the bills for a decade and train.

It's not personal gain if you use your power to help develop yourself, is it? Especially if it's done in a remote area where nobody was around anyways....

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Well theres no way they would kill Peter, hes got the most potential. Being able to use anyones power is sweet. Though it probably isn't the case, Maybe someone dies and Hiro goes back to change it. Just a theory.

he tried that, and he failed, learning a valuable lesson in the process.

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So, the shit doth hit the fan.

Sylar escapes, Hiro sees what he's up against, Eden dies, and Nikki turns herself in.

Decent episode, I was thinking it was going to be one of the more major characters, but didn't really see Eden dying. I just wonder if the whole time Sylar was just playing them for fools.

Boo on Mr. Bennet for having BHD (Black Hatian Dude) erase people's minds, especially Zach. That was mean :(

So, yeah, I'm looking forward to see Hiro vs The T-Rex.

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Great episode here. Poor Claire is all alone now. Zach no longer knows. Isaac painting the T-Rex trying to eat Hiro was great due to Hiro saying he might become "dinner for T-Rex" if he goes back too far. And I guess we now know where he gets the sword for. Sylar pulling that woman who tells people what to do through the window and I assumed forcing her to shoot herself was great. But the only problem I had was Peter going to New York. So apparently his power is not only does he copy other people when they are around, but he can dream that he goes to places or something? It can't be that he time travels because Hiro wasn't there to allow him that ability. But finding out that he is the one who blows up New York and not Radiation Man is weird.

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I think its a great way to keep interest going out the way it did. I think Peter is becoming more and more interesting to watch, not only is he able to mimic other peoples powers but also he appears to have premonitions. I can just see him being like "The Messiah" The only one who can stop Sylar, chances are he can use any of the powers Sylar has so hes really the only one who can stand up and fight him. I believe the headache's and ect are the result of using powers his body isn't used to. So I figure he will work against the vision and learn to harness the powers and control them. But the way the vision was it seemed to show him as kind of an outsider. He will probably need the help from the rest to avoid that disaster.

And it does really suck that Claire seems to be all alone, I think somehow she will go to Peter because he seems to be the only one there for her now.

Eden dying was unexpected for me, I thought her and Mohinder would bump uglies. But she did seem to be the least popular character.

Damn I can't wait till it comes back on!

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