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The Official "Heroes" Topic


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Fitzy and I were talking and we both agreed that Eden killed herself and it was NOT Sylar's doing. His facial reaction right before the gun went off was pretty much a "Fuck" as if Eden ruined his plans of consuming her abilities. The Hatian guy/Claire convo just makes me anticipate the return so much because I can only begin to imagine why he went against his orders to wipe Claire's memory. Let's not forget, the ending with Peter makes me believe there is tons more to his character than just being the guy who can reproduce others abilities.

This show is easily one of the best on TV and it has originality to it which makes it that more enjoyable.

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Pretty funny stuff tonight, with Hiro stealing the fake sword and then running into Nathan again.

I wonder what exactly Mr. Bennett has in mind, giving Suresh his card, and judging by next weeks preview, it's pretty obvious that Mohander is going to call him...

Still, not enough Hiro for my likings....

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It took me most of the episode to get into it at all. The return after what Ringo says is a week storyline-wise was awkward at first, but the ending set the coming episodes up nicely.

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Hiro once again proves he is the best thing ever on this show with him at the museum and how he slowed down time and was all "good enough." So he steals it and runs off to the T-Rex room and wants to fight him and then we find him outside with Ando and finds out it is a fake and he is all "okay I am gonna take it back now." Hiro is awesome. Him finding Nathan and getting all excited was also great and when Nathan told him to keep it down with the flying stuff he just says it again softer.

I liked the introduction of Invisible Guy and how he has Peter choking and both of them are invisible.

The stuff with Niki was also good and I liked her line "who needs God when you have me?"

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Christopher Eccleston yay! I love him.

It was a very good show this week, but maybe I just missed it a lot and am glad it's back.

The Nikki/Jessica storyline is still the weakest of the show, but maybe it's about to head somewhere interesting.

I like that Claire took her boy friend and made him tape it again so as to get him back, that was both strangely odd and touching at the same time.

Haitian Dude kinda weirds me out.

Hira and Ando are still the best.

I miss Eden. Was that her name? Or was it Eve? Suddenly I forget.

I am still convinced that Nathan is going to turn out to be a bad guy.

What was up with the guy who could make fire like shit outta his hands?

I hope that annoying FBI bitch is gone, both of them in fact. I like the cop and his whore wife, but the FBI bitches annoy me.

I'm happy it's back.

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Just watched the latest episode, and holy shit, Christopher Eccleston! Him being involved just makes Heroes that little bit more awesome. Curious as how come everything seems to lead back to Linderman. I'm thinking he's a lot more involved in the whole "Hero Genome" thing than has been shown so far.

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The Nikki/Jessica storyline is still the weakest of the show, but maybe it's about to head somewhere interesting.

I've been entertained by it, but it has been incredibly slow moving.

Haitian Dude kinda weirds me out.
One of my favorite characters, he is just awesome.

I am still convinced that Nathan is going to turn out to be a bad guy.

I'm not sure. With the visions of the future where they are all running away from his brother, just seems like he is a good guy that just has to find himself.

What was up with the guy who could make fire like shit outta his hands?
He was in an earlier show with the FBI. His power is being a nuclear power type thing. That's why they had him out in Nevada or something. His wife was dying of cancer, that he clearly caused, and that hasn't helped his psyche. His house was burned to high heaven when they showed it, and now it seems he is learning how to control it and master his power.

I didn't realize that was the same guy obviously. So he's out in Nevada in a house on his own now? Odd.

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I just finished watching all the old episodes and I must say this show is friggin cool. This is my new favorite show. My favorite character is Hiro and I cant wait to see how he changes into that badass Peter met on the Train. Also next weeks episode looks pretty good too.

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Because this is how we roll.

I literally started to laugh at loud when I read that.

It's safe to say that... was... AWESOME. The whole ending sequence had me pumped and the teaser makes me want Monday to be tomorrow so I can watch it. Claire's mom... awesome... I can't wait to see who her dad is and what his power is. Although she had better not get the Haitian Dude killed.

Edited by ACCBiggz
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And once again, Hiro and Ando bring the greatness. Hiro smiling and saying "this is how we roll" was awesome. I liked that Micah stole money and gave it to his dad. If he could do that all this time, why did he wait until now to do it. >_> Claire finds out that he mom really didn't die and she turns out to be someone who can throw fire. I think it is going to be Nathan that is the father. They were all like "and you won't believe who the father is" so I think they mean we have seen him before, and didn't we already find out that Nathan cheated on his wife and had a child? I guess this would make the most sense. Peter making Mohinder think he jumped out the window while Nathan believes he flied, was good but we find out that the Invisible Man is going to help Peter after all.

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Guest Rabid Wolveringo



That was awesome.

The episode on a whole was a lot better than last week's. Nothing to complain about other than the need to include the token British "thinks he's cool, but really, he's not" character that seems to be on all the ensemble shows. Maybe that guy'll prove me wrong though. Apart from that, greatness all around and I really think Adrian Pasdar and Claire's dad are the awesomest characters on the show.

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