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Veronica Mars Is Totally BIH!

Guest Ringmaster

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S2E17 time folks.

Logan makes all his women watch Easy Rider. I love it.

So this episode involves a Sadies Hawkins dance, Weevil and Logan Investigations featuring Veronica going after Thumper, Woody hiring Keith to prove that Terrence didn't do it, someone breaking into Woody's house, and the "admission" by Curly that he did not crash the bus.

Mac and The Beav are a cute couple. Mac is kinda cute on her own. Too bad they break up cuz The BEav is a wimp.

Who in the blue fuck would eat at a place called Woody's Burgers?

Jackie just keeps getting cooler and cooler. The world is coming to an end isn't it? She did a good thing and Wallace did a really bad thing. It is the apocalypse.

Woody's a great character. Too bad he's a mass murderer. And faking a stalking video.

Weevil, Sheriff Lamb, and Veronica in one scene sharing witty dialogue. Only thing that would make it better would be if Logan was there.

So The Fitzpatricks and Thumper worked together to take out Felix because he and Molly were together. So Weevil gets vigalante justice when Lamb won't bite. Until Veronica can convince the real eyewitness to fess up that is. Sadly, it's too little too late, as Thumper and his motorcycle get blown up in the Shark Field demolition, and technically it was all Weevil's doing.

Logan and Veronica danced. Can you say chemistry?

Good one. Woody is guilty. I think.

S1E17 Overall Grade A-

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S2E18 is a weird one. Very strange. Weird dream sequences. After a nightmare we get

"Did you watch House Of Wax again? You know that Hilton girl gives you nightmares."

Very funny.

"Just because you move your finger doesn't mean Dick's going to come"

Also very funny.

Flashbacks and dreams and other general oddness. Just a strange strange episode.

Dick banged a girl below his station, thus officially making him a suspect in Veronica's eyes. Because it's the home stretch and we need to make sure that every fucking person on this show is a suspect. Everyone is a suspect. Everyone!

"Wallace, have you met my fluffer?"


Keith goes on a bunch of blind dates, and boy oh boy do they suck.

I don't know what else to say really. This is like one of the weirdest shows ever.

Oh except that a possible amendment to Bus Crash Theory Number Two is that Woody might be gay.

Oh and that Logan has made friends with Wallace a little after the two try and take up for Veronica in some odd way. Don't ask.

Just strange.

S2E18 Overall Grade B-

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S2E19 time. I won't make it by tonight's season three premiere, but I should be able to watch it tomorrow morning.

Last episode we confronted Dick and a few others. This episode we confront Weevil and throw massive suspicion Kendall's way. Remember, we wasted half the season on those smaller mysteries, now we need to race to the finish line and create about 239 suspects. Yeehaw.

A war is brewing tween the PCHers and The Fitzpatricks. A big war. One I doubt ends with singing and dancing. Instead it ends with words, threats, and Weevil quitting the PCHers after he saves their asses. Okay then.

Keith whoops Liam Fitzpatrick's ass. Yeah.

Turns out Kendall does have a deep dark secret or 45.

Oh yeah, we only thought Aaron killed Lilly. Could it have been Duncan afterall? Dun dun dun!

Not a bad episode. We start getting massive suspect list going, we tie in a bunch of subplots with the big bus crash mystery, and then we throw massive amounts of doubt on last year's big mystery. Plenty o'stuff dealt with.

Oh, and Wallace and Jackie got back together too.

S2E19 Overall Grade B

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Guest Ringy Loves TGChit

No seriously, what the fuck is this Aerie Tuesdays shit? Horrible fucking CW bullshit, I don't want to have to listen to a bunch of women rattle on and on about they had relationships with men in college during the commercial break, honestly fuck this fucking shit bunch of CW fags.


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I've heard differing stories on that though. Some say only 13 episodes, but other are say that what's actually happening this season is similar to the first season of 24. The first thirteen episodes will deal with something, with an overarching story surrounding everything. If they get picked up for another 8, they'll go further in depth with the overarching story.

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S2E20 gives Veronica Chlamydia!!!! :crying::o :blink: :thumbsdown: I blame that Mopey Duncan The Fuck.

So someone is stalking Gia, Kendall wants her harddrive back, and the Prom has been cancelled. Big show here.

Okay Keith helps Woody get a local ho to the ER, so I'm guessing he's NOT gay. There goes the outing of all outings. Then Woody tells the press that it was Keith being bad, then the stalker dude is back. Oh yes. But wait, then Keith tells the press that it was Woody getting his fucking on and the voters decide "No Incorporation for Neptune". I bet Woody's pissed off. Who will he kill next?

So I'm guessing that maybe Woody wasn't faking the stalking news.

Deputy Leo The Leo is back. Woohoo. And then he leaves again. :(

All signs point to Lucky The Weirdo Janitor stalking Gia. Or is it Woody he is stalking? In the end Lucky almost opens up to Keith, but then Meg's Crazy Fucking Ultra Conservative Christian Child Abusing Father bails him out of jail. A connection now exists twixt Woody and The Mannings. Curiouser and curiouser said the cat.

Logan and Veronica Logan and Veronica Logan and Veronica.

Butters and Mac no. The Beav and Mac yes.

Wallace and Jackie get down.

Finally, someone outs Terrence and his championship throwing game ways.

Logan gets drunk and admits that lil Veronica broke his heart. And she weakens. Yes she does. Emo Logan almost wins her over.

I am a terrible romantic, hence my pushing for certain couples. Love isn't easy, despite what Veronica and so many others think. Love is hard, and making it work grows to become the hardest thing of all. You want to quit, you want to walk away and go look for the easier one that must exist, but if you do you never forgive yourself for letting the one that really mattered walk away.

Emo TGC is done.

And then when she goes to see him the next morning, to tell him that maybe it was epic and maybe they should be together but they need to take it slow, he doesn't remember it and Kendall is there. Dammit.

Good show. Now I fully expect the final two to wrap up the bus crash mystery, ala how the final two of S1 wrapped up the Lilly Kane murder.

S2E20 Overall Grade A

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S2E21 is entitled Happy Go Lucky. I wonder if the title points to a certain creepy janitor?

So we open with Aaron's trial, Weevil wanting Veronica's help to graduate, Wallace and Jackie flirting, Gia givinf Veronica cupcakes for saving her life, and then Lucky starts shooting at lunch. After he looks to have shot and killed Wallace we see that his gun is full of blanks and then he is shot dead in front of everyone. Now that's a teaser opening.

Cue credits and great theme song.

Oh, but maybe Woody is gay and he is a paedo to boot? Maybe he WAS/IS the biggest outing of all outings? Lucky seems to think so. Or well he thought so, before he was gunned down and his name was drug through the mud by Woody in a huge press conference. So Bus Theory Cras Number Two stand intact with the minor ammendment that it might have not been due to incorporation, but rather to hide the fact that Woody molested two of the students on the bus when they were on his little league team? I think so. I think I have a full complete theory. I so rock. Sadly Sheriff Lamb goes to arrest Woody, and we still have one episode to go. Oh Noez! But then Woody skips town. Oh Yoez?

Bus Crash Theory Number Two is indeed in full effect and working.

On the stand to testify against Aaron, and Veronica's Chlamydia is outed on the record and in front of her dad. Now that has got to be embarrassing. Keith then attacks the defense attorney on the stand. The only part that goes well is when Logan testifies against his father and tries to blow his daddy's story out of the water.

The Beav needs his car fixed, so he gets to tutor Weevil. Lucky him. No pun intended. It doesn't work so Mac helps instead. True love. Weevil passes, but then he is IDed by two boys as having been the guy that attacked Thumper before he died. Well this sucks.

After spending an entire episode blowing people off to study and try to ace her finals, Veronica blows off the final final to go hear the verdict in the Echolls trial. That's the sound of Stamford and the Kane Scholarship going bye bye.

So how does it all end? Aaron Echolls pulls an OJ and a Peter Blake. Aquittal.


S2E21 Overall Grade A+

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S2E22 is here. I did it in a week. Wow and damn.

Much like I did with the S1 Season Finale, I will simply type as I watch and comment. S1 Overall Grade was a B+, can season two top it? I dunno. After looking over my reviews and rants and seeing the grades, I gave a lot of low A's, many many B's, one C for the opener, and one single D+. I bet she's a mid B. We'll see.

-Bus Crash Theory One was Meg's Crazy Fundamentalist Conservative Christian Parents I named in my review of E11 and then rejected in E12.

-Bus Crash Theory Two is Woody Goodman I named in E14 and still hold onto. How did I do?

-So Meg's Crazy Fundamentalist Conservative Christian Father is offering a 20K reward for finding Woody who's on the lamb. Not on THE Lamb, just on the lamb.

-Jackie left Wallace and Neptune and went to France. Wallace is heartbroken. Dammit so am I. I grew to really like Jackie. $5 says she's back before episode's end.

-Woody had The Clap too? Oh Veronica tell me you didn't do the bad man?

-Weird Graduation Day dreams with the whole of the Mars family intact, no bad things happening in Neptune, Duncan is still around, Veronica is with Logan, Lilly is alive, Wallace and Veronica have each other's cap and gown and yet don't know each other at all, and yet the Lilly Kane Memorial Fountain still exists. Hmmm.

-The episode is entitled Not Pictured. Could this be a clue? Was someone not pictured that might have been involved in the bus crash? Or am I just grasping at pretty much nonexistent straws now?

-Lamb just became the world's greatest dickhead by arresting Weevil at his graduation BEFORE he graduated. Damn him.

-I teared up when Keith erupted in cheers when Veronica's name was called for graduation. God this show makes me a pussy.

-Veronica gets a trip to New York City for her graduation present from Keith. Please go with Logan please go with Logan please go with Logan.

-Swerve! Wallace leaves graduation to head to Paris, while Jackie is back in Brooklyn living with her poor mommy.

-Keith catches Woody. Badass mofo. Then they both get on Woody's plane for him to be brought back to Neptune. I feel uneasy about this plane ride. I dunno why with all the cops onboard, but I do.

-Woody pretty much admits he molested those boys, but denies the bus crash. Dammit.

-I got goose bumps when I saw Not Pictured Cassidy Casablancas. That is why he hasn't gone very far with Mac. Holy shit, he was molested. Oh no. Not The Beav. Tell me The Beav didn't blow up the goddamned bus. :crying: However I did nail the Not Pictured thing. :D

-Poor Beav lieing in bed crying. :crying:

-Veronica sends a text to mac saying that Beav is a killer, but Beav intercepts it and lures her to the roof with a gun. NO! :crying:

-But first Veronica and Aaron meet on the elevator where he admits to killing Lilly to her again. No worries. Double Jeopardy and all. Damn he is evil.

-Veronica gives the entire scenario to Beav on the roof, and then he plays Bond villain. No. :crying: He crashed the bus, he killed Curly, he set up Veronica, he raped her and gave her The Clap too. It wasn't Duncan, it was Beav. Beav is evil too. Oh, and he planted the bomb in Woody's car in the last episode and he has one on the plane too. Man, Bus Crash Theory Two is now dead huh?

-Logan, please save Veronica and Keith. Please have followed her.

-And then a plane blows up in the sky. Now I know Keith's not dead since Ain't It Cool News ran a story that Laura San Giacomo will be in S3 as a potential love interest for Keith, but man oh man it still gave me more goose bumps.

-Oh yes Veronica texts Logan to meet on the roof. Yes. He will save her! Epic!

-He does, and then Cassidy jumps. Holy hell he just jumped off the roof.

-This might be the best episode of any show ever. Correction, it is the best episode of any show ever bar none. Talk about emotional.

-Holy fuck. The Kane Security guy just blew Aaron's brains out after he fucked Kendall while she was in the shower. Holy fuck. And then he calls Duncan in Australia with baby Lilly and tells him it's a done deal. Holy fuck again. Well, Duncan is a killer after all. Jesus this show is mind blowing.

-Jackie has a kid. She is a great character after all. I hope Wallace and her stay together.

-Keith is alive, as I knew he was. But does this mean Lamb was on the plane too? I hope not.

-Kendall is rich. Wow the slut makes good.

-Why did Logan leave?

-Ah so Keith is going to NY with Veronica. Cool. Or not.

-Logan and Veronica. :wub: See? My wishing made it come true. Sadly Keith stands Veronica up at the airport it seems. God, if this show breaks them up over the summer again :angry: Veronica and Logan, not Veronica and Keith.

I love this show. I am sad that Cassidy was the killer, and feel cheated that it was not really something that we could have ever picked up on throughout the season really, but it was a good swerve that when all the facts were laid out it almost made sense. Almost. I am happy that Logan and Veronica got together again though. I am curious what this third season brings next, so i'll have to walk over to the DVR and watch it. But most of all I'm sad at being caught up. No more multiple episode viewings for me in one shot.

S2E22 Overall Grade A+

And drum roll please as TGC says S2 Overall Grade B+ just like last season.

I love this show.

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S3E1 is entitled Welcome Wagon, and seeing as how it starts as she is a Freshman in college, I suppose it makes sense.

This is weird typing this and knowing that I don't have any more episodes to watch until next week. Very weird. An era has ended.

So, Jackie's out of the credits, Mac and Lamb are in, as are The Piz and who I think might be Parker who likes to undress in front of people, and the greatest news of all is no Duncan. Oh yes. Mopey Duncan The Fuck Who Came Cool And Became A Rich Murderer And Kidnapper is gone.

Best nickname ever.

Logan and Veronica are still together though. Me likes to no end. Seeing no Season Premiere flashbacks however are odd. Knowing that there very well might not be an over arching season mystery also quite odd.

"Well a Saturn for a Mars."

"In Neptune. Yeah, the planets really aligned for this one. Now move Uranus, the Mercury's rising."


So the mystery? Someone claiming to be from a welcome committee that doesn't exist stole all of Piz's things from his car. Piz is Wallace's new roomie by the way. And he seems to already have a thing for Veronica. I say thee nay. Pretty basic little mystery with not real twists or turns that were Swerveriffic, but it still worked fine.

Mac is back and her roomie is Parker. A true blue born and bred slut. Methinks she has some baggage that will be dealt with as the season progresses that might explain her slutdom.

We also get to return to the Campus Rapes. Seems we now have four victims. Brutal.

Dick returns in classic Dick fashion, then proceeds to self destruct to no end. It's a good moment between he and Logan.

I miss The Beav.

We also have Keith taking a Fitzpatrick from prison to meet Kendall who is in hiding from the other Fitzpatricks, namely Liam. I guess we now know what Kendall needed Keith for at the end of last season. Sadly, McCormick, the Fitzpatrick brother Keith was taking, seems to have murdered Kendall and Keith is stuck in the desert. I wanted to trust McCormick, and yet I did not. Seems I was right.

When Veronica went into Parker and Mac's room to get the movie tickets I was almost afriad that Logan was in there banging Parker after he gave her a key to his hotel suite and proclaimed he only wanted her. Thankfully I was wrong. I think. I did figure out it was the rapist before the scream and the reveal of a shaved headed Parker though. So the Campus Rapist story looks like it might be a bigger part of this season than I thought. Intriguing.

Way better than S2E1, but I did miss the Season Premiere flashbacks dammit. Still, it was a great S3 opener.

And who the fuck are The Aerie Girls and why are they on my TV?

S3E1 Overall Grade A

EDIT: How could I have forgotten the AWFUL remix of the theme. I don't mind the new opening credits sequence, but the remix of the song is garbage. Pure fucking garbage.

Also, having now read everyone else's comments on the overarching mystery thing, this might work fine for season three as The CW attempts to bring a bigger audience and we won't have the middle os the season bogged down with simply trying to pad out the mystery.

And finally, I miss Jackie. Damn, I can't believe I said that.

Edited by TJHC
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Guest Ringy Loves TGChit

I absolutely adore the season finale. It's all sorts of awesome, and probably one of the best I've ever seen.

Now merge the two VM topics so we can have one awesome thread :shifty:

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Guest Ringy Loves TGChit

For a minute there, I thought TGC had seen 3e2 and I was angry at not being told this had leaked :shifty:.

But I definately feel last season's opener was better then this one. This one is a little iffy for me.

Now merge all the VM topics <_<

Edit: and Aerie is American Eagle or whatever the company is called. It's their attempt at girly clothing and it needs to die.

Edited by Ringy Loves TGChit
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"Gilmore Girls" (households: 3.3/5, #11; adults 18-49: 2.0, #11) and the season premiere of "Veronica Mars" (households: 2.1/3, #12; adults 18-49: 1.4, #12) on The CW (households: 2.7/4, #5; adults 18-49: 1.7, #5).

"Veronica's" retention of its "Gilmore" lead-in was a troubling 63.63% in households and 70% in adults 18-49.

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Edit: and Aerie is American Eagle or whatever the company is called. It's their attempt at girly clothing and it needs to die.

All you people need to do is just tape the show or Tivo or something. Just zip right past the retarded shit like that.

I hope they do keep it stuck to just the Gilmore Girls. That shit was terrible, and does not need to be associated with V.M. Didn't they only do it once on V.M. though?

Edited by Lowerdeck
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