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Lost Season Three Discussion Thread


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I can't believe Fitzy didn't mention that the lady was Rose Cafee! :o

Great episode. Desmond is awesome, and this is probably my favorite of the flashbacks. Might have helped that it was a continuous flashback uninterrupted by island silliness. No Jack/Sawyer/Kate/Others makes it tough to be really exciting, but hell there wasn't even any Locke and it was still great. It's like the lack of the main characters to fall back on made the writers work harder. The swerve of teasing Claire being in danger and making it Charlie instead was a lot more interesting than any of the other big TV twists so far this year. And I doubt the series will go beyond 4, maybe 5 seasons. They won't let this one fade from relevance like X-Files.

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There was an article in Entertainment Weekly on Lost, and Cuse/Lindelof say that Lost will only be right around 100 episodes. They don't want to have to stretch storylines and mysteries to the point where we aren't interested. This was a really good episode though, I wasn't ready for the ending. Next week looks awesome too. I'm thankful that they're finally starting to answer some of the questions.

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I can't believe Fitzy didn't mention that the lady was Rose Cafee! :o

She never deserves a mention, ever. She is annoying. :P Ringo told me someone from Brotherhood was on it. I was hoping for someone cool like Pete. :@

Edit: It should be noted that Ringo told me he had no clue it was here until a couple of minutes later. Clearly he is stupid. He blames it on all old white women look the same. :shifty:

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She disappeared when everyone else was helping the injured Sawyer up the cliff. The group turned around and realised Cindy had gone, called out her name but nothing.

Cindy appears to be of Australian origin, and was the unrequited love of Gary Troup, who dedicated his novel Bad Twin to her. He was reportedly "completely smitten" for her, and indeed in an interview as part of the Lost Experience, Troup commented that she was the girl who changed his mind on marriage. Cindy was also given a role in the book, as main protagonist Paul Artisan speaks to a flight attendant named Cindy while on an Oceanic Airlines flight to Sydney.

Prior to the crash of Oceanic Flight 815, Cindy had a short conversation with Jack and gave him extra drinks (vodka). Minutes later, she noticed Charlie's behavior and chased him down the walkway to the toilets where he hid to take drugs, just before the plane began to experience turbulence.

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Strange we dont have any discussion for this weeks ep because it was GREAT!

I love Desmundo, I told you J that he was shouting at Charlie. Half of the episode being one long backstory was awesome and all in all it has me so intrigued in how this works out that in no way am I bothered by all the questions asked again.

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