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Lost Season Three Discussion Thread


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After reading the podcast thing I stand by my theory and prediction I said months and months ago to Fizzy, Ringy, Srar, Beaty, and some others. That being

That the skeletons on the island were those of Kate and Sawyer.

Just saying again, because people laugh at me when I say that, and have said it for over a year and a half now, but dammit I know I am right!

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The computer looks kind of broken too, don't you think?

The Blast Door Map is said to become insignificant as of Enter 77, because it will reveal more about the links to DHARMA and The Others and the Stations.

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As Cuse said "The connection between the Others and Dharma gets revealed in episode 11". Ms Klugh is also set to appear, but she'll probably be in Otherville. I'm thinking next episode will be the beggining of something in the lines of Rousseau coming to the beach and saying she knows where they might find something or someone who can help them rescuing Jack, leading Kate, Sayid and the rest of the gang to the flame station. Altough being a Hurley-Centric, that should only in the end of the episode. Desmundo should join them too as it would be quite interesting for him to enter a different hatch/station. Oh and the oficial preview of the episode is ""Enter 77" - Locke, Sayid and Kate investigate a strange structure and its mysterious inhabitant. Meanwhile, Sawyer competes in a ping-pong competition to get back his belongings, on "Lost," WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7 (10:00-11:00 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network. "

Edited by figos
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Fun episode. Nothing major happened, but I enjoy Hurley's back stories so I liked it. The bomb/missile/asteroid/meteor/whatever it was hitting Mr. Clucks was crazy. And the stuff with Hurley, Jin, Charlie, and Sawyer was good stuff, especially Hurley and Sawyer.

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The Hurley flashback episodes have all been good. This was no exception. I was happy for a second that they'd reduced it from 3 casts to 2, but whatya know, Kate, Locke, Sayid and Rousseau are all off to save Jack. At least they're doing something with Sayid again though, because he is awesome. I still say season 3 of Lost > season 2.

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Great Episode. Jin and Sawyer were hilarious and it was nice to take a break from Jack and the others. I've just watched next week's promos and yes, this season's killer episode is coming.

Rousseau looked like she wasn't with them(?) and Patchy looks definately younger than what I expected.

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I thought it was average verging on poor. Not only was there absolutely nothing significant in the long-term (both in terms of plot and character development) but the episode itself was full of terrible clichés and heavy-handed devices. Vincent delivers a dead arm and a set of keys and then leads Hurley to the van and he doesn't bat an eyelid? BS. The whole childhood flashback made me cringe with the formulaic 'you make your own luck' theme and the father's departure being to blame for Hurley's eating. POOR HURLEY.

I've just had enough with all the flashbacks now. They were fine as a means of establishing the characters off-island, but there's no fucking point trying to build the characters now. The only flashbacks are the ones which add something substantive, not these airy-fairy ones that have nothing to do with anything.

The whole van thing was pointless and really showed how lazy the writing has become. Is Hurley saying 'if I'm not back in 3 hours, tell someone' really enough for us to believe this mysteriously-undiscovered van's more than a short run away from camp? Is Sawyer really able to drink decades-old beer? I don't really GAF, but that's another question left unanswered and it irritates me.

Lost has this incredible power to swing between the good and the bad. I loved the last two episodes, and I struggled to watch this to the end. In the first season they could at least develop many storylines at once because everything was focused on the beach. Now they seem to have tunnel vision in each episode, with only fleeting glimpses of the majority of characters.

Some people seem to think that this episode added to our knowledge Hurley's obsession with the 'curse.' How much of that could have been achieved through his conversations with Charlie? Probably most of it, especially the idea that you can make your own luck. Considering the contents of the last episode, this would have been the perfect time to tie all of that into Hurley's 'curse' situation. I'm not saying that the van part isn't necessary for the plot, but it felt like the flashback was put in there purely so they could make it a Hurley-centric episode, not because it had any purpose. The writers seem to have an irrational fear of advancing the same storylines and using the same characters prominently for two episodes in a row - which is a shame because Desmond would have been the perfect foil for Hurley in this episode.

How much of all this was already known before this episode? The flashback didn't actually tell us *anything* new about Hurley's character, since we've already been beaten over the head with Hurley's belief in the curse and that he is to blame for his bad luck.

Edited by JudgeClassical
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It was a filler episode, but a decent, but as stated already Enter 77 is the season bomb dropper.

An Orientation film in The Flame (I assume) states to press 3 8 for main land communication. It seems that Locke does, but Sayid says 'John, what have you done?'

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I thought it was average verging on poor. Not only was there absolutely nothing significant in the long-term (both in terms of plot and character development) but the episode itself was full of terrible clichés and heavy-handed devices. Vincent delivers a dead arm and a set of keys and then leads Hurley to the van and he doesn't bat an eyelid? BS. The whole childhood flashback made me cringe with the formulaic 'you make your own luck' theme and the father's departure being to blame for Hurley's eating. POOR HURLEY.

I've just had enough with all the flashbacks now. They were fine as a means of establishing the characters off-island, but there's no fucking point trying to build the characters now. The only flashbacks are the ones which add something substantive, not these airy-fairy ones that have nothing to do with anything.

The whole van thing was pointless and really showed how lazy the writing has become. Is Hurley saying 'if I'm not back in 3 hours, tell someone' really enough for us to believe this mysteriously-undiscovered van's more than a short run away from camp? Is Sawyer really able to drink decades-old beer? I don't really GAF, but that's another question left unanswered and it irritates me.

Lost has this incredible power to swing between the good and the bad. I loved the last two episodes, and I struggled to watch this to the end. In the first season they could at least develop many storylines at once because everything was focused on the beach. Now they seem to have tunnel vision in each episode, with only fleeting glimpses of the majority of characters.

Some people seem to think that this episode added to our knowledge Hurley's obsession with the 'curse.' How much of that could have been achieved through his conversations with Charlie? Probably most of it, especially the idea that you can make your own luck. Considering the contents of the last episode, this would have been the perfect time to tie all of that into Hurley's 'curse' situation. I'm not saying that the van part isn't necessary for the plot, but it felt like the flashback was put in there purely so they could make it a Hurley-centric episode, not because it had any purpose. The writers seem to have an irrational fear of advancing the same storylines and using the same characters prominently for two episodes in a row - which is a shame because Desmond would have been the perfect foil for Hurley in this episode.

How much of all this was already known before this episode? The flashback didn't actually tell us *anything* new about Hurley's character, since we've already been beaten over the head with Hurley's belief in the curse and that he is to blame for his bad luck.

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