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Lost Season Three Discussion Thread


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I have sold this show to everyone I know for three seasons, claiming it to be one of the best shows I have seen ever.

Then came tonight.

The episode in of itself was awesome. Rousseau and Alex back together, Walt showing up to help Locke, Sawyer getting all kinds of bad ass, Hurley saving the day, Penny showing up on the video screen.

But that final part of Jack's flashback just tossed it all away. It makes no sense what so ever, it ruins any tense situations that Jack or Kate get into for the remainder of the show, and I can see no plausible way to explain it unless Desmond just time travels it all away.

Thoroughly disappointed.

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I originally had mixed feelings about the flash forward but now, thinking about the possibilities there are for extending the show's shelf life and maybe allowing them to do so much more in these last 3 seasons, I'm actually digging the idea. My assumption was that Sawyer was the other man and Juliet was the deceased, but I suppose Ben is a possibility. In Jack's case it could be just an example of his having left the island where he was completely free of societal limits and gone back to civilization where he collapsed into a spiral of depression, but I feel (and hope) it's something more sinister. I'd love for the last season or so to be the "return" to the island Jack hinted at in his flashback, as if they had some unfinished business to attend to. Does it make the rest of the show anti-climatic? I don't think so. Did anyone really think Jack or Kate, the show's two key marketing points, would be killed off at any point? Hopefully not. As for their relationship, we watch "How I Met Your Mother" knowing Robin is introduced in voiceovers as "Aunt Robin", and "Smallville" knowing that Lana Lang is not Clark Kent's future. It's the process we follow, and if it's done well enough I don't see the problem. Of course I'm the biggest apologist for this show in the world; I haven't once finished an episode of "Lost" I didn't enjoy watching. But this episode in particular I felt to be energetic, audacious and heartfelt. And although I don't think I'm necessarily as tortured in waiting until the new season as I was during the first two seasons (we seem to know more about this particular cliffhanger than the other two), it's definitely going to be a long summer. Of course that could just be the grim realisation that the best show on network television will be "The Loop", though. <_<

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OMG this is great! I'm really loving it. This could be a wise desicion for the writers, as there are still 3 more seasons left. Focusing on what happens after they are rescued would make the show more interesting, becuase surely people would get bored after a while if the series was just going on like it was, with no direction. For example this 'others' thing has been going on too long, and this twist could be a breath of fresh air!

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I really enjoyed it. The twist at the end was brilliant as far as an "OH MY GOD" moment is concerned. No real cliffhanger though.

And Mikhail Version 1.0 WILL NOT DIE. AND HE IS AWESOME. Seriously, whoever did his missing eye make-up deserves some kind of award.

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Guest Mike Sargent

Mikhail, I believe has been on the Island so long that he is healed at a super-fast rates (similer to Lock, being healed in a matter of hours from a seemingly fatal gunshot by Ben), and becoming extremly hard to kill (think like Wolverine)

This would explain why he hasn't died from the harpoon, and supersonic wall, I would be suprised if was dead after this last episode.

As for Charlie, Charlie belived he to die, in order to save Clair and her son

Edited by Mike Sargent
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Are we all 100% Charlie is dead, he probably is, but I can hold onto hope. But really, he's a small enough dude to fit through that window in the room, he could somehow drift out if they want him to do so...

But all around I enjoyed the episode and am in the looking forward to next season boat, although I'm not 100% sure I liked that ending with Kate and Jack. I look forward to seeing if they can build on it, or if it ruined it all.

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So what if Ben got rescued as well, it would make sense that no one would go to a funeral about him since only the island people would really know him that well. That could be what caused Jack to decide that he needed to tell Kate that they needed to go back to the island?

I assumed pretty quickly that it was Ben as well. Neither a friend, nor family to Jack, but someone who's death meant enough to make him want to kill himself. I'm guessing Ben had good reasons for what he was doing on the island that they never realized until leaving it, and now Jack feels obligated to see them through. Something like that. That's probably not it at all though, because that was my first guess, and it's never right with this show.

Someone did a high def image of the piece of paper jack was holding with the article, and apparently the persons name begins with either Jo or Ju, could be Julliet!

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I think it's safe to say Jack's dad is still alive, at least I hope he is because I've been hoping so since season 1 and firmly believe he will come back soon. The prescription being by his father was the hint, although I guess it could make sense if he's Dad and Jack's just fucked up and pissed.

Oh and the news clipping said that a mans body had been found, so it aint Juliet.

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So... The guy who we saw at the end of Season 2 playing chess that looked a lot like Jack, could actually have been Jack in a flash forward looking for a way to find the island again? I'm just throwing that out there.

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I think it's safe to say Jack's dad is still alive, at least I hope he is because I've been hoping so since season 1 and firmly believe he will come back soon. The prescription being by his father was the hint, although I guess it could make sense if he's Dad and Jack's just fucked up and pissed.

Oh and the news clipping said that a mans body had been found, so it aint Juliet.

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I don't care, of all the LOST mysteries I will continually stand by the fact that I believe Jack's Dad is alive.

Oh and I sooo thought that Locke was going to kill Jack, even though I knew that the "flashbacks" were actually flash forwards. I hope they do kill Jack off and that "future" was just fiction. Or that fate doesn't go how it was supposed to. Referring back to how Locke did things by fate and Jack did them by scientific reasoning.

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