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Lost Season Three Discussion Thread


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I really enjoyed last night's episode and it makes me want more (as ever), but one thing that's puzzling me is: How did we see that flash-forward? All the flash-backs were in people's memories, how can you remember what hasn't already happened? If it were Desmond seeing them, then yes, I'd be fine with that, as he has future-sight and it'd be far more believable. But Jack? I hope we get an explanation for that in S3.

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On wikipedia it says that the name of the funeral parlour on the pic above is an anagram for "flash forward"

Also the phone Jack was using in his "flash forward" was not released until October 2006 so it couldn't have been a flashback (thats also from wikipedia).

Did anyone who knows phones spot this?

Edited by wozzi
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I really enjoyed last night's episode and it makes me want more (as ever), but one thing that's puzzling me is: How did we see that flash-forward? All the flash-backs were in people's memories, how can you remember what hasn't already happened? If it were Desmond seeing them, then yes, I'd be fine with that, as he has future-sight and it'd be far more believable. But Jack? I hope we get an explanation for that in S3.
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On wikipedia it says that the name of the funeral parlour on the pic above is an anagram for "flash forward"

Also the phone Jack was using in his "flash forward" was not released until October 2006 so it couldn't have been a flashback (thats also from wikipedia).

Did anyone who knows phones spot this?

My dad actually said "that phone looks brand new" and I saw the funeral name and thought it was just ridiculous, didn't think anything of it.

And TRB, fair enough, but it still doesn't answer how we saw it. Surely someone had to have seen that.

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I don't know how they will explain, but I'm of two opinions of it. I don't think Jack had to be seeing it, and by the reactions of when we returned from FlashForwards it didn't seem like he was seeing it. However, the only other way I can see it going is that the island is a flashback, and I definitely don't want that. Can't think of any other explanation, but I guess we'll have to wait 8 months for it.

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Everything we see on the Island is things that are going on or in people's heads. The camera is either watching the action on the Island or someone's thoughts, what exactly was it recording? Where was the flash-forward coming from? If I switched on EastEnders tonight and see Phil Mitchell getting shot by a character not yet in the show, only for tomorrow's episode to see him running around as normal. I'd be like "what the fuck?" because the show is set in the present, much like Lost although you also have people's memories. Going to the future is odd because so far the only way to see the future is through Desmond's visions, and we have an explanation as to why he sees those. This we don't know why we - the audience - can see it. That's not to say I don't like the idea of Flash-Forwards I'm just confused as to how we're seeing them.

Also, I remember seeing some spoilers mid-series that said Kate, Sayid, Charlie, Jin and Ben die... Seeing as 4 of those turned out to be bullshit (though all threatened), who's to say the LOST Producers didn't leak the spoilers out to make people think that those people were dead in last night's? Thus, Charlie might not be dead. Right? Right? :unsure:

Also, Jack attended the funeral of a guy (so not Juliet)... http://www.lostpedia.com/wiki/Image:Article_small.jpg his surname might be something ending in "antham" but I'm not sure (and no-one with that name springs to mind).

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I don't think the name on the obituary is necessarily important. It also says he was survived by a teenage son, which pretty much leaves Michael as the only possible victim. I think the producers probably took a real obit. and re-used it, not expecting everyone to rotate it, zoom in and analyse it to death.
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The polish/russian/slav geezers who picked up the EMP anomoly discharge.

They were Brazilian.

They spoke Portuguese. Doesn't make them Brazilian. Henrik isn't a very Brazilian name :P

Wiki says these are the countries which speak native Portugese, so it could be any of these:



Cape Verde

East Timor


Macau (PRC)



São Tomé and Príncipe

I really enjoyed last night's episode and it makes me want more (as ever), but one thing that's puzzling me is: How did we see that flash-forward? All the flash-backs were in people's memories, how can you remember what hasn't already happened? If it were Desmond seeing them, then yes, I'd be fine with that, as he has future-sight and it'd be far more believable. But Jack? I hope we get an explanation for that in S3.

You're acting as if Jack saw his future. He didn't, obviously, otherwise he wouldn't have made contact with the freighter.

I was just presuming that because it was Jack's episode and saying that I thought someone needed to see it and thus: Jack. But I realised I was wrong about Jack seeing the future ;)

I don't think there's any reason to believe that these "flashbacks" are actually the people on the island 'remembering' what happened in the past. Ben certainly can't remember what happened when his mother died, but we were shown that anyway. The "flashbacks" are just the audience being shown something that happened a few years/months/weeks earlier, as context. This episode was the same, except we were shown something that happens two years later.

Fair enough, I'd never really thought about it like that; I'd always just thought of it as the character's remembering things, as they usually react to the Flashbacks. Still doesn't really answer the question of what the camera is recording - and for flashbacks too, now you've mentioned that it's not the character's memory - unless like Jouzy said the entire show so far has been a flashback (which would be pretty cool, so long as Jack and Kate got back on to the island before the end of Season 4) - but that'd mean the Flashforward was a present, and the present is the past, which would be too confusing for some people. But at least it's more consistent and I can buy it.

Anyone got a better shot of the newspaper clip than the one I posted? I checked lost-media but it was very low quality.

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Anyone else think that Jack's dad is still alive? In the flashforwards Jacks tells the doctor to "get his dad down here" as if he's still alive. He could have said this because he was drunk (although im not sure was drunk in this scene).

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Really long shot, but remember Juliet's episode, when she was shown her sister over the TV in Mikhail's home? The guy reporting... was his name John? Not sure how that'd tie in, but for some reason I seem to remember him being called John.

Could it be Sawyer under a con-name? There were 3 years between that flashforward and the Island, perhaps they'd become good friends or something? Then again, it wouldn't fit the "not family or friend" thing.

Hell, maybe we're reading too much into it, maybe it's just someone he tried to fix whilst drunk and now they're dead.

EDIT: 1) No, we had this dicussion about 20 posts back, he's dead, the writers have confirmed it.

2) How big's Charlie? Not much bigger than 5'5 I imagine.

Edited by - Matt -
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