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Whedon confirms no Serenity sequel


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Hi boys and odd, smooth, compellingly bumpy non-boys. I'm in Liverpool, on Alexis' lap... sorry, laptop, checking in and seeing all sorts of nonsense about a sequel to something. I did run into someone at Forbidden Planet, and he said something about that I ought to make more things, possibly art things, and I agreed. He didn't know the fellow I was with was Brian Hitch but it was 'cause I'm so, yeah, awesome. Yes, Warren and Natalie and Brian and I had dinner, after nattering on for SFX at the hotel (I like that mag) and it was blazingly fun. They're all three multitalented, urbane, and surprisingly sweet. I'm none of those things but I came the farthest so they had to be nice. BUT...

There's no sequel, no secret project regarding Serenity or somesuch and I'm not even sure how anyone thought there was talk there. I've seen Nathan and Tim (and Summer and Alan) recently because they're my friends because I'm so, yeah, awesome. So let's put that to bed and smother it with a pillow.

Fun fact: Didn't read the thread, but as for James playing Shinzon: that's the reason he left for darkest Africa at the end of season six. We were giving him the time off to do the film. When it didn't happen, the course was already set. But he got a nifty soul and that worked out okay.

Oh, and I heard Marvel pushed back X-Men 18? I've delivered 19, and Johnny's working steadily, so blame the marketplace. In fact, overturn the marketplace, the way Jesus did when he was cranky about that thing that time.

Rolling in Kittens, -j.

joss | October 01, 12:12 CET

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It may sound strange coming from a huge fan of Firefly and Serenity, but I'm actually fairly pleased. I wouldn't want it without Wash, and in particular Book, though, like Keith, I NEED TO KNOW.

Though I think we can all take an educated guess.

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There has to be a graphic novel.... There HAS to be. Anything. I'd even settle for a DVD release of Joss sitting down in an empty room and giving a rough outline of potential Firefly storylines. What the hell did Book DO?! I was gutted when Serenity didn't answer that question.

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There probably isn't a sequel, but these comments were misinterpreted. He was commenting on a specific rumour, not on the general idea of a sequel. And I'm certain that there will be a continuation of the story, whether it be in the form of a film, series or graphic novel (in all honesty, the latter seems the most likely).

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There was a graphic novel, just not in the way most people are thinking here. It was a short book that bridged the gap between the series and the film. It was just a brief story that also had an account of how and why Book was dropped off, and ended with the operative getting the assignment.

I think a graphic novel that actually deals with whats been mentioned could happen, and would be a good way to wrap up the story fully.

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I just finished getting the Firefly episodes, but I haven't had a chance to watch them. Joss needs a new television series out because since Angel ended, the only thing I've really been able to get into is House. He needs to give me something to watch.

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I loved the movie and the television series...

But really, who cares?

I'm probably gonna get nerdraped for this, but is there a reason why Firefly gets so much more attention than any other good show that was cancelled? I really enjoyed it, but it just wasn't THAT compelling.

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I loved the movie and the television series...

But really, who cares?

I'm probably gonna get nerdraped for this, but is there a reason why Firefly gets so much more attention than any other good show that was cancelled? I really enjoyed it, but it just wasn't THAT compelling.

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Angel got cancelled after 5, Buffy after 7 and people were still holding campaigns, and circling lists around to be signed. Whedon is an amazing writer, and he seems to be able to add a golden touch to almost everything he...erm..touches.

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Angel got cancelled after 5, Buffy after 7 and people were still holding campaigns, and circling lists around to be signed. Whedon is an amazing writer, and he seems to be able to add a golden touch to almost everything he...erm..touches.

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Angel got cancelled after 5, Buffy after 7 and people were still holding campaigns, and circling lists around to be signed. Whedon is an amazing writer, and he seems to be able to add a golden touch to almost everything he...erm..touches.

But for Buffy and Angel, such campaign was warranted. They were really consistently awesome for a long time. I was a Buffy/Angel fanboy, but Firefly didn't get the same attention from me. It was just a "cool show that got cancelled", like a lot of others.

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