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Family Guy/Horror films question


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This is to help me with my christmas shopping.

1) My brother wants me to buy him a Family Guy box-set. Which is the better season, 4 or 5? Or should I just got back to one of the older seasons? I'd prefer to get him one of the later ones though, but if they suck, let me know.

2) My little sister likes horror films apparently, but I don't know much about the genre at all. From what I understand, she isn't really into any old stuff, and doesn't mind the more highly stylised (less scary?) films that are around nowadays. Can anyone recommend me a good modern horror? Not too scary/gory though, as I don't think she likes it too OTT.

Thanks in advance.

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On the Family Guy issue theres a few different ways to look at it. Looking it from a quantity point of view then Season 3 is more than plentiful with 21 episodes as opposed to Season 1 (14), Season 2 (15), Season 4 (13) and Season 5 (14). Quality...i'd probably go for Season 2. In this region they split the first 7 eps of season 2 to put on the Season 1 DVD caus it was short at only 7 eps, otherwise season 2 would be awesome. Not to say the later stuff doesn't have it's charms. I just picked up Season 4 and it's fun and looks to have a fair few commentaries and some other nice extras.

Since you're a student type i'll pick up on the financial aspect. Online 1 through 4 are availible at around £11 whilst season 5, having just come out, is around £16-17 so if you were really tight for money then it might be worth looking at the earlier stuff unless Season 5 ended up in the seasonal animation offer which Fox usually runs with Family Guy/Simpsons/Futurama DVD's on a Buy One Get One Free offer.

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I find recommending horror movies hard, especially a non-gore one.

So obviously avoid Saw, Hills Have Eyes, Hostel, Devil's Rejects, House of 1000 Corpses, and many like those.

Avoid Blair Witch Project 1 and 2, their just terrible.

And when you say "she isn't into old stuff", clarify. Like for me 60's-00's is new, and 10's-50's is old horror. For non gore classics, Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde ('31), Cabinet of Dr. Caligari ('19), but she probably won't like them.

Psycho ('60) is fantastic, not violent, and by today's standards isn't really scary. Exorcist is fantastic, and scared the crap out of me. The Shining is supposively scary, I didn't find it though. Halloween (for a slaher) is hardly violent at all. Carrie is a wonderful movie. Poltergeist is another great one.

But like I said, I'm not sure what she classifies as "old" though, as they were all 60's - 80's.

A current one would be The 6th Sense. I hated it, but a lot of people seemed to like it.

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If ANY season of Family Guy is one the cards, then Season One and Season Two are both ace. Season Three is weird. It probably contains the best 3/4 episodes of all, but the rest of it is sub-standard. Season Four was poor. Not seen any of Five.

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I find recommending horror movies hard, especially a non-gore one.

So obviously avoid Saw, Hills Have Eyes, Hostel, Devil's Rejects, House of 1000 Corpses, and many like those.

Avoid Blair Witch Project 1 and 2, their just terrible.

And when you say "she isn't into old stuff", clarify. Like for me 60's-00's is new, and 10's-50's is old horror. For non gore classics, Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde ('31), Cabinet of Dr. Caligari ('19), but she probably won't like them.

Psycho ('60) is fantastic, not violent, and by today's standards isn't really scary. Exorcist is fantastic, and scared the crap out of me. The Shining is supposively scary, I didn't find it though. Halloween (for a slaher) is hardly violent at all. Carrie is a wonderful movie. Poltergeist is another great one.

But like I said, I'm not sure what she classifies as "old" though, as they were all 60's - 80's.

A current one would be The 6th Sense. I hated it, but a lot of people seemed to like it.

Amusingly, I actually enjoyed Blair Witch 2, in a weird kind of 'what the heck is this?' way.

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In America, seasons 1 and 2 are lumped into one collection - Vol. 1.

Season 3 is on it's own.

Season 4 is split into two volumes, 3 and 4. Which is probably the same as your 4 and 5.

The later episodes I really haven't enjoyed all that much. Besides the FCC episode, which you may not appreciate as much as over here, everything is hit or miss and isn't as quality as it used to be.

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Family Guy. You can't go "wrong" with any of them, however ..... for the greatest collection of quantity and quality, season 3 is your bet. There's plenty of the "fart" humor, as well as actual good comedy.

Modern Horrer ......... look into the J-Horror scene. Tartan films. Many of them are done without too much gore or needless "gross crap." As far as others ..... Look into maybe a few of the Stephen King adaptions to film.

Something I've just caught a glimpse of, but haven't seen fully is The DESCENT. It owns. Great stuff. Lionsgate does it and has also has a very good variety of horror flicks from "cheesy" to "real deal." I'd check them out as well.

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