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The Official 360 Smackdown VS Raw EWB League

Gongsun Zan

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Ok, so we have 12 players. Here's the groupings:

Group 1:

1. Laice

2. Big Tuna

3. Kaney

Group 2:

4. Pepsi

5. sashley

6. RW

Group 3:

7. AD

8. Zan

9. Corey

Group 4:

11. oldskool

10. SwantonEdge

12. Zero

So what we'll do is two matches from each group, the winner moves on to standard elimination tournament. If there's a tie for whatever reason, we'll deal with it later.

The deadline for this shall be exactly a week from now. It's up to you guys to figure out a suitable time to arrange your match, and you can do either match whenever it's most convenient to you. Remember, post results in this thread, and what not. If we get everything done quick, we can move on faster.

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Is there any limits on CAWs or anything? I'm guessing it's just regular roster, but I don't think it says one way or the other.

And if regular roster, I assume it's one wrestler and stick with him?

Gamertag is Kaneyanite btw.

Edited by Kaneanite
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Yeah, who are we using? We never seemed to make a decision on that matter. I'd prefer to avoid CAWs, and if we do, it should be real wrestlers only. I've never seen anyone (except me, haha) with an original CAW that didn't look fucking ridiculous. Also, there should be no Overalls higher than 95 since that's the highest rated person on the regular roster. I think a mix of real/CAW wouldn't hurt though.

And we should edit the original post in this thread to include everyone who's playing, their gamertag, and what wrestler they're using for easy reference.

Edited by Zero
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Yeah, who are we using? We never seemed to make a decision on that matter. I'd prefer to avoid CAWs, and if we do, it should be real wrestlers only. I've never seen anyone (except me, haha) with an original CAW that didn't look fucking ridiculous. Also, there should be no Overalls higher than 95 since that's the highest rated person on the regular roster. I think a mix of real/CAW wouldn't hurt though.

And we should edit the original post in this thread to include everyone who's playing, their gamertag, and what wrestler they're using for easy reference.

That sounds fine to me, but I already maxed out my CAW, and he doesn't look ridiculous. Anyway, the ridiculousness is half the fun >_>

If we're using real wrestlers, then I call dibs on Kane, because I don't ever seem to win with anyone else :shifty:

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I'll take 'Taker, because Kane vs Undertaker= Ratings :P

So Kaney how's 8:00 PM(give or take 10 minutes) Eastern Time on Saturday, I'd have the game by then, and I would have had some time getting use to the controls. 'Taker vs. Kane baby.

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I got Edge... just to really piss off Kaney. ^_^

Or is that what I want you to think? :shifty:

Sure thing Laice. If I'm not online, chances are I'll be on here somewhere, so PM me if I'm not.

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Zan, AD

I'm not free tonight as I got a lot of homework, but I am free mostly every night from 2:30 - 11 PM EST and on the weekends from 11 AM - 1 AM EST

Also, I don't have any CAW so if I could I'd like to use Boogeyman in my matches, not the greatest guy but I just finished a career with him so I'm the most comfortable with his moveset

Are we allowed to switch characters though? Say I use Boogeyman for these first set of matches but then create someone, could I switch to my CAW?

Edited by Corizzle
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Sure thing Laice. If I'm not online, chances are I'll be on here somewhere, so PM me if I'm not.
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Sure thing Laice. If I'm not online, chances are I'll be on here somewhere, so PM me if I'm not.

No problem (Y)

As for Big Tuna, same day, around 10 PM-11 PM, can you make it?? I want to through my two matches this weekend, because I won't have a chance to go back home for another two weeks, and the last thing I want to do is cause a delay this early.

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I was bored, so I've been playing a bunch of ranked matches on Live. I'm currently on a losing streak of 4 losses to 1 win and I enter a match against a 99 OVR CAW. I was about to quit until I saw it's a CAW of Goldberg. Zan thought my CAW had a lot of Goldbergs moves so I decided to play him and I kicked his ass, hitting him with his own Jackhammer finisher. He quit just as the ref counted three. My losing streak is intact.

You bastards should get online, so I'm at least getting beaten by people I know.

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Sure thing Laice. If I'm not online, chances are I'll be on here somewhere, so PM me if I'm not.

No problem (Y)

As for Big Tuna, same day, around 10 PM-11 PM, can you make it?? I want to go through my two matches this weekend, because I won't have a chance to go back home for another two weeks, and the last thing I want to do is cause a delay this early.

EDIT: Big Tuna, Anytime after 11 PM is fine by me too, thanks for the heads up Corizzle

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I guess my fate for the first person to have the EWB title will be on Saturday:

Saturday Nov. 25.

Undertaker vs. Kane (Kaney) : Around 8:00 PM EST

Undertaker vs. RVD (Big Tuna): Around 11:30 PM EST

I'll give a hit to both of you on LIVE when the time comes, and also give you guys a PM.

And I have 1 day to get use to the controls......I'll manage. :unsure:

See you guys online! (Y)

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Wow, Sashley just beat me in about 2 minutes. Um, so yeah he won our match, he was Orton and I was Benoit. In fact he didn't just win it was a jobber match on Heat and I was the jobber.

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