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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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I think my next mafia project planned for god knows when will be Roman & Greek Mythology Mafia just for the fun of it. I had some great role ideas and figured it'd be worth a try.

In any case, if I did something like that, I'd probably do it either late this year/sometime early next year. Not planning on anything too soon.

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I put much care into my roles for Random Rule Mafia :shifty:

I put tons of care into my Psychonauts Mafia roles. And now I've discarded them.

I think my next mafia project planned for god knows when will be Roman & Greek Mythology Mafia just for the fun of it. I had some great role ideas and figured it'd be worth a try.

In any case, if I did something like that, I'd probably do it either late this year/sometime early next year. Not planning on anything too soon.

Why do both? They have basically the same characters anyway.

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I want to do a YGO:TAS Mafia, but I fear it would not live up to the awesomeness that is the series...and that I'd not have enough time to do it.

In other words, someone do it for me. >_>

I had planned on including some Abridged roles in the Yu-Gi-Oh mafia I called that got eaten in the time spiral.

Read: I'll do it.

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I think my next mafia project planned for god knows when will be Roman & Greek Mythology Mafia just for the fun of it. I had some great role ideas and figured it'd be worth a try.

In any case, if I did something like that, I'd probably do it either late this year/sometime early next year. Not planning on anything too soon.

In. :shifty:

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Oh, this should be plenty fun. Depending on how many sign-ups (as always in Norro games, the more the merrier), we could see a hell of a game. Since there seems to be a pretty decent sized interest in it... what say I start it around October/November? I've got the SUPREMACY Universe on hold while I work on building structure to it before revealing the other parts to it, so that's taking a bit of time... this shouldn't distract much from it at all.

So... yeah, I guess. October/November sound good, everyone?

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