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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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I'm having far too much fun making BSG Mafia. Some people are going to really hate me (even more) when it's done. I think -A- will probably murder me with a rusty piece of rebar.

I'm glad it's not even on the list yet, I will need some time to finish the profiles. The ones I've done so far are good, and were fun, but I have a lot more to do.


Edited by SeanDMan
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I dislike vanilla roles; I like giving everyone at least something that will make them unique, even if it makes them suck and gimped.

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I swear, Scrubs is to mafia like Watchmen was to movies. No-one'll ever make a good mafia out of it, but people will claim to be working on it and eventually, someone will just go with the idea and put real work into it whilst the person who originally said they'd do it sits back for awhile before, right as the game is about to be released, they demand some big part in the game/the chance to help so they can take credit for the game since they came up with the idea in the first place. Of course, unlike with Watchmen, that shit won't fly around here, but still.

Oh, and then the game finally gets released, it's a huge success, and people rejoice like nobody's business. That's just how it's gonna be.

Anger...rising. How wasn't Watchmen a good movie?

EDIT: I prefer chocolate, personally.

EDIT2: Too late. :( Damn you, Sousa!

Edited by Whispering Eye
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Speaking of Final Fantasy, I play a lot better as a vanilla than with a power role, so I like them too. Also, throw in a couple of jesters.

I don't know where your getting an easy victory for the town from though, we lynched one townie all game until the two scum groups outnumbered us.

Edited by pizzamonkey
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He was an investigator, a protector, and like three other things. >_>

I know, but did he actually use any of those skills, or did he just have them? If he'd investigated a couple of people at least 7 or 8 townies would have won that game.

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