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I saw Inglourious Basterds last week and loved it. Don't know whether to give it an 8 or a 9. I'd have to see it again.

Today I went to a small screening of Departures. 7/10 Pretty moving story and had some great comedic moments. Good stuff.

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Funny People - 8/10 - I thought it was a pretty good film. Some really funny moments, too. I thought it was pretty well-rounded with all the comedians, and cameo's, doing a pretty good job. Good to see a comedy which did have a sense of real seriousness to it, too.

Final Destination in 3D - 6/10 - I'll give it marks for making me laugh. Alot. Some of the deaths were hilarious. Some pretty lame acting all round, but a good fun movie all in all.

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Halloween II (2009) - 7.5/10

Some friends and I saw this on a whim tonight and I'm glad we did. I thought it was quite good and much better than Zombie's first Halloween film. Some pretty brutal kills made for a fun movie experience.

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The Ugly Truth - Wasn't expecting much, didn't get much. Decent film nonetheless and as I said, exactly what you'd expect really. 7/10

Funny People - Misleading title, because it isn't that funny if I say so myself. I was expecting a film similar to 40 Year Old etc., with constant jokes, but instead it's not, if anything it's quite a sad film. Almost seems like Sandler is playing himself, and this film showed that Rogen can somewhat act. Plus, it made me hate Rogen a little less, which can only be a good thing (for the film). His room mates (the ones that are shown on the adverts with the YouTube video about cats) are douches and aren't in it that much really. It only really felt like a comedy once the few cameos appeared, and then once Eric Bana showed up. Was much longer than I expected too. Despite the title, I'd say that this isn't a flat-out, straight forward comedy that you'd expect from Sandler and Rogen, but nevertheless is still a good film, but in a different way than expected. 8/10

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The title is what it is because it's a movie about funny people, not because it's a straight up comedy. Had you not seen anything regarding the movie before seeing it? Because it wasn't being billed as a straight up comedy like 40 Year Old Virgin.

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I get the premise of the title <_<. And all I saw of it was the adverts on TV, which do set it up to be more of a generic comedy (which is why I wasn't too eager to check out and read more about it). I didn't even know that Sandler get's diagnosed with an illness at the start.

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Dexter: Season 2 - 7/10

Picked up in the final six episodes. But predictability and some poor acting bring it to 7/10. Maybe I'm underselling the show a tad becuase it probably is better than a lot of the absolute crap gracing television, but it's nothing too special either. I'm nearly caught up, but Netflix doesn't stream Season 3 so I have to get it through the mail one at a time while getting Season Two of The West Wing.

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Gamer - 6.5/10

A good summer action movie. Just sit back and enjoy your popcorn or candy and watch things get blown up. Michael C. Hall is absolutely fantastic in the movie but unfortunetely they gave him some poor dialog in key scenes. Gerard Butler isn't bad in his role but the movie is pretty different than they make it out to be in the trailers. Prepare for basically a vomiting rainbow of colour mixed with the desaturated look of Terminator Salvation.

On the subject of Dexter, I think you'll like the third season Biggz as it was as strong if not better than the first. The second season was kind of meh and the third season looked to be the same but it really picked up about a quarter of the way through it.

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I Love You, Man - I have a nonsensical love for Paul Rudd, and How I Met Your Mother (which stars Jason Segal) is one of my favourite shows, so I found this to be a pretty good movie. Like the other films I've watched recently, it's not trying to be anything it's not, meaning it's a pretty simple comedy film. Plus, Rudd is great at the bumbling "what-the-fuck did I just say/say that for" schtick. 8/10

Zack & Miri Make A Porno - Again, similiar to I Love You, Man in the sense that it's not trying to be anything it's not, just with a lot more cruder jokes. Think your typical film with Rogen and co. in it, but cross it with Jay from the Inbetweeners and you're basically there. What I didn't like was that after only watching the 40 Year Old Virgin again last week, the Indian guy plays EXACTLY the same character in this film and says EXACTLY the same phrases, which is pretty weak. 8/10

Hamlet 2 - I honestly don't know what to say. Was it good? Was it bad? Was it so bad it was good (which I think is the joke-within-a-joke-within-a-joke of this film-within-a-film type of thing)? I'll just give it a 6/10.

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District 9 - 8/10

A bizarre film. I say this because I was pretty close to turning it off about thirty or forty minutes into it. I was thinking 'The hell is going on here?' and in a way not appreciating the movie, because it just wasn't what I was expecting. Then all of a sudden, the movie exploded into life and when it actually did, it was fantastic. Certainly one of the best films I've seen this year, tells a brilliant story and just works so damn well. There's GOT to be a sequel, which I really cant wait for now. Some people may be different and love it from start to finish, but it took me a while to really appreciate it, so anybody who possibly feels how I did at the start of it, you certainly NEED to stick with it.

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So How I Met Your Mother started on E4 on Friday at 7.30, but I had to go out. But, it's been on every week day since then, not just on Fridays? Grrrr. Why was I not informed?

So technically, this is "what I did not watch today".

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Godzilla vs. Megalon

I don't think I can really give this a rating because I watched the Mystery Science Theater 3000 version of it. As an episode of the show, it's one of my favorites. Though probably not one of the best Godzilla movies. Still good though in a so bad it's awesome sort of way. I've been on a big Godzilla kick lately so I've got some others I need to watch.

On a side note, I finished How I Met Your Mother. All four seasons within like two weeks. Really fantastic show and it's got me so excited for the next season. I also signed up for Netflix tonight and with each movie added to my queue, I saw more and more hours of my life being consumed.

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