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I just saw the Blu-Ray version a few days ago. It was awesome and the behind the scenes stuff was incredible. I'd rate it the same.

I watched an up-converted version. A ton of it was dark as hell on my HDTV.

It made me want to pick up the Blu-ray.

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Paranormal Activity - 8/10 - I'm awful with horror movies, but I was pulled along to see this one. I thought it was pretty damn scary and left a lot to the imagination; you kinda made it as scary as you wanted it to be. The end was terrifying, though. Good movie.

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I am collecting all of the Friday The 13th movies. Just bought Part V: A New Beginning. I think people make too big of a deal out of

Jason not being the killer.

but the movie is not as good as the previous 4. I love Part 2 and 3.

Still, I'd give Part V a 6/10. Now I need to pick up Part VI: Jason Lives and Part VII: The New Blood.

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First season of Lost - 5/5

I never got into the show because I missed the first two seasons and then couldn't jump into the third. I sat down to watch the first few episodes and couldn't stop watching. Normally I'd be upset that I wasted a whole day, but that was such an awesome season I couldn't stop watching.

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American Pie: Book Of Love - 6.5/10

Somehow they're still churning out as many of these as possible, I guess it's not a terrible thing though. They'll never live up to the first three, but I don't feel they're supposed to. This is certainly watchable and has a few decent enough laughs in. The only real complaint is that they continue to use a new 'Stiffler' and they seem to get worst and worst. You'll never find anybody as good as Sean William Scott, so give up now.

Triangle - 7.5/10

Pretty trippy in parts. A few friends of mine see it as well and didn't think much of it. I, however, thought it was pretty damn good. Something a little different and a little weird is usually good if done right and this one is.

Saw VI - 8/10

'Continues' the story you could say. More crazy games and deaths, certainly not a bad thing. I still don't get why there's a growing base of people who shit on this franchise, when it's arguably the best horror franchise of this decade. It's certainly at a point where it's now dragging on, but they're doing a good enough job with the story and twists. One more should be the end of the franchise though, that's for sure.

The Final Destination - 5.5/10

The killings are pretty much laughable. They've tried TOO hard with them. Some of them are 'cool', but really they're just way over the top. This movie just didn't need to happen the way it did. It's just like a random movie thrown into the franchise which adds nothing to any previous story or for it's future story (no doubt this wont be the FINAL one). It's watchable without a doubt and I enjoyed it, but it's really average at best.

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R-Point 4/5

We popped this sucker in a few hours ago not sure really what it was other then some kind of spooky war movie. Damn, I didn't think it would be so freakin' intense. The ending was a bit of a let down but everything up to that point was awesome.

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The Fantastic Mr. Fox - *** out of *****

A fun, unique little morsel from Wes Anderson. It's odd that you would be able to place him to this children's movie, even if you didn't know he was involved...

If you liked any of his previous works, it's recommended.

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The Box - 6/10 This film had some potential in it. At times, it was creepy. Espicially Arlington Stewart, played by Frank Languella(?) (I think), but the film dragged. The plot was too short to warrant a full length feature and I felt that a lot of the film felt worthless because of the third act.

A Serious Man - 8/10 I've never seen a Coen's film, but I knew of their reputation. This film looked off beat, and it won't be for everyone. I'm pretty sure four people walked out from a hardly packed screen. But this film had a lot of heart, it was well put together and pretty funny.

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A Serious Man - 8/10 I've never seen a Coen's film,


Raising Arizona

Miller's Crossing

Barton Fink

The Hudsucker Proxy


The Big Lebowski

No Country For Old Men

Check 'em out soon.

The others are fairly mixed in reception, although I like all of their stuff outside of Intolerable Cruelty. Glad you liked A Serious Man, it's definitely a deep movie. Even for them.

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I saw Antichrist on Tuesday. 8/10

I came into this movie with low expectations. I expected to laugh at it after a friend of mine described his experience with the movie and based on all the reviews. Then I went and saw it in this "closet" with 20 or so seats and a bunch of pretentious assholes. This place had dedicated a full month to Lars Von Trier movies and were ending it this past weekend through Tuesday with Antichrist. They decided that for the last showing (the one I went) they would show a bunch of pretentious, garbage ass shorts from some Miami independent artists. They were the most god awful waste of film I'd ever seen and it brought my expectations lower. Then I saw Antichrist and became interested throughout and found it to be deviantly beautiful. While a lot of the camera work was pretty pretentious and it bothered me, the story had some really cool concepts and the visuals were, as already known, striking. Overall, I really enjoyed my experience watching the movie, but enjoyed even more when a guy walked out after a graphic scene. :D

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Yeah, this is the first Lars Von Trier movie I've seen. Now, I've decided to try and see as many as I can considering it seems that he has some pretty decent ideas floating around and apparently is well respected for a lot of his former work. I'm thinking of starting with the Europe Trilogy.

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