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A great martial arts film like no other. Unlike most films of this genre, Ong Bak has no special effects or rope tricks. All the moves you see in this movie are real. Some moves you'll see are mindblowing. The action and fight scenes are the highlight of the movie. The story however I find is not that exciting, and the first 30 minutes of the film are slow.


Black Mask

Another Jet Li film. This is probably one of his more weaker movies. The dialogue at times was very cliche and boring. The story was alright, but didn't add much to the film. The fight scenes in this film aren't even that great.


The Warriors

The Warriors is a very original movie. The acting, action, setting, music, everything was great in this movie. The only thing I didn't like was that it was too short. A movie like this I thought could have easily went 2+ hours.


Here is an updated list of all the movies I've reviewed with more acurate ratings:

Kill Bill volume 1: 9.4/10

Scarface: 9.3/10

Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back: 9.3/10

Clerks. :9.3/10

Clockwork Orange: 9.1/10

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope: 8.8/10

The Warriors: 8.7/10

Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi: 8.6/10

Clerks 2: 8.5/10

Chasing Amy: 8.5/10

Fearless: 8.4/10

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest: 8.3/10

Ali: 8.1/10

Dogma: 8.0/10

Ong-Bak: 7.8/10

Super Size Me: 7.4/10

The Libertine: 7.3/10

Black Mask: 6.9/10

The Exorcist 3: 6.8/10

Star Wars Episode 1: Phantom Menace: 6.2/10

The Ring: 5.5/10

Troy: 5.0/10

The Hills Have Eyes (remake): 2.8/10

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I remembered liking it in a cheesy way, but that didn't hold up...too many bad special effects for my liking. It gets a little credit in my book for trying to get a little futuristic, but it's not like it does it well or anything.

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Brick - 9/10

Easily the best movie you will never see, Brick combines the noir films of old with the high school of today in a to bring forth a very surrealistic world. The film stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt (an underrated talent, to be sure) as Brendan, a loner who goes through a crime ring in his highschool trying to find answers to the disappearance/death of his ex-girlfriend (played Lost's Emilie de Ravin). It finally came out on DVD yesterday, so go out and rent it post haste.

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Seed of Chucky - 4/10

Don Mancini's turn at the helm of the fifth Chucky-based feature could be one of the strangest satires of Hollywood to be seen. The film completely bypasses any sort of scare factor (which was necessary, seeing that fucking killer dolls are not scary in the least) and creates strange scenes that in many cases go completely off the deep end. It's an experience, though, not necessarily a good one. Still, some of the stuff in here must bee seen to be believed (they impregnate Jennifer Tilly with a turkey baster...). Shame some of that should've been funnier.

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They Live!- ***1/4

Reminds me of A History of Violence in that it's well written, well directed, and well acted, but very low key at the same time. More than anything, this movie is smart in a sci-fi Orwellian manner and isn't afraid to be cheesy in an appropriate way. And of course, the best fight scene in cinematic history and certainly Piper's most epic match ever. :shifty:

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Nacho Libre - 6/10

There were some very lengthy periods during this film that completely lacked anything in the way of funny. I appreciated the actual wrestling matches (and mark heavily for Silencio, who's like a mixture of Super Dragon and The Stig; special move - throwing people), and to be honest the fact that it is about wrestling is probably what prevents the score from being one or two points lower. But when I ask myself if I'd like to see it again I find myself replying, "nah...can't be bothered to sit through that".

Edited by stokeriño
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