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Can We Get The League Going Again?


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Is there enough interest in non-wrestling stuff to populate another Hall of Graphical memories? I've been on a photoshop kick recently and would be happy to participate.

You can click through the pinned thread if you want to see some old examples of work. I won't link any of them here as I think we've all improved ten fold since then, and I'm actually embarassed by mine. (This one by Norris stands the test of time though - http://ewb.orion-hosting.co.uk/forum/uploa...1116021067.jpg)

But yeah. In summary, anyone interested in structured non-wrestling contests?

Back in the day it would go something like this..

AJ (Mod at the time) would post a set of rules, absolutely anyone could enter, regardless of talent, and we would ask for four volunteers who didn't enter, to vote out of ten and critique the work. Highest overall score won.

No-one was obligated to enter, or vote so it wouldn't fall apart just because someone dropped out.

It was pretty easy going.

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I've been pretty interested in it lately as well. The monthly PPV contest is definitely a good start, even though that is wrestling. The forums seems to be on a kick all the way around lately, which is something that hasn't been strong for quite some time. I'd love to put it back together, especially outside of wrestling.

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I would love to see it going again Keith, but if it did I would need some help in keeeping it going. Because of my college work and all, I only have enough time to actually moderate around here, and this place doesn't need too much moderation to be honest. That's why when Jimmy came up with his monthly contest dealy, I jumped on it, because I liked the idea.

Maybe we could have two seperate leagues? I could put Jimmy in charge, if he'd like that, of the wrestling graphics league, and you and I could run the new non-wrestling league. That way we won't be isolating people, they'll have an option of trying something new if they'd like rather than be forced, and it'd just add to the competition around here a little more.

As an aside: I completely forgot about that graphic. Man, that actually did come out good... I'm still rather happy with it today >_>

Edited by The Mask of Norro
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yeah i reckon a non wrestling league would be great, i like the ppv one but something non wrestling would help expand alot of peoples horizons

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Anyone got a link to the old league?

Apparently I ran it, but I can't for the life of me remember how.

I'm up for it, by the way. Despite being appallingly poor these days. I don't mind running it either, if Norris doesn't have time.

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Well if by 'league' you guys mean the monthly contests I used to run with 4 judges and the points tally and the little medals. Then I can go ahead and set that up.

As long as I'm not stepping on Norris' toes or anything.

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