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Official NFL 2007 Thread


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He's been arrested or questioned by police like 8 times in 2 years...he got what he deserved,

If the reports are right that I've read/heard, he has not been arrested for anything, let alone convicted. Sure, he's been questioned, but you can be at a high school football game, a fight can start that ends up with a kid getting a broken nose, and chances are if you were within 50 feet of the fight they'll question you. Why he should be punished because other people commit crimes while he is around is beyond me.


July 13, 2005: Two weeks before training camp is scheduled to begin, Jones is arrested by Nashville police at Titans headquarters. He is charged with assault and felony vandalism stemming from a nightclub altercation.

Feb. 6, 2006: Jones is arrested in Fayetteville, Ga., and charged with possession of marijuana. He is handcuffed after throwing a punch at an officer, according to police, and charged with a felony count of obstruction and two misdemeanors of obstructing police. The drug charge is dismissed in January 2007, although his mother Deborah and a friend, Marcus Bowens, are convicted of possession of marijuana. Jones will appear in court later this month to face the obstruction charges.

Aug. 25, 2006: Jones is arrested in Murfreesboro, Tenn., for disorderly conduct and public intoxication. At the Sweetwater Saloon, he is accused of assault by Toya Garth, who says Jones spit in her face and she spit back. A judge sentences Jones six months probation provided he stays out of further trouble.

Full list of Pacman's...misadventures, let's call them...right here. Pacman needs to be down on his knees thanking Goodell that it was only a season.

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Fair enough, the information I had was wrong. I still don't think a full-season suspension is in order for someone who, at least according to that, has a temper problem and smokes marijuana. To me, lashing out and verbally assaulting people is easily better then drinking and driving.

Edited by Trey
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Are you a Pac-man fan or something?

He has been arrested 3 times in under 2 years for things that I wouldnt consider minor offenses and in no ways has shown that he will not countiue to put himself in situation where he can likely end up in more trouble like the nighclub incident.

If all he were to get from the NFL was a slap on the wrist do you really think that he would change his ways at all? Obviously he would have no reason to so I think the suspension is warrented, along with that the NFL has an image to uphold and suspending him like they have shows that they wouldnt take likely to arrest that happen off the field espesially with the new commish in office. As far as I am concerned he is lucky that he is just gone for a year he has had a history of "being in the wrong place at the wrong time" and unless he decides to change his ways he wont have much more of a future in the NFL IMO.

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I wouldn't call myself a Pacman fan, and with the new information I've re-did my thought process and came up with 4 games. The things I saw said that he had never went to trial, which is true, I just assumed that it meant he hadn't ever been charged/arrested. It was my mistake.

But still, I'm a Bears fan, and I consider Tank's run-ins with the law far worse then Pacman's issues.

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Lions should trade down or take Thomas, imo. They don't NEED Adrian Peterson, if they trade down they can get more than just Adams. And imo, Quinn will not be that good of a pro and there will be another Quinn next year. Kitna did not do bad for them this year and they need to address other issues.

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So someone clue me in on the Lions draft. I think they should take Quinn. But if they want Adams couldnt they get him later and maybe get another pick?

The biggest problem with the Lions right now is their O-line. With Joe Thomas being in the draft it's widely believed that the smartest move they can make is to grab Thomas who should give an instant boost to the line and from their they can possibly pick up a late round QB to work with or wait until next year to get a future QB. Without an O-line who can block though, any QB would have a tough time doing anything in the Lions.

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And frankly, I have to give Thomas some big points for basically saying "screw the draft, I'm goin' fishin' with Dad." :D

If Brady Quinn has to do the Matt Leinart Never-Ending Green Room wait and drops to, like, #16 or something, that would make my draft. But if the Lions don't do the smart thing and entertain some trade-down offers to some team that wants to snag Peterson out from under the Browns, the ONLY top 5 guy they need right now is Thomas.

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So someone clue me in on the Lions draft. I think they should take Quinn. But if they want Adams couldnt they get him later and maybe get another pick?

The biggest problem with the Lions right now is their O-line. With Joe Thomas being in the draft it's widely believed that the smartest move they can make is to grab Thomas who should give an instant boost to the line and from their they can possibly pick up a late round QB to work with or wait until next year to get a future QB. Without an O-line who can block though, any QB would have a tough time doing anything in the Lions.

The Lions need help on both lines. They are stacked in the middle on the Defensive line, but I think you guys are forgetting that we haven't had a pass rush since Robert Porcher and Tracey Scroggins were the ends. Right now we have one guy that looks to be a starter (Dewayne White) and he's an unproven commodity. Kalimba Edwards is slated to be the other starter assuming that we do nothing at the end spot. Kalimba sucks.

This is why Gaines Adams is so high on the Lions list right now. He's a pass rush specialist with speed that is an ideal fit for the Tampa 2 system, and a guy with raw potential that Rod Marinelli would love to coach. I'm all for the pick if we can trade down to four or five which is feasible if Oakland goes with Russell. My main gripe with Gaines Adams is that he is an old rookie at 24 years of age. It's not a huge knock, but I still would prefer a younger guy.

At the same time, the Lions are also in love with Patrick Willis, but would have to do a lot of posturing to get down far enough to select him.

If I was given the choice of making the pick, I'd take Joe Thomas regardless of us being at 2, 3, or 4 (assuming trade downs). He's a safe pick, and as mentioned, the offensive line still needs help despite the players acquired this offseason. While the players we have acquired look to be solid in their own right, we are taking a risk on two guys coming off of injury (Mulitalo and Pilner).

I think going with the offensive tackle makes the most sense for the team, plus it's been said that DE's are deep this year and a good one can be had in the second round. Also, I'm hoping the Lions can land Buster Davis in the third round so that he can be reunited with Ernie Sims.

With that said, the Lions will be alright (and I'll be happy) with any of Calvin Johnson, Joe Thomas, or Gaines Adams. Either QB will make me vomit, and Adrian Peterson is out of the question due to our new found depth at running back.

Edit - And for fun, I'll do a little mock draft/wish list for the Lions.

(Note: I don't follow College Football beyond Michigan/Michigan State so I really can't throw many names out here)

Rd. 1 - Hoping for a trade down with Tampa, but I'll assume none happens. In that case I take Joe Thomas.

Rd. 2 - Best MLB or DE available. More than likely have to go with DE because it's a bigger need. CB is also a strong possiblity.

Rd. 3 - Buster Davis if he's available, if not, then go with best CB available.

Rd. 4 - Keep going defense and bring in CB.

Rd. 5 - We have four picks, I'd like to see two spent on WR's. The other two could possibly go for a QB or safety to provide depth and special teams.

Rd. 6 - No pick in this round

Rd. 7 - We have the last pick of the draft. At this point it's best player available. It's sort of fitting that the Lions have this years "Mr. Irellevent pick".

With a few exceptions, I think this draft should really be focused on improving our defense. Plug in a hole here or there on the offense, but bring in guys that can help on the defensive side of things.

Edited by VerbalPuke
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I really do think that Lions have the best position in the draft, because they have so many holes they need to fill and there are so many players that would not only fill those holes, but are also very, very quality players. If I were them, however, I would definitely take Joe Thomas. You can get a solid pass rusher later in the draft (Isn't Quentin Moses falling out of the first? If not, his teammate Charles Johnson is definitely an option in round 2), but you can't get a LT the caliber of Joe Thomas later in the draft. And there's also the fact that if the Raiders don't take Calvin Johnson then they can take him as well and while WR isn't a need for the Lions by any means, Calvin Johnson is a rare player who is basically a bigger version of Randy Moss with an actual work ethic and that's scary considering what Moss has done while not having one.

All that being said, I really don't know where my 49ers are going to go in the draft. They definitely need a WR but nobody would be worth the 11th pick after Johnson. I would love if the 49ers were able to trade up and take him and they probably wouldn't have to lose a whole lot as they do have quite the stockpile of picks this year but that's in the 3rd and 4th rounds. I think that if they don't go WR then they should look at Willis. I haven't see much of him, so I'm going on pure hype, but this guy sounds like the real deal and a player that Nolan would absolutely adore. And with the possibility of landing a WR in the second round intrigues me, as well. I would love for the Niners to position themselves in some way that they were able to take Dwayne Bowe, who I think is going to end up being right behind Johnson as the best WR in this draft in the NFL.

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I had a dream about the draft last night... scary. Oakland took someone I never heard of and everyone shouted "Stupid" and Boo'd. Then the Lions were talking trade with Chicago, but we didn't want Kitna, and seconds ticked down and as soon as it hit 0, Cleveland shouted JaMarcus Russell in the fast way possible.... then I woke up. :shifty:

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