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Official NFL 2007 Thread


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It wasn't that McNabb did horrible, his receivers just couldn't get open against that man press.

Admittedly I didn't watch the game but from the highlights it seemed McNabb was off his game. For example, Kevin Curtis got open near the endzone and would have scored but Donovan's pass was poor.

I watched the first half, and McNabb was just off. Sometimes the recievers didn't help him, but too many times, players were open and he was over-throwing the pass.

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I didn't watch the whole game, but I do know that the second last play the Eagles ran in the redzone at the end of the game, a reciever was wide open and McNabb just missed him completely. It was his fault, and he knew it, he was swearing at himself and everything.

The Eagles will turn this around, I think. I don't see them being a below .500 team, and they could even get a playoff spot. They just need to turn it around now and win some games, it's that simple.

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Hey McNabb only played bad because of the abuse black quarterbacks get in the media. Not because he throws one hoppers to open receivers or dances around in the pocket like he thinks its 2001. Philly looks as if they aged 10 years in one and their best player (Brian Westbrook) has monster games just to get overlooked in key spots.

As for Leftwich, the Falcons won't allow him to wear #7 when he suits up for Atlanta. I don't see why that is such a problem, it would save on jersey production as they'd just have to take off the Vick name on all those jerseys lying around. Oh wait they've probably already been burned in protest.

And on one last note, I hate the Patriots...but through two what were supposed to be tough games so far, they look like a machine. I just hope Randy Moss reverts back to Oakland Randy and stops playing like Minnesota rookie Randy. And Tom Brady has a coronary.

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I see the Eagles turning it around this week against the Lions.

I really hope that they don't but I'd just about bet on it happening.

Oddly enough though, the last time the Lions started a season 2-0, they played the Eagles in the third game of the season (2004), and the Eagles destroyed them. I think this weeks game will be a little closer, but I have to say I think the Eagles will win. Even with Detroit winning two weeks in a row, I still don't have much confidence in them.

On a side note, if Detroit -does- beat Philly, I hope they start getting a little respect from the national media. The only brief mention they ever make of the Lions is to say it's a miracle that they're 2-0. That's not true though, I think they'll be a average to slightly below average team this year.

As far as Leftwich, I think he'll be starting by week 4, and on the bench again by week 8.

Also, as much as the Steeler fans around me might not like me saying this, I hope Derek Anderson of the Browns is for real. Not only would that be funny since they drafted Quinn, but also I'd just like to see the Browns prove some people wrong this year.

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I see the Eagles turning it around this week against the Lions.

I really hope that they don't but I'd just about bet on it happening.

Oddly enough though, the last time the Lions started a season 2-0, they played the Eagles in the third game of the season (2004), and the Eagles destroyed them. I think this weeks game will be a little closer, but I have to say I think the Eagles will win. Even with Detroit winning two weeks in a row, I still don't have much confidence in them.

On a side note, if Detroit -does- beat Philly, I hope they start getting a little respect from the national media. The only brief mention they ever make of the Lions is to say it's a miracle that they're 2-0. That's not true though, I think they'll be a average to slightly below average team this year.

As far as Leftwich, I think he'll be starting by week 4, and on the bench again by week 8.

Also, as much as the Steeler fans around me might not like me saying this, I hope Derek Anderson of the Browns is for real. Not only would that be funny since they drafted Quinn, but also I'd just like to see the Browns prove some people wrong this year.

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Well, I won't be suprised if JP Losman loses his starting job in Buffalo. Trent Edwards is looking exceptional for a rookie coming off the bench. He keeps this up, there's no way he won't be starting, as I'm sure JP's leash is already very short.

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From what I've caught of Indy and Houston, it's been a truly spectacular matchup. Props go to the Texans because they're really giving it all here in a game that most teams (like New Orleans <_< ) would lose before the end of the first half.

And holy fuck, Detroit's defense is getting the Cincinnati Bengals syndrome...

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