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Rock Band

Fanku Kaibutsu

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Don’t know, i just saw the video presentation that someone posted and it looked like a fulltime job, create an avatar, have all the world (cell phones, webpage’s? how much of that was really in game?)

If it’s an single player game I got it all wrong, but in that case there will still be the point that you have to pay a Shitload of money on Hugh fake instruments for more than single player mode.

It all seems to have for buttons only anyway, why not just use the 4 on the controller? >_> Or is that possible with Guitar Hero?

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Don’t know, i just saw the video presentation that someone posted and it looked like a fulltime job, create an avatar, have all the world (cell phones, webpage’s? how much of that was really in game?)

If it’s an single player game I got it all wrong, but in that case there will still be the point that you have to pay a Shitload of money on Hugh fake instruments for more than single player mode.

It all seems to have for buttons only anyway, why not just use the 4 on the controller? >_> Or is that possible with Guitar Hero?

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Honestly, I see everybody's point, but I still don't understand why you would waste time and money when you can put them both to similiar but more rewarding things. I had to learn how to play Guitar Hero, albeit not as long as it took me to learn how to play guitar, but I had to sit down and learn. Even after a few years of playing guitar, I couldn't just "pick up and play." I don't understand why you're limiting yourself. The game isn't even that fun. You play a song, which you can do on an ordinary guitar anyways. Meh, call me cynical, but it just seems like a big waste of time.

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dunno nerf, if you can play it with a normal computer, rais your skills as a player and put it away after some time it´s just like every other game... in that case the full argument turns into gaming or no gaming. (which is a valid question i belive)

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I hate when people compare Guitar Hero/Rock Band to playing real guitar/instruments. It's silly, and while no one is doing it here, it's often an argument brought up by people acting like total pricks in a "well, I play the real guitar, loser" kind of attitude.

Here's what's fun about Guitar Hero, it's simple and entertaining. It's nothing like playing the real guitar; I've been playing GH for well over a year and I still wouldn't have the slightest clue what to do with a real guitar in my hands. The mindset of that argument could go with any game - why play Madden when you can go outside an play football? Why play Tony Hawk when you can learn to skateboard? Why play Wii Sports when you can go to the Bowling Alley? Why play Need For Speed when you can go to many of the legal street racing outlets? Because I'm not looking to do those things, simple as that. I can just pick up and play; sure there's a learning curve, but not like doing the real thing.

As for Rock Band, it's no different. You don't have to buy all the peripherals. You can just play the guitar like in GH. You can just play the drums or you can just sing. You can learn all four if you want to as well. Or you can play with friends, it's the ultimate party game, or play online. It's just a simple little game done on a slightly bigger scale than its predecessors.

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Thank you, Zero, for saying pretty much everything I was going to say, even using the same examples I was going to use(except I was going to use Wii Baseball instead of bowling). I own a bass guitar. I stopped playing because of guitar hero. Guitar Hero has something real musical instruments lack: Instant gratification. An hour learning how to play Astro Zombies, and even then when you play it, you only hear your own instrument, no singing, drums, or guitar, or playing Iron Man instantly by sight-reading, with singing and all the other instruments? A lot of people, including myself, will prefer to choose the second choice.

And rock band will have single-player modes. Three of them, actually. A 'Career' mode for guitar, drums, and singing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

New songs have been announced from IGN, all master recordings.

# Rolling Stones - "Gimme Shelter"

# Deep Purple - "Highway Star"

# The Clash - "Should I Stay or Should I Go"

# Faith No More - "Epic"

# Smashing Pumpkins - "Cherub Rock"

# Radiohead - "Creep"

# Beastie Boys - "Sabotage"

# Jet - "Are You Gonna Be My Girl"

# OK Go - "Here It Goes Again"

# Nine Inch Nails - "The Hand That Feeds"

It's like the two games are actively stealing songs from each other. I'm excited about Creep, though. It's the one Radiohead song I actually like.

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Thats it i'm getting this game on release day

Most likely with drums (already own an actual guitar, but intrested in drumming eventually)

Epic, Highway Star, Creep, Cherub Rock, The Hand that feeds

Jesus this is going to be immense just going off that last list

As well as some others that i've already missed out

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I don't like how both games are going to have some of the same songs. Why get "Cherub Rock" when there are tons of other SP songs to choose from and it's already going to be on GH3? Oh well, here's hoping other tracks are available to download.

And "Hand That Feeds" is a good song, but I really would have preferred "Survivalism"

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