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Today I went out and bought....

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Just thought we needed a thread where we could tell people what we bought. Entertainment has which movies you've seen so coin op should have games.

Therefore I'll start by saying that today, thanks to my 30% discount I picked up Zone Of Enders (complete with MGS2 demo disc :P), Civilization III (69p!) and Samurai Western which is, pretty amazingly, about samurais and cowboys! Oh yes!

Edited by ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster
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Bought Star Trek : 25th Anniversary and Star Trek : Judgment Rites for $8 at a yard sale. So far 25th Anniversary has been a blast. Can't get past the two pirate ships but they'll meet their maker soon enough.

Judgment Rites won't work at all though guess because I'm using xp. thought it was a good deal though :)

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I did actually go out and buy another PS1 memory card today, in fact (£4). Entirely because I bought Final Fantasy VI the other day but my older card is full - and for some reason my PS2 has developed a quirk as of late which prevents me from accessing anything in 'Browse' (and thereby deleting old save files from the memory card, for instance).

So, yay, today I have bought the ability to play Final Fantasy VI properly, in effect.

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Report back: Having never actually played Zone Of The Enders before I have to say that it's absolutely incredible, especially considering it's a good few years old now. Feels amazing to control!

Samurai Western is just a massive laugh, especially when you go into the invincible mode and slay all the cowboys with one sword blow each. Picking up downed cowboys and running at others while covering yourself with the frightened, wildly firing enemy is great.

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Thirteen days ago I bought an Xbox360 Premium Console, Gears of War, Crackdown, SmackDown VS Raw 2007, Project Gotham Racing 3, Xbox Live Arcade Unplugged Volume 1 and an extra wireless controller. It cost me £304.99.


Of those games, I have completed Crackdown. This has surprised me for a number of reasons; going into the deal I knew very little about Crackdown and have ended up loving it the most of all my games. This marks the first game in a number of years that I have actually completed, and rather than it becoming a chore (ala Batman Begins on the PS2, which I never did complete in the end) I loved every moment of it. I loved the GTA elements, as well as the collection of Orbs & building of stats. Really immersing stuff that had me hooked.


I am least impressed with Gears Of War. Gears is not my cup of tea at all, and to me it is the Xbox360 equivalent of Metal Gear Solid on the PlayStation. More than just sharing the word 'Gear' in the title, they are also similar in that they will both collect dust on my shelf despite their rave reviews. I think Gears takes itself too seriously, with gameplay that moves at a slow pace and is laden with lengthy cut-scenes. I'm not too fond on the stealthier shooters, and don't particularly care for the graphics (especially as I don't have a HD TV) but after reading all these reviews for Gears Of War; I expected just a little bit more from it.

SmackDown was just what I expected, but I like it. GM mode was grossly underwhelming and tedious, but there is so much more to SmackDown that I don't mind it. Am I the only one that sucks at this game online? Everyone seems to attack quicker than me, and I spend my time mashing the buttons to get up the majority of the time, and most of my attempts at offense either miss (Strikes) or are countered (Grapples) leaving me with an impressive 0-4 losing streak at the moment. Maybe I'm just getting too old for SmackDown now, but playing it online was really frustrating and reminds me of my Dad moaning because he was pressing the buttons and they weren't doing anything. Maybe a little too fast paced for me now, but single player is a blast.

Project Gotham Racing 3 is a bit of a dark horse because I have no interest in racing games, but actually quite like this one. After Gran Turismo 3 sat on the shelf collecting dust with Metal Gear Solid during the PlayStation era, I held out little hope for this game - however I have been impressed by how easy it is to pick up and play. I am normally atrocious at these games, but I gave it a go and found myself completing the challenges in career mode. Perhaps the game lacks depth, but it's better than I expected it to be. With that said however, I find it more difficult with the more expensive cars. I started out with a slow (Class E?) car and did quite well, and thought that as I could afford a better car, it would make the races easier and I'd have a better chance of winning. This wasn't true however, as with the purchase of a better car, all the time trial goalposts moved, meaning that rather than completing the lap faster with the better car and increasing my chances of success, the game simply makes the lap time faster, thus providing an even greater challenge than before. Many a time I have put my Ferrari back in the garage to complete the challenges with my Class E car for this very reason. Surely logic dictates that you improve your car and have greater success? Not the opposite! This just makes me want to regress back to my slower, more dependable car. Rawr!




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I got it from Gamestation. It was advertised online but wasn't mentioned at all in my local store. I had to tell the cashier what I wanted, and he wasn't sure that I was correct so had to check for himself on the store's computers to verify it. Since then, I don't see the deal advertised online anymore, but it wouldn't hurt to ask for it in store like I did.

I'm buying Viva Pinata tomorrow from HMV. It's £30 in store, and I have a £25 gift voucher to use. I'll let you know what I think of it. :pervert:

Bomberman: Act Zero and FIFA 07 are also on the horizon, however I refuse to pay full price for them. Most shops have them for £50, but I'll wait until I can find them for ~£20. Whether that's through a special offer, waiting for a price drop, or eBay - I don't care. I'm not paying £50, especially for FIFA 07, which will plummet in price as soon as FIFA 08 is released.

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Bomberman: Act Zero and FIFA 07 are also on the horizon, however I refuse to pay full price for them. Most shops have them for £50, but I'll wait until I can find them for ~£20. Whether that's through a special offer, waiting for a price drop, or eBay - I don't care. I'm not paying £50, especially for FIFA 07, which will plummet in price as soon as FIFA 08 is released.
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I've heard that from a lot of people actually, and the lack of local multi-player is downright farcical, however Bomberman is a game I used to play with a friend of mine on the SNES. I don't see him much anymore but he has a 360 as well, and we agreed to buy it for some online Bomberman nostalgia, despite it being raped of its original glory. True, we're buying it for the name, but it's just a personal thing really rather than expecting a great game... although the video footage of the game doesn't look ALL that bad.

Hearing that you can't save during the 99 level single player mode, however, is bad.

...... I'm only buying it if I can find it on the cheap, but the bomberman franchise interests me. A release of the SNES bomberman games on Xbox Live and I'd be there like a SHOT. As it is, this will have to do :(

Who knows though, I might just like it :P

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I didn't buy, but I rented Dead Rising and Crackdown the other day. Crackdown is fantastic, I love it. It's actually the second time I've rented it now. I'll get round to buying it when I get some spare cash. I've compelted the first gang, Los Muertos. The Ruskies are giving me hassle though - it's ruddy difficult doing races when you're being shot at with RPGs. I love the evolution concept, but I'm finding it so difficult to upgrade my driving ability :(

Dead Rising is quality too, though I haven't got far as I keep getting distracted from the story with rescuing survivors and vice versa. And the fuckers in the park with a humvee + machine gun turret.

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Report back: Having never actually played Zone Of The Enders before I have to say that it's absolutely incredible, especially considering it's a good few years old now. Feels amazing to control!

You need to pick up ZoE2 at some point. Blows the original out of the water (in terms of longevity for a start!).

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Dragsy, try hiding in a locker for six hours in Dead Rising. Apparantly you can complete the game and survive just by hiding :shifty:

I'm borrowing Spartan: Total Warrior and God Of War at the moment. Spartan is good fun and is nicely over the top like Samurai Western. God Of War is about to be played right now.

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I just bought Guitar Hero 2, six months after everyone else. :shifty:

I love it though, despite the fact I'm struggling on the harder songs on medium. Still, I have only given it a few collective hours play. In fact, I like it so much I'm going into town in half an hour for a second guitar for some co-op duelling guitars with my brother. Can only get the wireless ones though, the wired ones are all out of stock. Damn my other tight fisted Yorkshiremen. :(

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