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The Sopranos

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Being a hardcore Sopranos fan, I must say that you HAVE to catch up with it.

I was similar to you JHS, I actually didn't watch the first couple of seasons (because A. I was too young, and B. they were on quite late at the time), but I started watching from Season 3, and went back and watched #1 and #2 (which helped, buying them for 20 bucks each in Malaysia :) )

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Take it from somebody who felt exactly like you not too long ago, watch this show. I never bought into the hype until I caught a few older episodes late one night around the end of last year and since then I've regretted not following the show from the start. It is as good as the critics and everyone who watches it say.

Edit: FYI, the season DVDs are very expensive, I suggest either finding somebody who can lend them to you or renting them from Blockbuster.

Edited by Enter Blue Guy
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My favourite part of the Pine Barrens episode by far was:

Tony: Listen to me, this guy was a Russian green beret. He was in the ministry of the interior or something. He single-handedly killed 16 Chechen rebels. Be fucking careful.

Paulie: Alright.

Christopher: What did he say?

Paulie: He said the guy killed 16 Czechoslovakians, and he was an interior decorator.

Christopher: Interior decorator? His apartment looked like shit.

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I didn't get HBO until recently, and right around the time my folks did get it... I went back to college. I managed to buy the first season on DVD, then got the second and third. That's where I'm upto currently. My folks got hooked, then bought 4-6a so I get that to look forward to in about a month.

Pine Barrens was an awesome episode. And is it a bad thing to have a TV crush on Meadow?

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Yeah, Pine Barrens is the one I mentioned, I mean, come on, Bobby showing up in his hunter outfit was one of the funniest things ever. Hell, anything with Bobby before he hooked up with Janice was gold.

Season 5, I believe the episode is long term parking, is also awesome.

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If The Wire is a novel brought to the televison, then The Sopranos is a damn library.

While I wouldn't call it the best TV show ever like some people do, it is definitely up there. There's virtually something for everything to be found, whether you enjoy straight up comedy, romance, black humour, gore, suspense.. Throw in a spectacular cast, some great writing and yeah, the show's definitely can't-miss.

With the exception of Season 4, of course. That shit sucked. :shifty:

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