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Ghost Hunters Season 3 Continues


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Ghost Hunters returned tonight continuing the 3rd season with a welcomed bang. First case was the Lisheen ruins In Ireland and boy was it hot night. They had to work without power on this case so they couldn't set up cameras and such everywhere like they usually do. Instead they used the thermal and regular video cameras.

I'm still trying to figure out what that could have been following the other guys.. here's a shot taken by a member at the official forums.

Thermal View On the right side you can see one of the other guys walking away on the left 3 hotspots are show. it started as one and slowly moved closer to the guys before splitting into 3 . Some people are saying it could have been rabbits. but looking at the pic you can see that they aren't at ground level. Jason and grant decided to step over the fenc like area and see if they could get a better look , but the objects were gone.

Later in the night David said he saw a face and basically left as fast as he could claiming he had enough. After looking over the footage it's clear some kind of face materializes out of nowhere . I can't find a pic of it online yet , but I've watched that part almost 10 times and I cannot see how it could of been faked.

Tonights episode ranks right up there with the lighthouse episode and the one where they catch the apparition in the locker. Anyone else catch the episode tonight ? Next week's episode they're going to Hellfire Castle.

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They got some nice evps from London. the spirit or whatever was basically answering when they asked a question. That face would sent me sprinting back to the US lol

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Yeah, the EVPs were pretty decent but not of high quality. It was those where you had to really interpret what they were saying for yourself. I still didn't hear the 'No' after the 2nd question. Either way it was incredibly entertaining last night.

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Yeah I didn't hear it either but my friends say they heard it clearly. As soon as the evps are uploaded to the site I'm going to download and give them another listen.

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Brian was supposed to be at the convention I went to this past Saturday, but had to cancel for medical reasons (that's all it said on the cancellation board, and they haven't said anything at either of the TAPS boards whether anything is wrong with him or a family member). If this was the first season, my best guess would have been that his cellphone battery died.....

The episode was good, but like Tarheels said, the place in London was fairly dull. I think the fact that there are grates and other things downstairs in the basement that let in sound from the outside could easily discount the majority, if not all, of the noises coming from down there. And I didn't hear the "No", either, so you're not alone, my man.

Really looking forward to next week's episode.

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Ghostly face 1

Ghostly Face 2

a little blurry but the best the guy could do. On the forums one person says it looks like a figure of a woman(without legs) raising her arm. too me it reminds me of the mask the guy wore in V for vendetta. Still freaky though especially with Barry getting unnerved earlier because he said he saw a face appear that looked quiet similar

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I personally thought the thing chasing them was just an animal.. the reason it looked to split up into 3 parts was because of the trees. I could be perfectly wrong though, because the face randomly appearing sure did make up for that.

And I did hear he No being said but I would have to watch it again because the London one bored me.

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