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The Sims 2

Fanku Kaibutsu

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So after prolonged arguing, Don & Cassandra broke up and Don was forced to leave the house.

Now say I want to play this off like a more realistic divorce, and give Don some of the money he's entitled to as a former husband of Cassie and the father of a child with said woman.

Now I know there's a cheat to give money, but we have the Goth household - and Don Goth in the bin. So if I put the cheat in, how do I know which Goth it will go to

familyfundsgoth 200,000 or whatever it is, I'll double check. Will that make both the household and Don in the family bin with 200,000 - just Don or what? Any help? Cheers. Since I would realistically have to take 200,000 off the household, but if not I guess it's no big deal.

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Following Benji and IAceI, I ressurected Dina and cured her of her vampirism. She then met Malcolm Langraab IV and married him in Bluewater. Not long after that I realised that I needed to carry on Malcolm's name, so Dina had a baby boy who was for a brief time, also called Malcolm Langraab IV until I changed him to V using SimPE. Dina was now only a few days away from becoming an elder and had met a dog named Bubo earlier and he turned out to be my werewolf dog and nibbled Dina.

Then she became an elder and got shipped off to Pleasantview Retirement Home, where as I posted earlier, Oa Ai died.

I have the following families to finish off a whole year of seasons in Pleasantview:

GOTH (Mary-Sue Pleasant & Bartholomew Goth)

DREAMER (Cassandra, Darren and baby Eko)

PLEASANT (Kaylynn and Daniel)

Then I shall go off and sort out University for Pleasantview and then shall try and leave it alone until I have done at least half a year in Strangetown.

Don drowning - http://www.veoh.com/videos/v5141695ppXKaqJF


God damn you Kaylynn. She gave birth to twins again so now I have Jack (nearly a teen), Diamond & Pearl (the older twins which just became children) and then Ruby & Sapphire who became toddlers today. Daniel moved in to the retirement home. I have two days left with them and then can leave them alone.


Mary-Sue gave birth to Lexaeus Oldie (as I renamed her Oldie due to her divorce from Daniel) and is still taking care of Bartholomew Goth. However, she met Phoenix Go on holiday and he's now Phoenix Oldie and will be taken off to the retirement home once Bartholomew is old enough (i.e. a child/teen) and Mary-Sue'll be an old woman by then, but then I shall wait for Alex to return from college and have the Goth household.

Not played as the Dreamers yet, they annoy me.

Edited by Geeky J
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Unfortunately my return to the Sims 2 hasn't really brought about anything radical. Don was kicked out of the house as you may remember, not for cheating but him and Cassandra just began arguing a lot and they ended it. However he now seems to walk by a lot, and at random times. He walked across the front of the house at 4am one night...

Other than that not a lot, Adriana is a child now. I'm tempted to kinda have her take after Don and wreck the Goth legacy, however Alex looks set to keep that going as he has maxed out his Charisma, Logic and Creativity which basically means he's destined for a job in politics, and I intend on him hitting the top of the career ladder. Still not sure where I'm going to take Adriana, she may just leave and go live with her dad for a bit or something, then just be herself and I'll let Alexander handle the Goth generations - since a lot of people seem to focus more on Cassandra, and a lot of people I've seen have either turned Alexander gay or just killed him. That and I love the fact he's essentially an Elvis impersonator in an orange shirt and knee length shorts.

Broke, Larson and Don Goth families to play. Will probably give Don a whirl, stick him in a new house and see what I can muster up with him and his $350,000 alimony money ¬_¬

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Malcolm quickly fell in love with Dina Caliente whilst she was engaged to his monetary rival, Mortimer Goth, after a period of affairs (and Malcolm and Dina being caught in bed together by Mortimer) they managed to get officially engaged, Dina was in it for both love and money and is now pregnant with, I believe, three business' to run, whilst Malcolm has taken to a criminal path to afford even more lavish luxury for his family. From what I gather Landgraabs die young, so once the baby is born I may force a bit of havoc by killing him off.


Cassandra married Don and has managed to calm his lust, although on their honeymoon Don helped with Witch Doctor and is now making all the women fall in love with him using the Voodoo Doll he got given. Cassandra gave birth to their first child Edward and Don seems to have calmed down a little in fatherhood, if not in husbandry. Cassandra herself got a bit of a makeover and also got a new career in law enforcement when she gave birth. Alexander studied hard and became best friends with Mortimer and Mortimer's new love interest, Demi, before he was shipped off to college. Mortimer, post-Dina, got set up on a dream date with a woman several years his junior, Demi Love, whom he married on his final day. Demi currently lives with the Goths but is likely to move in with Kaylynn Langerak soon to give the Goths more space as well as get a job in education.


The Larson twins set up a succesful salon, it's currently a level five business and just got its first employee, Demi Love. The twins have been suffering socially so may hire on more employees for the day to day running, Jodie has fallen in love with Blair Bachman (I think that's his name) whilst her brother is more concerned with just making money. It's my first attempt at making a business from the ground up and it's going quite well.


The animal family, they have three pets and will be getting more, so I decided who better to run a pet store than the people with all the animals? They're currently working hard shifts at their jobs in order to pay for the first load of stock, Lucy has gone to college with good grades, leaving the animals without a 'Master' in the house, and they seem to be acting up because of it.


Not a whole lot happened, Brandi is dealing with the chaos and getting with Darren Dreamer.


Dirk was sent straight to college, no questions, Darren was suffering from losing Cassandra to Don, but he found love in the arms of Brandi Broke, they've developed quite a romance, but Darren needed to pay the bills, so he got a squatter in Kaylyn Langerak. Even though Darren and Kaylyn are just good friends, Brandi is very jealous (especially since Kaylyn is everything Brandi is, clean, good cook, black hair) but a slightly younger version. Kaylyn meanwhile has more interest in partying with Nina Caliente.


With Dina gone, Nina took up a new interest, music, she's gone all rock chic and is now trying to balance being a rockstar and the social life that comes with it. She's developed a good friendship with Kaylyn as well as several other Sims. I was going to shake her up and have her have Don Lothario's bastard child, but I may just end up seeing how her party-downtown-rockstar path goes.


Placed in an OAP's home named after them, it's a lovely place (I cheated to get extra money for them, I figured the stalwarts of Pleasantview deserved a little luxury. Herb has been living up to his name and tends to a glorious garden, whilst Coral is the social one and has been talking to all the old folks of Pleasantview (in part to make more friends and in part to have them move in).


Angela and Lilith headed to college after a little time increasing skills. Daniel and Mary-Sue got given the life potions to give them a brief extensions, they're currently working on careers but have the most buzzing love life in Pleasantview (I figured Mary-Sue stepping it up after a make over was the only way to get Daniel to stay), and whilst Daniel is faithful now, Mary-Sue has an affair going on with none other than her own daughters boyfriend - Dustin Broke >_>

Don't think I missed anyone, if I did, fuck 'em :shifty:

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Guest deknegt

how on earth can you guys immerse yourself like that in the sims!

everytime when i play i keep downloading the elixir of everything (elixir of life but more options)

i just cant stand it that i build up 2 sims their careers and get rich and have them die on me where im supposed to go further with the kids.

i have a hard time playing with 1 family and i see you guys playing a whole neighbourhood! :mellow:

tell me your secret please! :huh:

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how on earth can you guys immerse yourself like that in the sims!

everytime when i play i keep downloading the elixir of everything (elixir of life but more options)

i just cant stand it that i build up 2 sims their careers and get rich and have them die on me where im supposed to go further with the kids.

i have a hard time playing with 1 family and i see you guys playing a whole neighbourhood! :mellow:

tell me your secret please! :huh:

Let them grow old, let them die, just make sure someone is in the house to take over their finances and businesses and such. I suggest getting an expansion pack, allow your sims to socialise a lot more. Alternatively, if you enjoy playing as you do, why change it?

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It's the only way forward in this game, absolute chaos. Random stuff, I'm particularly pleased with my Darren stealing his son's girlfriend and having a child with them.

I play a season with each and then I have something to go to in a random order. If I want to play a big house, I'll play the Goths, if I want a chaotic what the hell house, probably the Broke's. There's always something interesting going on in the house, or I try to make it that way - rather than skill building whenever and just keeping needs up, I let stuff happen.

I'm going to load up the game now and keep playing with Don Lothario. He's got himself a stylish bachelor pad, oddly enough with two empty rooms left - is he looking to expand perhaps? I want him to battle for custody of his daughter but am unsure how to make it all go on. Plus that would leave Cassandra and Alexander alone in a big house, and Cassandra isn't anywhere near love at the minute and I'm unsure where to take her.

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they are from from the original but from the third neighbourhood.

hope that clears it up (Y)

Uh...I'm fairly certain they aren't. The third neighbourhood is Veronaville, which, if you couldn't tell by the name, is the Shakespeare one.

I do know that Malcolm Landgraab IV lives in Bluewater Village, which comes with Open for Business. If there's another family of Landgraabs then I don't know about them.

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Quick Question: Which Expansion are the Landgrabs a part of?
Malcolm Landgraab, the only instantly playable character, is in Open For Business.

they are from from the original but from the third neighbourhood.

hope that clears it up (Y)

No they aren't, they're a VERY rare sight in Pleasantview, they're NPC's, although the place people most see their name is because a couple of buildings are named after them (IE: Land Grab).

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Actually isn't Malcolm a DownTownie as opposed to an NPC? Therefore going around some Bluewater stuff is more likely to bring him out and be able to see him than on your residential lots? I believe that's how it works anyways. I general just summon him through cheating, yeah, we can play our own ways I just don't like the horrible waiting times I get with town and bluewater so I generally avoid it except for specific situations.

I tried changing the seasons thing to see if I could get Lothario up to speed but it just ended up screwing everything up and sending him back to Summer, when in fact we were in Winter. So that doesn't work, guess the only way to get up to speed with seasons and get them all in sync is to play. I'll just have to 'forget' some people are the same age one time and aren't anymore. Such as Angela being an adult but Lillith still a teen >_<

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I'm really stumped at what to do with Mr. Lothario now. He has 14 days left before he comes an elder, and I'll be playing him for at least another 9 because of the stupid seasons and me trying to fix it and making it worse.

I have him in a designed house I downloaded with two empty rooms, which I kinda like so moving him back in with Cassandra seems unlikely, although I'd have liked to have the divorce and get back together scenario I may have to save it for another couple. I want him to pursue custody of his little daughter, but I'm unsure whether I want 2 people left in the Lothario house with Cassandra unlikely to find love very quickly, it's kinda a house that needs a fair few people (probably more than 3) in it at any one time to keep it ticking along properly.

Now I can have him just continue riding everything left, right and centre - but that kinda means he's the male Nina Caliente - and do I particularly want that happening? I could have them get together but they're both living in cool houses I don't particularly want them leaving for whatever reason.

I guess the only option left is that a female comes in and 'tames' him, he has around $300,000 to his name after the divorce with Cassandra so Dina may possibly turn an eye towards him. After all she's with Malcolm for the wealth, and has cheated on him with Don - who is a hunk, and also rich now. But I don't know if I particularly want them breaking up, especially as I need Malcolm to have a male child - called Malcolm.

So as I've wrote this I've come to two ideas.

1) A townie sim moves with him and 'tames' him like Cassandra did, possibly with more success and he has another child.

2) Dina leaves Malcolm for Don, and they get together and have a child. Malcolm can then remarry - he's got enough fucking contacts, he knows everybody due to his awesome business skills (I got all 5 in all 5 categories) so he'll no doubt pass them on this children.

Then it's just up to whether or not I decide to move Adriana in with them if I can come up with a solution for Cassandra.

Okay EWBers (well, you 2 who read this)... what do you think?

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You could alternatively have him just befriend a bunch of people (guys and/or girls) and turn it into a flatmate situation if you want to fill those rooms. I'd suggest bringing in some NPC's (via actual friendship or the Tombstone of L&D so he doesn't have to be friends first) in order to pepper your neighbourhood with fresh blood (and genes, so people don't end up incestuous).

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Most of the townie Sims are fugly, so I wouldn't advise a Don + Townie child as Don has some good genes. I'd keep Malcolm with Dina to have Malcolm V. Are there no Sims that you could pinch from one of the other neighbourhoods (by giving them all the same Downtown etc. and meeting them there) that have little else to do? Perhaps set Don up with one of the Singles alien women from Strangetown, after all Dina & Nina have alien genes, it'd be a cool little thing.

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Benji you are genius, that's a good idea yeah, I'll make it into a flat - never occurred to me that. Cheers. Although they're all going to get a share of his crazy wealth :P

And J, I'd still plan on Malcolm V being born but just perhaps to another child. Also I'm not too fussed about genes, I'll probably create a few people sometime with custom skin and eyes and throw them into the game. Also I'd need to use SimPE and stuff to give them all the same downtown etc. yeah? Which I have, but can't be bothered using just yet. Although I'd quite like the idea of getting some aliens going in Pleasantview supposing the Caliente's alien genes aren't going to turn up at any point.

Oh and Benji, you're not actually that much of a genius, but I'll go with that idea for now at least ¬_¬

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Fuck Don! So I restarted Pleasantview and decided that I was going to have Don marry Cassandra and settle down with her. I am happy with my play as I have planned basically everyone's life, but does Don follow. Nope, he decided to stand Cassandra up at the alter, that asshole.

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Fuck Don! So I restarted Pleasantview and decided that I was going to have Don marry Cassandra and settle down with her. I am happy with my play as I have planned basically everyone's life, but does Don follow. Nope, he decided to stand Cassandra up at the alter, that asshole.

You have to make sure the lifetime relationship is over 80, if they marry when it's below the person ends up getting cold feet.

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