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28 Weeks Later


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Carlysle's character was okay, but the whole concept of him in the second half was a bit too stupid.

For me the first movie was THE movie that gave Cillian Murphy to the world, looked better due to the film it was shot on, had a better soundtrack, had Gleeson, Eccleston and Naomi Harris who were all great and had that better "all alone" feel.

Now don't get me wrong, I did really enjoy Weeks, in fact FAR more than I thought I would...And it had a sensational director who had previously given the world the mighty Spanish movie "Intacto". There were some scenes in the second that were inspired:

Opening scene, Rage gets free in the locked and crowded room in the building as the people start screaming in the dark, the whole use of gas and the approach of the flame throwers, the amusing helicopter scene.

The good thing is that the movies were both COMPLETELY different and yet linked by the same thread. If there IS a third one they should get another completely different director, a whole new cast and another very different sub-genre and feel. That would make a classy and interesting trilogy.

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issent zombiissem (in the horrormovie sens) an infection? If i have aids and bite you you´ll likly be "infected" aswell. :mellow:

come a little closer :shifty:

The "original" zombies in a movie like, say, Night Of The Living Dead, are just reanimated corpses that can turn a human by biting. So, in a way, it's an infection. But in a way, it's also not.

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It was a good movie, not as good as the original though. I didn't care for the shaky camera, the score, or whenever the screen was near black and it's hard to tell what's going on. Other than that it was a quality movie. Best horror film I've seen so far this year (well, I've only seen 5, but at least that's something). 7/10

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  • 5 months later...

I'm resurrectng an old thread, but I did see this the other day and enjoyed it. Not a patch on the original, I thought, but still had some good seasons in it. That opening scene and the scene in the darkened garage were just awesome - plus stupid Americans dooming the world with their arrogance was the best possible way to continue the storyline after explaining away the virus early on.

Wasn't sure I liked the wanton killing done by soldiers to 'contain the virus', even when it was clear the people being killed were not infected (case in point, the soldier who they flame to death while he's pushing a car).

I suppose I'll go and see the third, just because I like anything with zombies/they're not zombies, they're infected in them.

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Technically the infected in 28 ____ Later AREN'T zombies, they're zombie-like. It's a take on, if zombies COULD happen, how they WOULD happen in the real world, but the fact is they wouldn't be "true Romero style" zombies. They wouldn't even be true Haitian-style zombies, they'd just be people infected with a virus very similar to rabies.

So it's the only actual time I can see a running "zombie" who's superpowered and screaming at the top of their lungs, or even coherent enough to still have a minimal grasp on their language (see the young boy in 28 Days who screams "I hate you!" while infected), and not only believe it but enjoy the hell out of it. Dawn of the Dead had Romero-style zombies running around and acting superpowered, and I hated that. The 28 series, however, makes it work very well.

Still haven't seen Weeks, didn't even know about Months, and I only saw Days about a week ago, so I'm certainly behind. However, I loved the hell out of 28 Days Later... fantastic movie, fantastic characters and character development... and it left me really excited about the sequel, which is always a good thing if the sequel lives up to expectations which, from the majority of feedback I've read, it should.

Gonna have to get ahold of it at some point, that's for certain.

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I saw it about a week or so ago, was a pretty good movie. I hope that they make another and the ending suggested it. I like how they made the movie completely separate from the first too, it gave you a different look at how people survived.

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I think 28 Weeks Later did a better job of taking the isolation/us against the world feel from the first movie and making it bigge, than most other sequels do, especially within the "zombie" series. The thing that sets the 28 series apart from the Romero/Romero clones is that it doesn't try to be those movies. People have just grown to accept Romero's Zombies as the only zombies and anything else is desecrating its "good" name(I say in quotes because LOTD was just stupid). I think it's ridiculous to hate on a movie for not copying the hundreds of other zombie movies and going against the grain, not only that, but, doing it well.

I'm hoping for a sequel, one that hopefully won't disappoint and will give the whole RAGE virus outbreak some closure.

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I just want to know if anyone paid attention to the first one. 28 Days Later is not a Zombie movie. 28 Days Later is about a little something that infects animals and can infect humans called "Rage". It is a real thing, and it turns an ordinary human being, animal, whatever, into a blood thirsty monster. It is deemed rage because they go into a berserk-like syndrome at which the only way to stop them is to kill them. There is no reasoning with anyone that has Rage, so therefore, death is the only option for said creature.

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