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28 Weeks Later


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The rage VIRUS is fictional, created for entertainment purposes to describe a type of scenario where a virus not unlike rabies could be passed into humans and effect their judgment to the point where they practically become super-powered "zombies", though they never actually die.

Symptoms of rage itself are real, and everything that happened in the movie, the symptoms rather, has happened in the past to a person infected with something similar-- however, not on such a grand scale and not with such devastating results. Those infected with similar viruses in the past have died from the virus itself rather quickly.

It's not uncommon for people to associate past diseases with one such as the "Rage Virus" because of the fact that disease has different effects on people, causing them to go mad and sometimes violent. However, there has never actually been an outbreak of a "Rage Virus" anywhere, nor has there been anything close to an actual case containing a virus that did to people what the rage virus did in the 28 _____ Later series.

There are shared symptoms, there are common problems, but there has never been an exact rage virus. It's just different diseases showing characteristics in a person similar to what was shown in the movie. That's nothing uncommon and nothing to be afraid of.

Saying someone "didn't look hard enough" to prove that the rage virus is real is pretty shortsighted-- in this day and age, if there was such a thing as the rage virus, it would be easily found. Instead, all you really have to go by are conspiracy theorist's stories about how it actually exists, with nothing but suspicious activities and comparisons between a virus and others that share characteristics that might lend to a small shred of an idea that it's the same virus, when it is not.

The reality of it is that there is not a rage virus. There are strands of the rabies virus that cause violence and terrible loss of reason among sufferers, but there is not yet a virus like the rage virus in the 28 series.

tl;dr: there's no actual rage virus, just viruses that cause SIMILAR symptoms. Don't just say "Then you didn't look hard enough" because not only is that a shitty defense on your part but I could have warned you for postwhoring. If you're going to say that, back yourself up in the same post.

Edited by The Jolly Beard of Norro
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The rage VIRUS is fictional, created for entertainment purposes to describe a type of scenario where a virus not unlike rabies could be passed into humans and effect their judgment to the point where they practically become super-powered "zombies", though they never actually die.

Symptoms of rage itself are real, and everything that happened in the movie, the symptoms rather, has happened in the past to a person infected with something similar-- however, not on such a grand scale and not with such devastating results. Those infected with similar viruses in the past have died from the virus itself rather quickly.

It's not uncommon for people to associate past diseases with one such as the "Rage Virus" because of the fact that disease has different effects on people, causing them to go mad and sometimes violent. However, there has never actually been an outbreak of a "Rage Virus" anywhere, nor has there been anything close to an actual case containing a virus that did to people what the rage virus did in the 28 _____ Later series.

There are shared symptoms, there are common problems, but there has never been an exact rage virus. It's just different diseases showing characteristics in a person similar to what was shown in the movie. That's nothing uncommon and nothing to be afraid of.

Saying someone "didn't look hard enough" to prove that the rage virus is real is pretty shortsighted-- in this day and age, if there was such a thing as the rage virus, it would be easily found. Instead, all you really have to go by are conspiracy theorist's stories about how it actually exists, with nothing but suspicious activities and comparisons between a virus and others that share characteristics that might lend to a small shred of an idea that it's the same virus, when it is not.

The reality of it is that there is not a rage virus. There are strands of the rabies virus that cause violence and terrible loss of reason among sufferers, but there is not yet a virus like the rage virus in the 28 series.

tl;dr: there's no actual rage virus, just viruses that cause SIMILAR symptoms. Don't just say "Then you didn't look hard enough" because not only is that a shitty defense on your part but I could have warned you for postwhoring. If you're going to say that, back yourself up in the same post.


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Thanks Kaney, you can be my wingman anytime (Y)

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I'm sorry, but you just proved me to be right. Rage is real. Maybe I shouldn't have said "Rage Virus", but that's what it is. It's a virus, a disease. Excuse the hell out of me for knowing more about something that someone else.

Stubborn little bastard, ain't ya?

Can we feed him to something?

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Thank you for putting it in a manner which I meant to express, but clearly Genesis did not pick up upon, Boogey.

Genesis, there is no rage virus. You claimed there was, there is not. If you're claiming there's a literal disease referred to as "rage", there still is not-- not even a mental disease. It's a classification of the state-of-mind that a creature is in when in advanced stages of anger.


"Excuse the hell out of me for knowing more about something that someone else."

Very well, I will do this when you bring to me something you know more about than someone else. This, however, is not an applicable case, because here, you are actually wrong.

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Aaaand theres 2 minutes of time wasted typing I'll never get back.

I bought the 28 Weeks Later DVD today for a fiver, which isn't too shabby at all. Shame I couldn't find 28 Days, it's been a while since I've seen it and it's definately the better of the two.

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Whatever, believe what you want. It's a real thing, just because you can't find anything about it doesn't make it false. Learn to do more than type something into a search engine, kthxbye

Then would you be willing to give us some insight? Tell us where we can get this cold, hard evidence that the Rage Virus is real?

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Thanks Kaney, you can be my wingman anytime (Y)

That and Kaney's post are no-less post whoring than what you said Genesis was doing. =/

Anyway. I loved this film. The first one was perhaps the better film, but Weeks was just high octane, and I loved it. Superb ending, some superb scenes and camera-work too.

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Summers, the difference there is Kaney and I posted something mildly off-topic once. Genesis continuously posted one-liners that said nothing more then "you're wrong and I'm right so there" without even stating why, there's quite a difference. What's more, I didn't actually warn him, and probably wouldn't have because really while he could have been considered postwhoring, he was mostly just being childish.

And speaking of...

Whatever, believe what you want. It's a real thing, just because you can't find anything about it doesn't make it false. Learn to do more than type something into a search engine, kthxbye

Then prove it. We've not found any records of it, but apparently you've found it somewhere. If you have prove, then cite your sources.

Edited by The Jolly Beard of Norro
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Oh, I know you didn't warn him. And you know I have no problem with jovial posts in an off-topic manner, just thought I'd say it before someone else who'd kick up a fuss (as Genesis could have himself I suppose).

And no, the rage virus isn't real. Rage is, but that's different.

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Well, they'd have gotten the same response really. Genesis' posts were "you're wrong I'm right" like I said-- something that could easily get him warned in the Ring, for example-- whereas Kaney and I only briefly made a quick off-topic post.

But I get where you're coming from there, so thanks (Y)

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Yeah, you basically told me that I don't know what the hell I'm talking about. When you've studied different things like this, you let me know, k chief? As others have said, Rage is real. I have already stated that I shouldn't have called it a "virus" because it's more of a disease. Perhaps you should get over your "I'm right, you're wrong" crap instead of instigating it more just because you have "Mod Powers"? kthxbye

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Rage isn't a virus. It's not a disease. It's not an ailment. It's a symptom. An emotion. The French word for Rabies.

It's a 'real thing' but not in the way the movie portrays it - nor is it something you can 'catch' as a singular thing. It's a symptom or a side effect, nothing more.

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