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Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix

Guest clintcasey

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Guest clintcasey

I got to say its awesome. Of course, I've never read the book so I have nothing to directly compare it too.

Anyhow I will say expect great quality from this film. If anyone has questions about the movie that they'd feel like PMing me and

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Hmm, still gotta read that, only read 1-4. Let's see, I'll finish my current novel today. I can start reading it Wednesday. I'm seeing the movie Friday or Saturday. Damn, I could never read that in 2-3 days. I'm slow, I usually only read 50-150 pages a day. Guess I'll have to watch it then read it, like I did with Goblet of Fire. Aw well.

And I am looking forward to the movie a lot. For 1-3, I actually preferred the movies, and only felt that GoF had the better book. I still enjoyed the movie though.

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well, it´s the biggest book, i bet 1/4 of it tops made it to the movie :-/

2 More weeks untill the final book, you still can learn to read young padawan

GoF, are you serius? The ending was scarry and awesome in the book, the movie had a bunch of ideos dressing dark and being booring :-/

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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I really loved this film, and to me it stands right beside Prisoner of Azkaban in the film series as the best, with Goblet of Fire comin close in second, but way above the first two films. Onto my nfavourite things about the film! Watch out for spoilers.


The Weasley twins were great. Popping in and out, peddling their awesome merchandise, and with their betting in the DA. Their exit was well done. If Peeves had been included in any previous movies, I'd miss the part about giving her hell. But, they had Flitwick, which more than made up for it.

Umbitch's interrogations of teachers was handled great, especially Snape's. The way he said "Obviously" was beautiful, and the resultant book to the back of Ron's head was perfect. I half want to see Snape throw a book at Ron on the way downstairs after killing Dumbledore, just for the hell of it. Umbridge and Luna were both pitch perfect. Occlumency was also done well. They handled Snape's memories great, and I really, really pity him there.

As for Grawp was beautifully rendered, and delightful. I didn't expect the direction they took with him, but it works. And Hermione reprimanding him was great. I only wish we had a "HERMY! WHERE HAGGER?" in there somewhere. There's so much I simply can't comment on due to overwhelming awesome, so I'll move to the end. Now bring me The Deathly Horrors and my year is complete!!

The Ministry big battle was awesome. Kinda wish it was a little longer, to have allowed for more of the Dept. of Mysteries to be used, but oh well. Sirius calling HArry "James" in the middle of battle was great, and made his death all the more emotional. When I read the book, his death got the reaction of "meh." When I saw the movie, I felt "That really sucks for Harry. Bummer." Voldemort v. Dumbledore was awesome. Great stuff, and Voldemorts final lines before disapparating were particularly chilling, so awesome. So, in summary, Awesome all around, Helena Carter and Natalia Tena are stone cold foxes.

Edited by Laice07
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Well, this movie was a tremendous waste of time.

I don't know, maybe it was the fact that after Spiderman, Pirates, and everything else, we go back to a bunch of kids who even though they've made strides as far as acting goes, are still nauseating to watch at certain points. The saving grace was definitely Luna, who was portrayed brilliantly, I thought. Dan Radcliffe was meh. Emma Watson still can't deliver a line without me laughing.

The adults are still awesome, but the lack of screen time was disappointing. Umbridge was fantastic in every way, and the bit of Helena Carter we saw as Lestrange were great. Argus Filch hanging up decrees took up more screen time than Snape and McGonnagal combined. And I have to say, except for the last duel between Dumbledore and Voldemort, most of the battle scenes were a letdown.

They really need to edit these movies a bit better. I know a lot gets left out every movie, but this one just seemed even stranger than the others. As far as ranking it, I'd put it behind 3 and 4, but ahead of 1 and 2.....only so slightly though.

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I was thinking the same thing. I went and saw it last night and Tonks and Luna were hot.

My favorite part of the move is when Fudge finally sees Voldermort after all this time saying "He's not back" and then he has this suprised look on his face and says "He's Back"

Me and another guy, in a full theater, he was sitting up top I was sitting on the bottom, we both said "No Shit, Sherlock" at the same time. Had the whole theater roaring.

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Well, I decided today I won't be watching the movie in theater. I just started the book, and I want to finish it before I watch the movie. For Goblet of Fire, I watched the movie first, and it ruined the book-reading experience.

And no, I can't read Order of Phoenix fast enough to still catch it in theater. I can't read Harry Potter books fast, I don't care to much for them, and I'm not that fond of J.K Rowling's writing. I'm just reading it to get the series over with. Can't stop reading at part 4, might as well go to the end.

And since I found out that Order of Phoenix doesn't even hit 2hours 20minutes, I'm not that anxious to see it. I can wait a few months for a DVD release.

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I'm with thug on this one. It's probably just me, but it seems like they really went overboard with the magic in this one as well. The pacing seem kinda weird, almost like they cut out scenes from the book at random and stuck it together without any kind of flow between them.

But enough of that. Get me on the Luna bandwaggon. <3

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