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Real Lives

Fanku Kaibutsu

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My second game, I made 40 billion dollars and had ten kids.

I was born a boy in a village in Pakistan's Punjab Province. My parents have named me Ayub. I graduate from secondary school at 18, but still live a shit life. Fail to go to college.

Then move to Batman, Turkey after turning 29. Marry and start having kids, lots of them. Make a lot of money and move to Norway at 43. The first year in Norway the game flips out and pays one of my older sons their wage from their old job in Norwegian kronor instead of Turkish liras. My household ends up with billions of dollars worth of extra money. I pretend it's a bank error, deposit it and start living the fat life. I go to college and graduate with a degree in pre-law. Get some good jobs, but obviously it don't really matter how much I earn at this point anymore. I make a 30+ billion dollar fortune with investments and interests only.

I end up living all around the world (Andorra, three places in the US, birth home Pakistan, Canada) until I die from a stroke in New Zealand at the age of 71. I leave a 39.577.000.000 Canadian dollar fortune for my ten kids and all my numerous grandchildren.

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I once had twelve kids, but then I'm a stud. I left that wife and had another four with a second, before leaving her, emigrating to the other side of the world, and enjoying retirement (H)

The guy just before that one with the tons of kids I wound up having a dozen kids because the husband keep filling me full of semen every year for 12 years freakin' straight. We got married at 21 and didn't stop having kids until 33.

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Don't you hate it when you have those shit games where you die AT BIRTH or before even turning 5? I've had a few now, been asphyxiated at birth and earlier I was playing as a Phillipino and died at 1 due to leukemia. Urgh.

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Yeah, I have. I've been affected by fires and floods off the top of my head, it tells you that you were a victim and you lost [amount] in [currency] as a result. At least, it did for me.

Edited by Simply Cloudy
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Hm. Guess I've just been extremely lucky. Except when it comes to robberies. I've been robbed a number of times.

I had one game where I started off in Little Rock, Arkansas and both parents were 37 and jobless. They remained jobless throughout the remainder of the game, but around the time I turned 12 I started stealing to provide for the family and as soon as I graduated I got the fuck outta there and got a proper job and settled down with a wife, then I'll be damned if she doesn't go to college and get a degree in Mathematics then proceed to not find a job for the duration of the game. But the kicker is that I was robbed numerous times after I turned 45.

It's karma, I say.

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