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Venom spin-off confirmed


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Man, Marvel have a buttload of movies coming out in the next few years, huh? More Hulk, Venom, Iron Man, apparently they're doing Captain America and then an Avengers movie if that all goes off well... plus MORE Spidey, despite SM3 killing the franchise? I severely doubt that all of those films are going to be good. Hell, Iron Man might be the only one that comes off well, and that's only because they have a solid director and a good leading man.

People have been crowing about DC getting owned in the movie department by Marvel, but really they're just a lot more careful with their licenses, especially after the Joel Schumacher fiasco. Plus, DC's been kicking Marvel's tail when it comes to the actual comics for... ooh, 70+ years, now?

That said, I'm still holding out for a Nightwing movie, good or bad.

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Plus, DC's been kicking Marvel's tail when it comes to the actual comics for... ooh, 70+ years, now?

Totally subjective. I can't get into DC at all myself, and they've got arguably just as many problems as Marvel does.

I don't think you can actively pass judgement on the rest of those movies with as little as we know about them right now, either. For all we know, Captain America may be helmed by someone faithful to the comics, just the same as Venom or any of the others could be. Aside from Iron Man, the only one right now we know any casting or anything about is Incredible Hulk.

Edited by Clearly Cloudy
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I find Marvel infinitely more readable and easier to follow than anything thrown out there by DC. Nothing against their main universe, but I just don't get a lot of it. Its too often reliant on old crossovers and such. Batman has the best appeal and does the best namely due to his own comics being within their own little world. The DC "macroverse" is a confusing mess that they feel they have to fix every few years.

Also, Marvel sells more than DC. So that has to make up for something. And arguably, most if not all of their movies have been good if not great. Sure, with personal opinions tossed in you have any number of viewpoints. But they've made a shitload of money and have generally been praised by critics (maybe not hailed as godsends, but generally accepted for what they are). And the general movie going public seems to love most of them (ignore comic nerds cries for "that sucks" and look at the money they take in). DC has what? An ancient Batman movie based off of the campy 60s show. Two good Superman movies with two movies so horrid they are almost literally shit. A decent Batman movie with two passable sequels (Forever is questionable though) and a wretched vile piece of shit tossed in. Then you have Catwoman... Forgetting that even exists you have Superman Returns which is reviled almost everywhere you look... And of course Batman Begins, the holy grail of DC movies. Compared to the plethora of decent if not great Marvel movies, I think Marvel's doing fine for itself.

Of course, if you add on the DCAU, well then it evens out quite a bit.

However if you include DC's Vertigo line in the comparison of companies, DC makes Marvel their bitch as far as my enjoyment goes.

So in general, Marvel Comics > DC Comics, Marvel Movies > DC Movies and DC Cartoons > Marvel Drek. But, Vertigo > Marvel.

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Obviously it's a preference thing. Marvel is certainly more 'pick up and read'-able than much DC stuff, but I kinda like that about DC, it feels like it means something to be a long-standing fan. Like, with the twists in The 52, some of them dated back ages, and they were explained, sure, but being a long-standing fan meant you could go "hey, yeah!" and stuff.

The Batman/Detective Comics/Nightwing/Birds of Prey stuff is all fairly easy to follow, like you said, although even that is easier to make sense of when they put it into graphic novel/compendium format, but then again Batman has been consistently the best thing running from either company for at least 10 years now, pretty much since The Killing Joke onwards. Superman has some great stuff running, and Green Lantern is all kinds of amazing. Wonder Woman's rubbish, but meh.

Sometimes Marvel feels a little too accessible to me, as if they're not really pushing themselves enough in order to retain casual fans. Fantastic Four has been meh for years, Spiderman's not been great in ages, and the X-Men is now so diluted and confusing it's beyond parody. I like Marvel, they have some good stuff running with Iron Man, Astonishing X-Men and the odd New Avengers arc, but generally I'm a bit blah on the whole thing.

Plus, continuity cock-ups and massive, scrambling attempts to make it easier are the lifeblood of comics and have been for donkey's years.

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DC has me slowly getting in, Marvel is amazingly easy to access and get into, DC is disturbingly hard to access, I'm 10 issues into JSA and I'm still not completely sure on who is who half the time, DC does seem to keep the adrenaline running better than Marvel once you hit the right book, but they're VERY hit and miss.

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