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Aliens Vs Predator


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You're thinking of Candyman... which was... uh, interesting.

I wouldn't rank Chucky up there as a top horror movie killer... I just can't take him seriously... from film one to Seed of Chucky, the best things he's done incite laughter. There's nothing wrong with that, because I love the ridiculousness of it all... but at the same time, he's nowhere near Jason, Freddy, Myers, etc.

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I love Alien massively. Really enjoy Aliens (except Newt and a few bravado bits although the facehugger scene in it is excellence). Even Alien 3 shows some of Fincher's genius-to-come (even if the studio practically strangled everything out of him, afterall he WANTED to set it on a giant space monastery!). Anything to do with Aliens jumped the shark at some stage during Resurrection, which, while kinda cool in parts (Ripley's character was good) , had the ugliest CG Alien and the stupid evolution at the end.

Predator died with Glover.

Putting them together was practically blasphemy in my narrow-minded eyes.

For me Alien was all about the horror of a single unkillable creature against a crew who had never seen it's like before. It was about over an hour of setting the scene before any action.

It was about birthing a genre.

It was even about Weaver's tightie whitie underwear and the fact she used to have a very good body. :shifty:

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  • 3 months later...

It is looking so ridiculously good right now.

Between the first 5 minutes (which is actually more like 10 condensed into 5, from what I hear), and the Red Band trailer they released a couple months ago, I am so excited for this franchise. The Brothers Strauss seem to have taken what was almost completely destroyed with the surprisingly enjoyable (but very very horrible) AVP, and hopefully rekindled what made the two series' great.

If this one does well, they're supposed to be getting the green light to do a 3rd movie. This time, back in space.

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After watching the first five minutes, I very well may wind up going to the theatre on Christmas.

That looked great. Heck...

...a kid getting a facehugger already tells me they likely won't pull their punches. The Predalian looks fucking great, albeit I'm confused as to if that is specifically the ship from the previous movie as it seems that way. Although that ship is quite small and the one at the end of AVP was fucking monstrous. Liked the little peek at what a Predator world may look like. And I'm already rooting for him to kick the shit out of some aliens.

I'm curious, if these movies continue and such, if they'll dovetail into the original Alien.

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I thought we'd already had this conversation elsewhere, about the Candyman bees, and I went looking for it only to find it was in this exact fucking thread.

That was weird.

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