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Top 100 Video Games of All Time

Guest Kou

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Now Matzat suggested a Top 100 SNES games in whatever thread I was just reading around here, and I thought. "Well fuck, I have copious amounts of knowledge for video games and could put together a sexy list based on EWB votes for whatever version of Halo they like best", and that's how this topic was born. A few minutes in paint later and I even "whipped up" a graphic for this fine list.


Where-as Norris used a PM based 100 points system and kept it open for a week. I shall use a more less homo 1 to 10 system, where your number one vote will net that game 10 points and so on in that fashion. Also I would like a deeper penetration then Norris and his quickie of a one week voting I'll be holding the voting period open for three weeks. Or until the PM start to dry. Tiebreakers will be decided by the number of 1st, 2nd etc votes a game receives. Unless you can think of something different. :P

Please specify which system the game is for when you send in your lists, due to some games in gaming's history sharing the same name. (Shadowrun for the SNES, Genesis, Sega CD and 360 rings a bell, each game being radically different to the others) Hell, if I've played the game (And I'll be surprised if I dip below 90 out of 100 of the games on the list) I'll toss in a short review plus whatever lore I can come up with for it.

Anywoo, this is becoming contrived and whatnot. I'm pretty sure Benji ran one of these long ago but really I'm not Benji and I couldn't find that topic anyways.

SO VOTE FUCKERS. Voting ends September 27th, 12:00AM EST.

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... how did you design such an AMAZINGHOLYFUCKSHITSPECTACULAR banner for this?! I AM SO JEALOUS.

P.S.: You'll get my votes today >_>

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