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The Jeffster Memorial Chuck Thread

Guest Ringmaster

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So Chuck's back! And I thought the season premiere was fairly promising. Nothing amazing and I feel like they should have swapped Craig Kilborn and Mark Hamill in terms of who had more screen time, but it was a solid episode and the new dynamic with Chuck having to find his feet as a spy without the intersect after being able to coast on it for the last two seasons was neat.

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I hate Sarah's new hair. hate hate hate.

Decent episode though! Nice to have Chuck, definitely needs to be the last season though, feels like any more would be too much.

Also, what the fuck? Mark Hamill was only in it for like twenty seconds. :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, if the previews are any indicator, it looks like the rest of the season we won't see an Intersect and the plot will be Carmichael Industries vs. Decker. Not sure how I feel about that.

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I'm actually cool with the Intersect being taken out of play entirely. I thought they were going to run with the Morgan thing (including him taking a turn for the douche) longer than they did, but whatever.

And Decker's not the only villain in play. It seemed to be hinted pretty strongly that he wasn't the one who sent the glasses with the modified version of the Intersect (and if he had, why would he be gunning for Morgan now?).

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  • 4 weeks later...

I still need to watch that one. Started it a few days ago while I was laying down and accidentally fell asleep like, 15 minutes in. :(

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Watched the newest episode and vs. the Hack-Off. I knew Danny Pudi was slated to guest in Hack-Off, but I totally did not see that other cameo coming. Fucking awesome.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Chuck vs. The Kept Man:

Only putting this in spoilers because I think GoGo still hasn't seen it, but man, I loooove the whole subplot with Jeff being smart enough to figure out that Casey and Sarah are spies, and then Chuck's plan backfiring and Jeffster finding out about CASTLE.

Chuck vs. Bo:

.. in the car crash, are Jeff and Lester dressed like Raoul and Dr. Gonzo? That's awesome.


"Things NEVER turn out well when you say 'one last mission'!"

"Is this because of some stupid movie?"


"Yeah, you NEVER say 'one last mission'."

Man, I'm glad Chuck's going out with a good season.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am too. I would love to just disown season four and act like this is the real fourth season.

Alan Sepinwall is doing a retrospective with the creators of Chuck about the series as a whole. Here's the season one post. Most notable to me is the news that they originally meant for Awesome to turn out to be a villain but scrapped it because holy fuck, why would you do that, Ryan McPartlin is wonderful.

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My friday nights are going to be really weird with just Fringe.

Relatedly, I'm going to have to hope NBC streams the finale because my brother canceled both recordings so he could watch Harry Potter. :/

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Very good ending that was very sad, and yet I'm disappointed Sarah didn't get her memory back fully (although it's strongly implied she did/will eventually. The last Jeffster performance was 2nd only to Mr. Roboto and I love the endings for all the other characters

No doubt that Chuck ending makes this a sad day :(

Edited by Mofoticon
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Fuck, I'm going to miss this show.

I don't think there's a more accurate way to describe my feelings about it ending without getting into a long, drawn out emotional rant about how it's going to suck not watching those characters again.

I will say that while I would've preferred a much happier ending to the Chuck and Sarah relationship (that they seemed to be building towards all season) the role reversal on the beach compared to the Pilot was really well done.

Oh and while I would agree that Season 4 was really uneven and likely the weakest of the seasons, disregarding it entirely would mean disregarding Timothy Dalton and I can't say enough how awesome he was.

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