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PES 2008


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Out today. I've bought it, and want to play it, but the dud names and badges are annoying. Wasn't banking on there being transfer issues.

That said, if anyone finds an option file with all the updated kits/real player names, would you be kind enough to post it in here? Cheers

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Got the game today through ordering it off the net. I heard in review's that opposition player's don't dive, well in my second match im Arsenal vs Arsenal, (i'd edited both kit's and wanted to try them out and they don't look too shabby) Fabregas bursts through on goal for the COM side and he fall's over in my penalty area (cheeky git). It was cleverly done, my player Gallas was side by side with Fabregas and he tumbles over. No pen also, he was booked.

Look's like a good game but i'll reserve judgement until i've played the game.

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I wasn't gonna say it, because I thought it was just my eyes...but on the PS3 version, it's shaky as fuck. Apparently, there's some big problems with the game on PS3 and 360 ...not sure about current gen.

From what I understand there is a patch comign out eventually to fix most problems.

To be placed on the PS3 too? There fucking better be. No way I can take the game back now...I've taken it out of the polythene wrapper. Tesco are funny fuckers when it comes to taking games back.

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I'm just gutted I missed out on the 29.99 360 pre-order at Shop To and i'm not happy spending £40 on games ATM so i'm waiting a little while. I am going to get it though, I was skeptical before because the game isn't evolving as much nowadays but there aren't many games that I could be playing as much in 6/9/12 months as I do on the first day I get them. Pro Evo is one of those.

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Gamestation are doing a deal with Pro Evo on their online store, when you buy it with any other game you get £20 off.

What they didn't bank on is me buying Stranglehold (another game with the same offer) so essentially getting Pro Evo for £20

Get it while you still can, or just buy Pro Evo with a cheap 360 game, £30 is the cheapest bundle price

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I've actually being tempted to buy Stranglehold but it's sold out on their site now. I have been thinking of getting Guitar Hero II to build up to III/for a 2nd guitar for III multiplayer but that's out of stock too. Wonder if it's happening in store...Hammy? :shifty:

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Well been playing on the PS3. I'm enjoying it, not having a problem with shakiness (except during some pre-match scenes) and to me it's a definite improvement over '06.

It's really noticeable that the computer learns how you play as the game goes on and changes tactics.

The defence is harder to break down.

It's a little easier to place shots and to score with a well timed shot.

Crosses for headers are slicker.

Dives are a cool addition - I've had the computer dive against me a few times, sometimes getting booked, sometimes getting the free kick - very very annoying but in a cool way - like real life really. I've not been able to get a freekick from a dive but my mate has against me.

I was losing 1-0 with six minutes to go and the computer ran the ball into the corner and tried to hold off my defenders.

The face scan editor is coolios.

Tottenham are one of the licenced teams! Huzzah!

International kits are proper, including the Dutch.

The opponenets make mistakes with long crossfield balls, there's charged down blocks, players getting pulled back, fighting for balls.

The X block tackle is a little more effective but harder to perfect which makes a good zonal defending more important.

The master league is a lot better with the fan's feelings towards you changing, their love of players changing as they perform or not, and the ability to buy better players depending on how well regarded you are.

Sure the graphics aren't as slick as FIFA (as usual) but player likenesses are generally cool with some good celebrations, nice touches (crowd closeups of ugly people!) and wonderfully AWFUL music (just like proper Pro Evo)

The most important thing is that again it feels like proper football - the ball can ping around crazily and frantically before being brought under control and played around sweetly and smoothly. What annoyed me about this year's FIFA is that before you can cross or pass or shoot a ball it feels like you have to wait for the animation to "complete" whereas in Pro you can hit balls and passes even when you're not in the perfect position - hitting a cross before you shape for it ends up lofting it into the keeper's arms...Shots dribble weakly etc. Very nice.

Overall, this is shaping up to be my favourite Pro Evo so far but I'll be trying to prove myself wrong :P

Edited by ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster
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My flatmate bought it yesterday and while he's at work this evening I'll be having a right good game of it with Rangers in a Master League. We played a game against each other yesterday and it seemed ok - was a bit disappointed with the same old/same old thing that seems to be happening.

As for the shaky PS3/360 thing. Games companies shouldn't be allowed to release these games with so many bugs or things wrong with them. Especially not with the bloody money they cost. Not really good enough is it.

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My flatmate bought it yesterday and while he's at work this evening I'll be having a right good game of it with Rangers in a Master League. We played a game against each other yesterday and it seemed ok - was a bit disappointed with the same old/same old thing that seems to be happening.

As for the shaky PS3/360 thing. Games companies shouldn't be allowed to release these games with so many bugs or things wrong with them. Especially not with the bloody money they cost. Not really good enough is it.

It is, indeed...a fucking joke. :thumbsdown:

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I'd make a long post about how I love all the little subtleties about this game making it the best one ever but Hamster already beat me to it. So, I'll say that playing 4-3-3 with Newcastle and breaking on the counter through Martins, Owen and Duff = a goal 80% of the time. Plus Butt is an awesome DM and Solano, Emre and Carr are hilariously overrated.

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I'd make a long post about how I love all the little subtleties about this game making it the best one ever but Hamster already beat me to it. So, I'll say that playing 4-3-3 with Newcastle and breaking on the counter through Martins, Owen and Duff = a goal 80% of the time. Plus Butt is an awesome DM and Solano, Emre and Carr are hilariously overrated.

Sounds good, i'm planning to be Newcastle on Master League when I get it, mainly because of the mini Leeds clique they have going. I'm planning on snatching Ian Harte from Sunderland, if he's on there. Transfers are probably too out of date for him to be there.

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i got this game today for ps2 and i think the loading is gay on it, i were up to mission 13 in world tour and it stopped working when the squad comes up on the pitch before you kick off which obv put me off this, never had any trouble with the PES before this so im kinda bummed about forking out for it atm

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